Chapter Four Artwork

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The school bell rings. It's only been about a day. And now here I am, back in school. I guess it's not all bad. I did find what the dude's name was. Jacob, Arthur, Morgan. He's seventeen. He goes to some high school called Bunker Hill, High. I did write all this down in the notepad. His name and age were written on a clipboard that was on the teacher's desk. I also found out that I was some ways away from home. I was in Boston. I don't even know how that's even possible. But I can't let that distract me. For now, I need to focus. "Jacob," The teacher said. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask." "Yes, thank you, Mrs. Layla," Said Jacob. Everyone seems to be treating Jacob nicely. I can safely say that it wasn't long ago, that someone from his family has passed. But I didn't find out who just yet. I'm just following him around. Staying with him through classes. And trying to pick up the pieces of the puzzle by listening to his conversations. "Everyone, please get out your books and turn to page three fifteen." Man. I'm glad I'm not doing any of this work. Jacob opens his book. But takes a pencil and starts to write inside it. I walked up behind his seat and had a look. He had a notebook over the school book. And he was sketching on it. He was completely ignoring the teacher. But who am I to speak? I do the same thing. I took another look at his sketching. And it was actually pretty good. He was drawing a wolf on an icy mountain. How can someone be so good at drawing, using nothing but a pencil? But I guess it's worth writing down. I grabbed the notepad from my pocket and wrote.

(The kid is good at drawing.)

Some time has passed, and I was following Jacob Through the hallway. We just ended class, and I was following Jacob in the school's hallway. Jacob was walking pretty fast, It was hard to catch up to him. "Hey, Jacob. Wait up" This voice was coming from behind. I stop to turn around to see who it was, so did Jacob. It was some girl. I Didn't know her. Finally, she caught up to us. "Hey, Jacob. You alright?" "Yes, but. I think I'm just going to go home." "What? Why so? School isn't over yet." "I don't know Mika. I thought I could do this. But I can't do this, not today at least." "Hey come on. Stay. Don't leave just yet." "I don't know. I'm just going to head home. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow." Jacob turns back around and headed for the exit. The girl ran in front of Jacob, blocking his way. "Wait, hold on just a second," Mika said. Can I come by later at least?" "What for?" "I want to check up on you." "I'm fine, you don't have to check up on me." "Yes, I do. I'm coming over when school ends okay?" Jacob then took a breath in and out. "Alright, fine. Just don't worry about me so much okay?" "Well, It's hard not to,''''" Mika said. "Listen, Mika." Mika cuts Jacob off by hugging him. "I'm really sorry what happen to your little sister. You don't have to hide it. I'm with you. Until the end, You know that right? Mika had her arms wrapped around Jacob. But Jacob just kinda left his arms hanging. I wonder what he could be going through. Once again I open my notepad and wrote.

(The family member who died, is Jacob's little sister.)

"It's okay Mika. You don't have to make a scene." Mika lets go of Jacob. And started to rub her eyes. "I'll be fine, so stop worrying about me so much." Said Jacob. "I'll try not to."

"I'll see you after school. Okay?" Just as Jacob was passing Mika, he patted her on the head. Mika Just kinda stood there. And she was still rubbing her eyes. I decided to write her in the notepad.

(Mika. A friend of Jacob. Possible girlfriend?)

They definitely seem to be pretty close.

I took a look for Jacob, and he was already out of sight. "Crap," I said to myself. I ran towards the exit, where Jacob must have gone. When I got to the school doors, I grab the handle on the door and gave it a push. It didn't even budge. I tried again, but I gave it a pull this time. Nothing. I tried the other doors as well, and they were all the same. What? I thought to myself. He definitely went this way. Why is the door not opening? Then I remembered. The convenience store, Jacob's bedroom. Those doors were locked for me as well. Can I not open doors? Is every door just locked for me? I looked through my notepad once again to see if I miss anything. I read the first page again. But it didn't say anything about doors. I checked the back of it and there was nothing. I flipped through every page, there was nothing there that I didn't already know. So, like, what? I have to wait here till someone comes in or out? I ran quickly to one of the open door's that lead to a classroom. This door is already open. So there should be no reason why I can't move it. I slowly put my hand on the door. I took a deep breath before trying to close it. But it was no use. The door wouldn't budge. How? I thought. This door is already open. Why is it feeling like it's unmovable? I ran to check another open door. It was no use. I checked another. And another. I checked the bathrooms, classrooms, offices, exits. Nothing would open. If it was a door, either opened or closed. It wouldn't move. So, there was only one thing that I could do at this point. Stand near the exit and wait for someone to come in or out. I just hope I remember how to get back to Jacob's house.

