Rollercoaster part 1

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the members of queen were taking the time to explore the place that they were touring before the concert. And so there happens to be an amusement park over there so the boys definitely had to go

Freddie's POV

we heads over to the miracle round first since it was johns pick first.
"This is gonna be so boring".roger states
I shaked my head yes and hopped into one of the carriages
"I'm taking this one darling"

"it's gonna be fun roger! Like well build our way up to bigger rides!".john states sitting next to me.

"You can pick next,Roger".i said
"Good."roger says sitting on top of the horse

The ride went on for about a minute and a half.

"Ok it's your pic now rog,what do you wanna do?".asked him
"DONT CALL ME THAT".roger yelled as he stomped his foot.
"I wanna do that".he said pointing up to a rollercoaster that read


Me,John,and Brian sighed as roger cracked a smile.
We then headed towards the line

"This shouldn't be so bad,it should be fast,everyone just close your eyes".i said holding onto my ticket.
"Pray while your at it too".brian stated.
"Um...I'm not sure about this...I said we should build our way up!how about umm...this ride!".he says pointing to the go karts.

"Now,now I did promise roger any ride he wants".i said taking my camera out for the ride.
"YEAH!".roger yells laughing.
"I'll sit to you john,if it makes you feel better".i said.

"Alright,I guess that'll help".he sighed.
"And I'm stuck with roger..great".brian said palming his face.
"WHATS the worst that could happen?,me and john can sit behind you guys".i said.
"I'll be dead even before we even move if I'm sitting next to roger".brian stated.

We all got in the carts and waited for the ride to start.

We all noticed that John is shaking like a leaf the entire time.

"Think happy thoughts dear...think happy thoughts".i say trying to calm John down when I myself am terrified too.
"This is fun".roger said moving back and forth smiling.

we start heading up the tracks of the rollercoaster when we hear a big chuckle of the chains.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh".john panicked
"It's alright darling,we...are...fine".i panicked also.

I started to freak out.

"If we die just know I used your toothbrush Brian,im sorry....".roger finally let out.

"Wait what".brian stopped.
"Uhmmmm".roger stuttered.
"That's just gross".i let out with disgust.

Next thing ya know everything stops and we are pushed down on our back.

"Ahhh".brian and John squeal.
"What-WHATS going on?".i said terrified.
"THIS IS YOUR FAULT ROGER!".brian yells.
"sorry".roger says in an innocent way.

The ride goes up another steep hill and John grips onto my arm.

"....".is all I could let out.
"You alright there fred?".brian asked me tapping my back.

I let a tear run down my cheek as I was too scared to even respond.

"Is he really that scared??".roger said looking over to brian.
"Freddie what's wrong".john asked me tapping my shoulder.

"I believe so".brian finally answered roger.
"The ride will be fixed in two hours just hang tight and don't look down".One of the employees of the amusement park said.

"I'm sorry for ever putting grape soda in your hat,John".i sadly spit out.
"Two hours?!!".was all roger could say.
"Wait..YOU SAID IT WAS ROGER!!".john said angrily.
"Uhm yeah,but I still made sure to get you a sorry card and signed Rogers name on it".i said hoping to make him a little bit happier.
"YOU DID THAT!".roger said in surprise.
"Wait,did he say two hours".i said trying to change the subject.
"Don't change the subject,Fred".roger said in a divaish way.
"sorry.".i apologized

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