hell yeah!

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Kara p.o.v

Oh my god I have another date with Lena Luther!

Wait I have another date with Lena but where is the date gonna be at? Ugh I need Alex time for some sisterly advice!

I get my phone from out my pocket and dial Alex number

*ring ring* she picks up

"What up kar-"

"No time to explain meet me at my house right now" I hung up quickly before she could question me. I super sled out of my everyday wear and into my suit and I flew very quickly to my apartment. Also I forget that the window to the apartment was close so I accidently broke it when I flew through it. Ha ha oops. Anyways I changed into everyday wear until I heard fast knocks on my door

Hmm who could that be- oh wait it's Alex I forget that I called her here. I went to the door and opened it to see an Alex that's out of breath

"Well *pants* are *pants* you *pants* gonna let me in?" She asked clearly trying to catch her breath

"Oh yeah right. Come on in" I moved out of the way from the door to let her in. She came in and I shut the door

"So are you gonna explain to me why you hung up on me so fast or should I force you to explain" Alex asked with her breathing normally and her heart slowed down

"Ha ha well ya see. Iaskedlenaonadateandidontknowwheretotakehersohelpme" I said in one full breath

"Umm can you repeat that but slower, I'm not a kyrptonian I don't understand what you just said fam" she explained calmly

I took a few deep breaths

"Alrighty,  I asked Lena on for a date next week and she said yes but I don't know where to take her so I called on you for help." I explained slower this time

Alex walked up to me slowly and slapped the back of my head

"Owie" I pouted and rubbed the back of my head even though it didn't hurt at all

"You called me all the way over here just for some advice for a date!" She whisper yelled

"Well yeah" I spoke softly

"Kara! I thought there was an emergency" she raised her voice a little

"This is an emergency, I'm going on a date with Lena!" I also started to raise my voice

She face palmed her forehead and sighed

"Kara I love you i really do but you could have just said that than saying and I quote " no time to explain come to my house quickly" she used quotation marks on what I said to her

"Okay yeah that may have been a little over exaggerated-"

"Ha a little no hun a lot"

"But i really do need your help Alex I wanna make a good impression for her"

Alex sighed then started to pace back and forth. Then she stoped and looked at me

"I got it" she had a devilish smirk on her face

"Uh oh that's not a good look" I started to back away from her when she started to walk over towards me slowly

"Cmere Kara" Alex sang in a sand song voice

"Nope not today Satan" I super sped into the kitchen

"No powers in the house!" She yelled

"No your not my mother and this is my apartment!" I yelled back

"Don't you yell at me missy!" She yelled again

"I can yelled whenever I want!" I yelled back from the behind the kitchen island

"Ugh! I have pot stickers" she said and I poked my head out

"Really where" I said looking from side to side quickly

"Ah ha!" she said and the next thing I knew I was flat down on the kitchen ground with an Alex on top of me

"Oof" I said

"Now that that's out of the way I wanted to tell you maybe take her to a fancy restaurant before you booked it to the kitchen" she explained

"Why didn't you say that instead of acting all creepy" I asked pouting

"Because you deserved that for being a complete puppy" she said simply

"Alright I get it now can you get off of me" I asked

"Hmm no carry me" Alex said

"Ugh fine" I easily got up and held her in my arms bridal style

"Noooo I wanna piggy back ride" Alex whined

"Okay" I sighed and put her down the got in front of her and gestured her to hop on. She did and wrapped her legs tightly around my torso and wrapped her arms around my neck

"Happy now alex" I asked

"No fly" she explained

"But were in the house Alex we have to go outside to do that" I explained to her

"Fly in a circle in the living room,there's enough room out there"

"Ugh fine" I floated to the living room and started to hover up to the cyling
Then I started to fly in a circle with Alex giggling the whole ride

"I swear I sometimes think I'm the older sister here" I said lowering down to the floor

"I mean you technically are but you landed here late so I'm older than you so ha suck it!" She said as she hopped off of me

"I can't suck anything that's not there alex"

She gasped

"Don't say that kara" she slapped my arm playfully

I giggled

"What? I'm just telling you the truth"

"Well keep that to yourself next time geez"

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