lemme rant plz

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Listening real quick, I am so so so so sorry for taking forever with uploading but this has to be said. I'm sure you guys know recently a UNARMED black man died by the hands of four POLICE officers. Ya hear that FOUR GODDAMN IT!! This man was George Floyd, he was murdered on freaking tape when he didn't even do SHIT! He repeatedly said he couldn't breathe, 15 times to be precise! And of course what did the cops do? They kept him down, handcuffed and detained when he couldn't. Fucking. Breath! Can you fucking believe that? Now As an aspiring law enforcement student I've learned it's they're job to keep people safe, it's they're job to keep order, it's they're fucking job to listen for help and Mr Floyd was crying out in agonizing pain, practically begging those fuckers to let him breathe. Now of course there was other cases, like Breonna Taylor for instance. This wonderful gorgeous black woman was shot 18 freaking times in her own apartment. Like why the fuck- this is getting way outta hand, 2020 is basically history repeating itself. How is that you may ask? Easy, racism. I know it's not just us black folks, its others as well like the Muslims and Hispanic but goddamn there's been more deaths with blacklives than any other. And as a young black woman I'm scared for us, I'm scared for the younger folks that has to grow up in this fucked up economic, I'm fucking scared for my family lives, friends of all races and strangers I haven't even gotten the chance to meet but yet they're out here killing us off like it's nothing and then! Oh ho hoo then when we do get erased off the planet the white folks don't even get charged for what they've Done! I'm not saying all white folks, believe me when I say this I'm not saying it's completely they're fault for this...im just saying that most of these killings, most of these upcoming breaking news stories are from bad uneducated individuals who weren't raised right faults. Black on black crime that's bad, we all get that. black on white is also bad but it always comes to the conclusion that the black guy or girl started it first. How does that make sense? It's like we're all being judge on our skin color and not by our reasoning for the actions we take ya know? Idk if that made sense, I'm just rambling to ramble but I had to ya know. Most of my friends doesn't care bout these things cause they think it's all fun and games. But to me it's serious guys, really it is. History is repeating itself this year and I'm not here for it, at fucking all. Please for the love of god be safe out there, spread the word about George Floyd. He needs the justice he so very much deserves. This world is fucked up in so many ways, honestly I'm afraid to even walk out my door without getting all paranoid wondering if I'll be next on the hit list or if one of my family members will. Black lives matter....plz remeber that were human too and are just as equal as the rest. We've overcame some trials but obviously it wasn't enough to stop this bullshit from happening....once again stay safe and stay classy during this quarantine k? I love you guys and sorry for my rambling. I'll be signing off now. Peace ✌🏽💜

(P.s. I would love to know what you guys think on the news that's been spreading around bout this all, I'm open to every thought you guys have💙)

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