Daddy (Louis) [Part 3]

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"Hey baby girl, what are you doing right now?" "Watching Perks Of Being A Wallflower." "I'm going to come over after. There's someone I want you to meet someone." I shot up, my heart was racing. Meet someone? Meet who? He's never had me meet anyone before. "Oh, okay Daddy." "See you soon." I sat impatiently on the couch for a good 10 minutes feeling like I was going to vomit. Who was I meeting? Why was I meeting anyone? I decided a nap would be good considering I was exhausted and had no idea what to expect.


I felt a strange amount of weight on top of me. I was squirming trying to roll over on my side but I couldn't move. "Hi baby girl." A familiar voice cooed in my ear kissing my neck softly. "Mmm." I mumbled wanting to be left alone. My eyes fluttered opened meeting Daddy's strange warm blue eyes. "Da-" "Louis, call me Louis." Louis? Daddy never had me call him that. "Louis, what are you doing?" "I missed you." "Missed me or sex?" I smiled pushing him off me and rolling over on my stomach. The blanket was pulled down from my face and Louis was laying down next to me. Instead of saying anything, he climbed under the blankets pulling me close so my bum was against him. He wasn't hard either... His right arm scooted underneath me and his left held my waist. I turned around facing him, "What's wrong?" "What do you mean Princess?" I sat up, "I thought I was meeting someone?" "You are." I stared at him confused. "Hi. I'm Louis Tomlinson." My face felt hot and I felt completely oblivious to what was going on. I decided to go with it. "Hi Louis, I'm Y/N." He smiled kissing my forehead then I watched him cover us up in the blanket disappearing underneath it. Louis' cold fingers hooked into the waistband of my panties kissing my hips. He was gentle placing soft kisses on my thighs then up to my belly button. My heart was racing, this was all so strange. Daddy was never gentle, he was always rough. I wasn't having Daddy though, I was getting Louis. His hands felt around my body then found there way to my back unclasping my bra. He took it off and peeked his head out from the blanket slowly staring into my Y/E/C eyes. "You're perfect." "L-Louis." I stuttered confused. "What is it Love?" "N-Never mind." He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and his lips softly pressed against mine. The kiss was passionate and held some sort of feeling I couldn't describe. It felt like an electric shock was running through my body. My heart was pounding out of my chest, Louis was handling me so carefully as if I actually meant something to him. I pulled away full of bliss and completely confused. "What?" "N-nothing. That was just, it was nice." Louis smiled kissing me again then moving down to my neck. My arms were rested on his shoulders, he was laying between my legs caressing my back, it seemed too perfect. "What are you thinking about right now?" I asked him breathing hard. Louis sat up slowly with his hands by my head looking me in the eyes. "I'm thinking about you." I scoffed shaking my head. He lifted my chin with his thumb, "Seriously. I've been thinking a lot lately and I've always wanted to try something." "What's that?" I asked. He leaned close to me so his lips were just inches away from mine, "You'll see." I closed my eyes letting Louis' warm lips trail slowly down my body sending a shiver down my spine. My panties were slid off and he kissed my thighs. "You okay Love?" "Y-yeah I'm fine why?" "Your legs are a bit shaky. What's wrong?" Louis asked with a worried look on his face. "Nothing. I'm just confused. Don't worry about it." "You won't be soon Princess, I promise." My cheeks flushed red watching him kiss his way slowly up to my collar bone. I reached my arms down to his boxers tugging them down as far as I could. Louis kicked them off the rest of the way and smiled down at me. "I'm gunna treat you how you should be treated all the time." I smiled wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. The familiar pain I usually felt wasn't there. All I could feel was pure crazed pleasure. His body moved slow against mine exploring my body with his hands. "D-Da- Louis!" I groaned arching my back. "That's right Love, you're getting Louis right now." His lips attached to my neck then moved to my chest making a few dark bruises. My legs were wrapped around him as his thrusts got faster. I played with his hair moaning feeling him smiling against me. "I should've done this earlier." Louis mumbled. "Done what?" I gasped tossing my head back on the pillow. "I should've handled you like this and touched you how I am right now. Tenderly and fragilely. I never noticed how beautiful all your features were." I bit my lip trying not to smile. "Starting with your Y/H/C hair that always smells so good." I shivered. "And your adorable ears." He chuckled tugging on my ear lobe with his teeth. "Mmm." "And your tender kissable neck. Perfect sized breasts." "Sh.t." I groaned feeling his big hands gently massage both of them. "And of course this delicious p.ssy of yours that I just love to destroy." Louis smirked pushing himself farther into me reaching my sensitive spot. "And you're so fragile I f.cking love it. You get my heart racing when I look at you or think about you and my palms start to sweat-" He grunted grabbing onto the sheets beneath me. I've never seen him like this before but it was amazing. "You run through my mind all the time and it doesn't just make me horny- sh.t. It makes me want you. To see you and to touch and hold you." "Mmm Louis!" My core was drenched and my abdomen tightened. "It's okay Love." My sensitivity got the best of me releasing my first orgasm. "Princess you feel so good. I don't think you've ever made me this close so fast before." Louis grunted grinding his hips into mine. His face was sweaty and his hair was a mess. He grabbed my right hand in his setting them on the bed. I pulled on the sheets between our fingers and grabbed his hair with my left hand latching my lips to his neck nipping at the skin earning a few moans and grunts of my name. My actual name. Louis' speed accelerated, my second orgasm was pulsing around him. My back arched with my eyes shut tight washing over with a feeling so indescribable I can't even think of words for it. "Mm you're so beautiful it hurts." Louis' head was on my chest and his breathing was hard. " Louis!" I gritted through my teeth trying not to yelp. My orgasm finally came making my body weak. To my surprise Louis came right after I did. I swear I heard him mumbled something. It sounded like an 'I love you.' But, I could be wrong. He didn't love me. Did he? He stayed on me for a second hugging me before he sat up next to me. I covered myself up and laid down. Louis smiled and I opened the blanket for him. He climbed in next to me and I rested my head on his chest with his arms wrapped securely around me. "What was it that I deserved to feel?" I asked looking up at him. Louis looked down, "Loved. You deserve to feel loved and I wanted to show you that." "So that means y-" He looked me in the eyes, I love you." My chest tightened finally hearing those words from his mouth. They weren't imagined he actually said the words 'I love you.' Finally. "I love you too." He smiled running a hand through his sweaty hair, "I know I haven't always treated you the best and there's no excuse for it. I used to use girls, that was my thing but then I met you. It started off with just wanting sex but then I wanted you and then I wanted to make love to you." I blushed looking away, "Is that what you wanted to try new? Making?" Louis nodded, "I've never done it before. I'm new at all of this but I want all of you for myself. I'll take you on a proper date and show you to the world I'll do all the stuff a good boyfriend would do. I'll at least try and- Too much?" I giggled shaking my head, "No no go on!" "I just want to love you. Can I do that?" "Hmm, under one condition." "What's that Princess?" "I still get to have Daddy. Louis sex is great but Daddy makes me feel dirty and naughty." "Course Baby Girl, I'll always be your Daddy."


DADDY LOUIS IS DONE WOOP WOOP. I CAN IMAGINE ALL THIS THO LIKE DADDY MAKES ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY FUUUUCK. How was it?¿ Not as good as I'd like it to be but eh.. I love Perks Of Being A Wallflower so I had to include it! I have to come up with a few more ideas for more imagines but Harry'll be next since there's none of him yet. Hope you liked this one!c:


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