Kara was getting ready in her apartment, she had call Alex to help her with picking out her outfit for her dinner date with Lena because let's face it Kara is a reck when she's getting ready for a date with someone
Kara was speeding around her apartment with her superspeed when she heard a knock at her door ,she used her x ray vision to see who it was
It was Alex, soon as Kara saw it was her she speed to the door and opened the door almost taking it off it's hinges drags Alex into the apartment and shuts the door hard making a little cracking sound
"Well hello to you to " Alex sarcastically said to the youngest one
"Alex hey sorry but I'm in a fashion crisis "
"A fashion crisis?" Alex raised an eyebrow at Kara
"Yes!, I don't know what to where for my dinner date with Lena help mmmeee " Kara got down on her knees and tugged on Alex sweater that she was wearing and put her puppy dog eyes on and pouted for extra affect
"YAY,thank you thank you thank you Alex "
"Yeah,yeah don't mention it ,like seriously don't ever mention this to anyone " Alex threaten
"Yeah ok whatever now come on " Kara got up and grabbed her sisters arm,not to tight where she accidentally breaks her arm but enough where she could take her to her room and Alex went straight into her closet and got out a dress that brings out Kara eyes
"How about this " Alex raised the dress up for Kara to see
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Kara gasped happily
"Alex it's beautiful, I'll take it" Kara took the dress from Alex and superspeed into the dress and came put to see if Alex approved
Alex looked so proud at her younger sister and clapped her hands together and put them to her mouth
"Do I look okay" Kara asked a little insecure
"Kara you look amazing ,it totally brings out your eyes "
"Do I really" Kara smiled at Alex compliment
"Yes I'm absolutely positive Lena will pay a million dollars to have you" Alex smiled at Kara who blushed a crimson red
They both heard a knock at the door Kara went to the door and used her super vision to see who it was
On the other side of the door was Lena waiting patiently for Kara to open the door