Chapter Fourteen Piece By Piece

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A day has passed, It was around the afternoon. Lexy came over and now Jenna and Lexy were yet again, drinking coffee on the table. It's Like they can't get enough of this stuff. I was leaning on the countertop and was listening to their conversation. "Are you okay girl?" Lexy said. "You're not quite like yourself today." "Yes, I'm fine it's just. A lot has happened this week." Jenna said with a soft tone. "I know, I know. What you need is to relax, you've been on a crazy roller coaster." Jenna laughed. "Yeah, one, huge, roller coaster." Lexy and Jenna were quiet after that. They both brought out their phones from their pockets and were using them. And for a while, that's all they did. After what felt like a few minutes, my legs got tired. So since nothing was happening, I decided to go into the living room and lay on the sofa. Once I laid there, I started to think. How can I get tired, if this wasn't my real body? I mean, I can't eat, I can't drink. But I still get sleepy and standing for too long will wear out my legs. I still don't have the entire picture in all this. I still don't understand. As I was laying there, I decided to look at my notepad. I grabbed it out of my pocket and opened it to the first page.

(If you're reading this, this means that this is just the beginning.

If you're reading this, you must listen to these words carefully.

Your objective is to find what is troubling your leader.

You could not leave your leader, for you will just end up right back to them.

Your leader cannot see you, and your leader cannot hear you until the time is right, once you're able to speak to your leader then you can interact with them. But your leader will be the only person that can see you and hear you.

No one else can see you. No one else can hear you. You must listen and remember anything you can find about your leader. Use this notepad to write it down, as well with any information you can find. Name, workplace, school, family members. If it revolves around your leader then write it down, also find out what is causing them troubles and try to help them, until then. Do the best you can.)

It just says to write everything down, but it doesn't tell me why. I'm sure it had a purpose. I just wish I knew what it was. But just after, There was a knock at the front door, followed by a doorbell. Lexy is right. This guy really should just stick to one thing... Not too long after Lexy comes out of the kitchen and into the living room. And opens the door. "Oh," Lexy said, with a low tone. "It's you." "Yes, yes, it's me. Can I come in?" Lexy then steps aside, letting David inside. Once David came inside, Lexy closes the door. "Where is Jenna," David asked. "She's in the Kitchen." Lexy and David were now heading to the kitchen. So I decided to follow them. The moment I stepped in the kitchen, I've gotten this pain. In the back of my head. It started off with a bit of pain, but with each passing second, it hurt more and more. It felt similar to the kind of pain that was after the accident. I put both my hands on the side of my head, covering my ears, and tried not to scream. But then I heard voices. "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" These voices, they were the voices of my family. But they're all calling my name all at once?

"Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!"

It's not just my family, I can hear Jacob's too. But the pain wouldn't stop. My head felt like it was on fire.

"Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!" "Markus!"

Why? Why am I hearing everybody's voices? Why is my head hurting?

The pain grew even stronger. I fell to my knees. I still had my hands covering my ears. It was hurting more and more, and the surrounding room was spinning. I tried not to scream, but the pain grew so much I couldn't take it. I screamed! I lost my balance and I fell to the ground. I became weak, It was hard to move. I then tried to get myself back up, but I fell once more. I looked ahead of me, and I could see Lexy, David, and Jenna was sitting at the table. I reached out my hand to them. I tried to speak but I could barely get the words out of my mouth. "Jenna, please... Help me..." And at that moment Jenna looked into my eyes, And at that moment, I became even weaker. My eyes were closing on their own. I tried to fight, but it was no use. I became unconscious...

