yoonkook ↠ "sky diving."

62 3 0

started; 2019/01/25

finished; 2019/01/25


jungkook sighs as his eyes scan the city. he was currently in the car with taehyung and jimin, on their way to go to sky diving. they decided to do something more 'exciting' apparently, so they thought jumping out of a plane was the best option. of course, jungkook was being dragged along as usual. the only problem is that jungkook is extremely terrified of heights, and the thought of his parachute not working and him dying was all he could think about.

they pulled into the building's parking lot and got out, going inside to make a time to jump. the worker looked up and saw how scared jungkook was. he was so scared he could see it in his eyes. he smiled gently. "you're time is at 3:30. please have a seat in the waiting room." the man smiled and returned to his computer. they went and sat down in the waiting room, and jungkook was freaking out.

"hey, you'll be okay, don't worry. everything is completely safe." taehyung reassures him.

"how do you know?! i could die! are you serious?" he frowns, sitting back in his chair.

"yes, i'm sure. ask the workers for yourself." taehyung rolls his eyes and just smiles. 

after a few articles jungkook read, their time was called and they went in line to gather for equipment. jungkook smiled through the pain and got all he needed before heading up the stairs with taehyung and jimin. he instantly relaxed when he saw the workers, their gentle smiles were reassuring to him and the one was actually quite handsome to him. he had blonde, messy hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes with an eye shape that was intimidating anytime you looked at them. he approached the shorter blonde, smiling nervously.

"hi.. can you help me with this, please? i don't really know how to do it.." he smiles. the blonde smiles and takes the gear.

"of course." he smiles and takes jungkook's gear. he slides the backpack on gently, accidentally touching jungkook's waist as he clips the hooks together, making jungkook blush a bit. this handsome man was practically two inches away from him, he felt like he was turning into a ball of fire because of how hot his body felt. he just smiled after he finished the clips.

"all done. you look quite tense, are you nervous?" he asks, looking up at the younger.

"yeah, i'm really nervous.. i don't know what to do. i don't wanna die!" he exaggerates, putting his hand to his forehead to be dramatic.

"oh, you won't die. if it wasn't safe, we wouldn't be in business. i promise you'll be fine, there's no worry. we always pre-test our parachutes to make sure they are in their best conditions. you have nothing to be scared of." he pats his shoulder, revealing a pretty gummy smile from the shorter one. he felt himself blush again but brushed it off. he smiled back, ready to take on the experiment.

they were all called up and got onto the plane. luckily, the handsome worker came along, and he sat next to jungkook. they smiled at each other as the plane flew up into the sky.

as they were up in the air, everyone was chatting away about what they were going to do. they got lined up and jungkook was freaking out. he was sweating, his hands were shaky, he didn't know what to do at all.

the blonde quickly noticed, and took the boys hands into his. "don't worry, you'll be safe i promise. you can haunt me if you get killed all you want, but you will be alright, got it?" he asks, looking into his eyes.

"yes, i got it." jungkook breathes, relaxing into the seat and smiling. he squeezed their hands and smiled.

it was time for jungkook to risk his life. he let go of the blonde's hands, and smiled at him as he walked over to the open door. he looked over at the blonde, and he smiled gently, watching every step he took.

he closed his eyes and smiled. then, he let his body free. he jumped gently down, feeling the wind blow onto his body, as he went down. he smiled at the view and once he was closer to the ground, he opened his parachute and it actually worked. the handsome blonde was right, it was safe after all, and so was taehyung. he floated happily down to the ground and smiled as he landed. he walked back inside where they had people taking off gear. he thanked them and went back out to the waiting room to wait for taehyung and jimin, and they were already there. he smiled at them and went to sit next to them.

"that was so fun!" jungkook exclaims, smiling widely. they smiled back at him, they were glad that he had fun. 

"good! can we go get food? i'm hungry," jimin asks, standing up. they both agreed, as they were hungry too. they all got up and headed out, but jungkook was stopped by someone. he looked to see it was that beautiful blonde boy from earlier. they exchanged smiles again, and he handed him a paper.

"my names yoongi, by the way. if you ever need help, make sure to hit me up. i don't bite. i'm always willing to help out the cute ones." he winks, handing him the paper. jungkook smiles and looks back at him.

"i guess i could say the same for you." he smiles and puts the paper in his pocket, heading outside. he couldn't believe that he had gotten his number.

he was definitely going back to that place as soon as he could.


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