(Freddie) Winter lodge

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It is December 25 1975 you and your boyfriend Freddie had decided to spend Christmas with friends in a lodge on top of a mountain little did you know this vacation was going to get a little kinky.

"Do you have everything".My best friend Vivian asked.
"Uhm yeah what do you think?".i asked her pointing to my closet.
"Well I think you should bring this too".she answered pulling out a red and black lingerie dress and heels.
"Oh no no no no I could never".i said feeling my cheeks getting red.
"Oh but you must and you are".viviana answered stuffing it in my bag.

She wouldn't let me have a say in this and took my bag and threw it in the trunk of the car.

"Hurry guys!".Roger whined.
"Coming rog".freddie answered.

I sat in the back with Freddie and Brian and Vivian sat up front with roger.

3 and a half hours later

We finally made it to the lodge but it was cold and I was about ready to hurry up and get inside

"Oh look y/n! A HOT TUB....We must try it out".Vivian exclaimed with excitement
"Yes,yes we must viv".i say just hoping we could go inside already.

"Darling any help with the bags?".freddie says with annoyance in his tone.
"Don't worry about it pretty lady I got this".A fine young man with big blue eyes and short hair and a nicely black coat on says taking the bags out of the trunk.
"T-thank you sir but I got it".i say getting lost in his eyes

I could feel the jealousy heat up between me and Freddie.

"Okay if you need anything sugar just call the service line and either one of us will come to your room".he says putting the bags down and handing me the service card.

"Ouuu I sure would want him to carry my bags".vivian whispers with a smirk as she reaches for her bags.

I roll my eyes as I enter the lodge.

"Wow".i say to the beauty of the lodge that took my breath away.

I felt hands around my waist and a chin on top of my head.
"I would make you go crazy in this house if we were here by ourselves darling".he smirks.

"Ok".was all I could get out of my mouth and I walked away nervously as the anxiety took over my body.

"Hello mam can are you alright?".a gorgeous young woman that looked to be about the same age as me asked.
"Well uhm Can you give me some directions to the spa?".i asked her with a friendly smile.
"Why yes,right this way....is anyone joining you?".she asked.
"Just m-".i got cut off by Freddie catching my eye.
"I'll be joining too".he exclaimed.
"Of course you will such a fine man you are".she says touching his arm.

I just stood there feeling so uncomfortable

"Thank you".he replies.
"What a fine young man doing with something like that?".she says looking me up and down.

"Excuse me?".i said getting a little heated.
She put her hand in my face and continued to flirt with him.

I pushed her hand out my face and before I could say anything freddie told her off I thought it was kind of cute he protected me like that but I was still mad and pushed her out of the way and ran out.

"Y/n! You alright?".Vivian says stopping me before I could leave the lodge.
"Yup,just fine....you can let go now".i say reaching for the door.
"No your not tell me what happened".Vivian says pushing me onto the couch

I finally give in and tell her what happened and as I'm explaining Freddie walks in sitting next to me

"I'll give you too some space".Vivian says
"No it's alright darling me and y/n can talk upstairs in ourroom".freddie explains to Vivian with a warm kind hearted smile

"Oh ok".Vivian smirks which makes me wonder does she know something I don't.

We walk up to our room and the room is dark with nothing but the light from the hallway to light it a little until I step inside and Freddie closes the door and the room is now completely dark and I honestly can't see shit.

I feel someone in front me and hands going around me I feel nibbling on my neck and It honestly feels great.

"It hurts to see your lover flirt doesn't it darling?".he says pushing me against the wall lifting my hands against my head and reaching his other hand to get the light.

"Yes but the aftermath just feels so good baby".i whisper into his ear while also being able to get out of his grip.

I walk into the bathroom closing it behind me reaching into my bag to get my toothbrush and the lingerie that Vivian packed for me I took a shower brushed my teeth shaved and threw on the lingerie I'm only 10 minutes.

I walked out of the bathroom and Freddie's eyes widened with impression.

"Now what were you saying about driving me crazy?".i say walking towards him.

He didn't even say anything just took me by my hips and placed me on the bed softly.

"Don't be so soft on me I like it rough".i whispered into his ear along with a nibble to his ear lobe.

He took my shoes off and threw them across the room.

I felt his hands creep up from my feet to my thighs then to my lingerie string.
He untied it in a second kissing me long and I hard I pulled his shirt off and unbuckled his pants his rock hard member falling out of his pants before I can even blink.
"Your so hot".i giggled.
He licked me from my neck down to inside my thighs he pulled my bottoms down and licking my folds he flicked his tongue over my g spot sending me head over heels I felt my self about to come and tried to push his head back but he took my hands and threw them to my sides I wiggled and tried my best to hold it in but I couldn't and rode his face to my climax.

"We're not done yet lay on your back".he commanded.
He pulled his pants and underwear down/off and entered me it hurt since it's been a while and he let me adjust then he went faster until we both hit our high and we just laid there.

"Goodluck walking".he laughed.
"Fuck you".i added
"Just did".he said smirking
"Goodnight I love you".i added kissing his cheek.
"Night darling".he added.

A/n:tbh this chapter was just ew and btw

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