I slowly open my eyes, and I can see the ceiling. I slowly moved my head down, but it was not easy doing so. And I saw that I was in a hospital bed. The room was dark, it was cold, and the machine was beeping. I could feel wires attached to my body. I felt sick and I couldn't move anything other than my eyes and head. I looked to my left and I saw my sister. She was sleeping in a small chair that was beside me. It was hard to see her face from how dark it was inside the room, but I could tell that it was her. Above her was a window to the outside. It was night and I could tell that we were on a high floor level. I tried to speak to Amy, but my voice didn't come out. I tried and tired. But I had no voice. I couldn't talk to her... I tried to get up, but my body was weak. My sister was right here in front of me. And there's nothing I could do. I'm sorry Amy, I'm too weak. I was always weak. You were always the strong one. I was never like you Amy, I couldn't be, even if I tried. You're amazing... If only I could tell you this, I wish I could have told you, before this all happened. I'm sorry Amy... I'm so sorry this all happened, and for making you worry about me. Just then, I slowly have gotten tired, My eyes were closing. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. I ever so slowly closed my eyes. And before I even knew it. I became


"Little angel boy?" I open my eyes, and I saw Jenna looking down at me. "Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?" After that, I started to cry. Tears were flowing out of my eyes. And I didn't even try to stop it. I kept crying and crying. I cried more than I ever had. None of this was easy. And I still didn't understand any of it. Jenna took my hand and pulled me up. I was then sitting on the floor and I covered my face with both my hands. "Hey, It's okay," Jenna said, with a soft voice. "It's alright." Jenna then hugged me. "Thank you," I said to Jenna, as I was tearing up in her arms. Jenna's comfort is just what I needed at that moment. It makes me wonder. Was I sent here to help her? Or was I sent here so that she can help me? Whatever the case was, I am grateful for her. I miss my home. I miss when things were normal. I miss my family. My family broke apart just like Jenna's family. And hopefully one day. We can get things back to the way it was. Just like them. Just like Jenna and David and Lexy. I admire them for the effort and faith they have. I am nothing like them. I am weak, and I wish I was more like them.

A few minutes have passed. And I had finally calmed down. It was pretty late at night, Jenna and I were in the living room sitting on the sofas. "You sure you're okay? What happened?" "I, I'm not really sure. I was... at the hospital. I, ugh. Saw my sister, and I tried to speak to her, but I couldn't." Jenna waited a few seconds before responding. "I saw you were in the kitchen earlier today, but the moment you showed up was the moment you disappeared. You made me worried all day today." I waited a few seconds before responding. "Can I tell you something, Jenna?" Jenna then got up from her sofa and went to mines and sat right next to me. "Of course."

"About a year ago, My sister, Amy, was digging around the garage, she was trying to find something in the box of old papers for whatever reason. But she found something strange. She found adoption papers, with mines and Amy's name and information on it. She was quick to show our parents and asked about it. They tried to deny it but my sister was too smart for them. They tried to get rid of us when we were babies. I don't know what stopped them from doing it. Or why they wanted to get rid of us in the first place, but what I do know is that my sister was never the same after that. She would then argue with them every day, and I got mad as well. And then our parents argued with each other... And then, after that. Nothing was the same anymore... We just kinda broke apart." Jenna then looked at me, in a way where I could tell that she was feeling sorry for me. "When David cheated on me, I was in pieces, and there were so many pieces. I thought that I would have never gotten myself fixed. And you know what happened after that?" I then looked into Jenna's eyes. "I prayed to the heavens and this little angel boy came and help me put all the pieces back together." I smiled after hearing those words. "I still hate having that as a nickname you know." Jenna laughed. "I know, but you're kinda stuck with it." Just after she said those words. Jenna then looked at me with a surprised face. "Oh, no. Markus, are you going to disappear again?" I was confused, but then I looked down and saw that my body was slowly disappearing. It was just like last time, with Jacob. "Jenna!" I quickly said. "I'm going to be going now!" "Wait, what? When are you coming back?" "I'm not..." "What? Why? Where are you going?" "I don't know, home hopefully." By each passing second, more and more of my body was disappearing. "Goodbye, Jenna. I'm glad to have met you." Jenna was quick to respond. "No, wait! Just hold on a minute." And those were the last words I heard from Jenna, I was once again in the dark, and empty room.

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