"I need your assistance with something important!"
"Ugh!" I heard her stump into my room
"What do you need that caused me to miss criminal minds!?!"
"I need her with which restaurant to go to for mines and Lena date tonight" I said
"Kara I love you i really do but WHY IN THE HELL DO I HAVE TO HELP YOU WITH THAT OTS YOUR DATE NOT MINE" Alex asked
I covered my ears and closed my eyes tightly
I spoke still covering my ears and eyes tightly
I felt a tap on my shoulder I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears and blinked
"Hey sorry I was screaming I was just annoyed that I'm missing my favorite show" Alex apologized
"Its ok Alex I'm sorry that I'm making you miss your show" I pouted
"Hey no pouting" Alex said bringing me in a hug
I hugged back
She pulled away from the hug
"Now let's figure out which restaurant to go to for your date shall we?" She winked at me
"Yes we shall"
*later that day*
Me and Alex decided that noonas will do
I called Lena and told her where the date was and she said ok and that she'll meet me there
I hung up and got to showering after I got done showering and drying off I put on my clothes for tonight
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Kara clothes for tonight
After I looked in my full body mirror I nodded my head and got out the apartment and started to walk to noonas it wasn't that far from where I lived so flying wasn't needed
*15 minutes later*
I got to the place and saw Lena waiting at the reserved table I set in when I walked over there to her she got up and and met me half way and might I say she looked like an absolute goddess
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Lena dress
"Kara how are you darling" she hugged me when we met at the table
I hugged back then pulled away
"I'm um I'm ah ha" I started to studder
She looked at me worriedly "Are you ok Kara dear?" Then touched my arm
I blurted out "I'm gay!" I covered my mouth
She laughed rao her laugh was so beautiful
She took a deep breath and exhaled
"I meant I'm ok sorry I'm embarrassing my self sorry" I apologize
"No no it's ok darling your fine. Listen let's just eat our dinner ok?" I nodded my head she took my hand and sat me down then sat herself down opposite of me