soongyu ↠ "recording studio."

202 10 0

started; 2019/06/01

finished; 2019/06/01


"let's try again."

mingyu groaned in frustration as the music track played again. he was trying to get his rap part in the song perfect, but he was the only one there left with none other than kwon soonyoung. the man kept telling him to do this and that, but he never seemed satisfied.

he repeated the part, this time doing all the things the other wanted him to do. he managed to nail it in that one take.

"you have such a soothing voice mingyu-ah," soonyoung said as they made eye contact, smiling. he couldn't help but just stare at the other for what seemed like a few minutes.

"why are you saying that now after yelling at me for twenty minutes?" mingyu asks as he pouted and took off the headphones and walks out to sit in the main area.

soonyoung turns around in the chair to face him. "because that's what i think. is there a problem?" he pouts and looks at the other. he could tell that mingyu was clearly frustrated from constantly trying and trying and not being able to get what he wanted. "hey, it's okay. you got it now, but all the times you did it before were good. don't be mad." soonyoung stood up and walked over to sit next to mingyu, gently rubbing his thigh. mingyu sighed and slightly smiled, interlocking their fingers.

"thanks, hyung. i know you didn't mean to sound harsh, but i can't help but get frustrated so easily. doing this is a lot of work. it's hard to be perfect." he squeezes soonyoung's hand and smiles lightly.

"well, it's over now. and plus, i really do think you have a soothing voice and lots of charisma when you rap. you're definitely my favourite rapper out of the group. but don't tell the others." he puts a finger up to his mouth, making the both of them laugh.

"well, thanks. don't tell the others, but you're my favourite dancer of the group." he smiled. "i guess we both have another secret to keep."

soonyoung's eye smile came out, making mingyu smile more. to mingyu, soonyoung was definitely the most beautiful human he had ever seen. it was like chance they were together. thankfully, they were alone at the time in the recording studio since the others went back to their rooms in the dorm. 

soonyoung let go of mingyu's hand and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms around the taller's neck. he connected their foreheads and looked into his eyes, smiling.

"it's nice to finally be alone with you, gyu. i missed hanging out. we've been so busy recently. for some time i forgot you were my boyfriend." he laughed as mingyu wrapped his arms around soonyoung's waist and connected their lips in a sweet, longing kiss.

it wasn't much of a secret to the others, as they knew the two really did like each other, but they didn't know the two were actually dating. mingyu had asked him out after they finished the promotions for home and went out and perhaps had a bit too much fun. ever since then, they had a huge heart for each other. 

"yeah, i really missed hanging out too." mingyu smiled and hugged his hyung tightly, not wanting to let go. he was at a loss of words. nothing could come out. he just wanted to hold what was his forever and ever. 

"hyung, we should go back to the dorms," mingyu says, breaking the silence that had filled the room for the past five minutes. to them, it didn't feel like five minutes. it felt like thirty seconds. "we can go cuddle and watch a movie while eating some snacks." that was what got soonyoung's attention, finally lifting his head from nestling it into mingyu's neck.

"sure, that sounds nice." he smiles and places a kiss on mingyu's nose before getting up and putting on his jacket. it was still quite chilly, and they had to walk for about five minutes to get to the dorm. mingyu also got up and put on his jacket before they both walked out together, hand in hand.

once they arrived at the dorm, they took off their shoes and jackets and stayed in the living area. it was late, and everyone else was in bed, fast asleep. this gave them the freedom of having the whole place to themselves. 

"go put in a movie, i'll get the snacks." mingyu smiled and soonyoung went off to put in a movie, which was a disney movie, and got a few blankets from the rack they had. after soonyoung had gotten comfortable and the movie had started, mingyu came in with a tray full of snacks and two ice cold cola's.

"aigoo, this is so much. thank you gyu~" soonyoung smiles and takes one of the cola's, cracking it open and taking a sip. mingyu sat down next to soonyoung and took some popcorn before laying down. "don't get too comfy without me!" he pouted before crawling over to mingyu and laying on top, listening to his heartbeat. he covered them with the blanket and looked up to see that the younger already had his eyes closed. soonyoung didn't realize he was daydreaming until he was poked on the cheek.

"hyung, are you okay? you look spaced out." mingyu laughed as he cupped soonyoung's face.

"no, i'm fine. you're just really pretty." soonyoung smiled and scooted up to be just a few centimetres away from mingyu's face.

"thanks." mingyu smiles and kisses soonyoung one last time before he lays down, smiling in satisfaction. "now go to sleep, love. we have to get up early." he runs his fingers through soonyoung's hair to help him relax, and it thankfully worked. the older had immediately relaxed, breathing at a regular pace and closing his eyes, focusing on the sound of mingyu's heartbeat.

all mingyu could really do at this point was smile fondly at the other asleep in his arms. from the way his hair was slightly messed up to the way he had their fingers interlocked, it made mingyu love him even more.

"well, goodnight my prince." mingyu kissed his forehead and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around soonyoung's waist under the blanket. they both fell asleep, completely forgetting about the snacks they had prepared for their miniature date.


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