Some time had passed. And finally. Someone In the school decided to take a step outside. The kid opened the door, and I slipped right past him, exiting the school. I wasn't going to miss my only shot. Once I exited the building, I ran towards Jacob's house. Jacob walked to school, so his house wasn't too far away. The only thing that I was worried about, was Jacob's house. I hope I can remember where it was. Or what his house looked like. I should have written down the address when I had the chance. As I was running, I then remember that I can't open doors. How am I going to get in? But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. When I got to Jacob's house, I was out of breath from all the running. This is it. I thought to myself. Yes, I'm more than sure that this was his house. One story house with the two windows on the sides of the front door. I walked to the front door finally catching my breath. Could this finally be the door that I can open? I gave the doorknob a twist. Nope, still nothing. Maybe I can try the doorbell? I press my thumb against the button. And it felt like the button was stuck. I pressed it harder, still nothing. Man. I thought to myself. Can I not do anything? Or maybe the doorbell was broken? I tried knocking on the door. I gave it a moment, waiting for someone to answer. No one came. I tried knocking again. And still, no one came. I even knocked a bit harder and longer this time. But no matter how much I was knocking no one was answering. Their car was in the driveway. Someone had to be home. I guess no one can hear me. Rather, it is me talking or making noises.

That must be the case. I took a deep breath in and out. Okay, I thought. I can't just sit here and wait for someone to come out. It was such a pain waiting around last time. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes doing so. I need to do something. I thought. I can't just be the useless person I am. I need to do something. I opened my eyes, I took my thumb on the button once more. And I gave it a push. And at last, the doorbell rang. -Dingdong- I was relieved to hear those musical notes. Hearing those notes meant that I wasn't completely invisible. I do still exist. I then hear the locks on the door twisting. Someone was obviously about to open the door. And then the door open. "Hello?" It was a woman. It Must have been Jacob's mom. I didn't see her when Jacob and I left the house to walk to school. But there was no time to think. I slipped right past her while she was standing there confused about the doorbell. I ran to Jacob's room and of course, the door was closed. Another closed door to deal with. I tried to twist the doorknob, but it was no use. It wouldn't even budge. Maybe since I got the doorbell to work. I can try knocking. I knock on the door, and I was knocking pretty hard. But there was no response. I then heard Jacob's voice from the other side. He was definitely in there. But It wasn't just his voice that was in there. I also hear someone else's. It sounded like a girl. Could it be Mika's voice? I put my ear on the door to try to figure out what they were talking about. It was hard to make out what they were saying. But I did understand some of it. "I don't think I'm ready for school yet." Said Jacob. "I know, but, I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone." Said Mika. The next words were hard to understand. But the tone of their voices was definitely pretty low.

But then, Jacob spoke a little louder. "I just, really miss Linda. I'll do anything to speak with her again." That's it! I thought. Jacob's little sister. Linda. I got out my notepad and wrote it down.

(Linda. Jacob's little sister. She's the one who passed away.)

I put my ears on the door yet again. "I know how you feel. I know what it's like to lose someone dear to you. But I'm here for you Jacob, I know that isn't much. But I am here for you." "Mika. Thank you for trying to help me. But, I just want to be alone right now.

I don't want to think about this stuff." "But Jacob." "I just, need to be alone." "Okay, but I'll be back tomorrow." "Thank you, Mika." Mika walks to the door and opens it. The moment she opened it, I slipped past her and entered into Jacob's room. I turned around, and Mika was just standing outside the room with her hand still on the doorknob. "I wish I can do more." She then slowly closes the door to Jacob's room. I turned to Jacob, and he then laid flat on the bed. And placed a pillow over his face. "What you're just going to leave her like that? I said to Jacob. "You might be dealing with a problem, but you don't have to be an asshole to someone who's trying to help you." Jacob didn't hear me.

I took a deep breath in and out. The chair that was in front of the computer desk was a little away from the desk. So I decided to sit in it. I was exhausted. I was either standing or running all day today. I guess becoming a ghost still didn't make me Superman. But just then as I was relaxing in that chair. Jacob started to sob. He still had the pillow over his face. But he was definitely crying. Poor bastard. I thought. Nothing hurts more than losing a loved one.

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