wonhui ↠ "fireflies."

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started; 2020/01/04

finished; 2020/01/04


the late-night summer breeze ran through the two boys' hair, who were walking around the city. they had no schedule, nothing to do, and decided to go around go on a walk. the weather was absolutely beautiful that night, even a little warmer than expected.

"i haven't been around here before," junhui says, looking around at their surroundings. there was a big forest, leaves starting to turn warmer colours with the season of autumn approaching. lots of lights to show the road full of zooming cards every now and then. the roads were near silent any other time. it was around 1 am, the two curious as to why they had gone out at such a late time.

"yeah, me neither. we never even have time to go around and do stuff anymore with how busy we've been." wonwoo's voice was low but clear, making junhui smile at him. he had always loved his voice and the duality it held. it could either turn you on or help you relax.

wonwoo interlocked their hands to feel the warmth from the other, even though it was already warm outside and they both had hoodies on. it was ideal for the two of them to be there at that single moment.

when walking around, they found a wide, open field not too far away. it had a lot of big trees spread around and wasn't around anything, which gave them privacy and a big field to run around in.

neither of them were up to do physical work, they just wanted to enjoy each others' company. when they both spotted it, they walked over and sat in one of the giant trees that were around the middle of the field. 

junhui just looked around, admiring their surroundings, yet wonwoo was just admiring the boy in front of him. when he looked back, the two made eye contact and junhui felt a smile on his face.

"i'm cute, aren't i?" he flipped his non-existent long hair.

"yes, you are." wonwoo laughed at the dramatization and continued his business. he noticed a firefly gently fall on his hand, crawling up onto his hoodie sleeve. "junnie, look."

the male looked to see the firefly crawling up and then flying away, making him smile. he knew they would be out around this time, which gave him an idea.

"do you wanna catch fireflies?"

the two jumped out the tree and began to wander around, looking for the flashes of lights to try and catch one. after around five minutes, junhui let out a sigh in frustration.

"they don't love me!!!" he pouted, walking over to wonwoo.

i love you.

"did you find any?" he asked after he approached him.

"no, but i was super close to getting one earlier," wonwoo pouted, making junhui smile at how cute he was. he rubbed the younger's back in a reassuring gesture. 

"don't worry, just keep trying." junhui walked away and continued to get one when he heard wonwoo yell happily,

"i got one!" he ran over to junhui to show him, opening his hand slightly to show him, the firefly walking around in his cupped hands.

"good job! i wanna try and check one also." junhui ran over to where he saw a glow, seeing the firefly set itself onto the grass and junhui gently put it in his hands. it was jumping around and going crazy. clearly it didn't want to be captured.

"i got one, but he isn't as calm as yours." junhui kept his hands solid so that the firefly didn't run away, opening it slightly to show wonwoo. however, it flew out and away from the two males, making junhui pout.

his lips look so plump whenever he pouts, it's so cute. i could just kiss them.

wonwoo felt his eyes stuck at staring junhui, who immediately noticed and smiled at him. they sat down next to the tree they were at earlier, backs against the bark.

wonwoo put his hoodie up and laid his head against junhui's shoulder. they were in comfortable silence, fingers interlocked and enjoying the summer air.

"this is really nice," wonwoo breaks the silence, looking up at junhui.

"yes it is, especially with you." he smiled down at him fondly, not wanting to take his eyes away. 

the two like each other, both of them knowing that. they knew not to date, it could possibly hurt their relationship and the reputation of the group. both of them agreed it would be best, but couldn't help but fall for the other.

i can love you someday.

wonwoo smiled back and laid his back down, but junhui wanted more. he just wanted wonwoo's everything, not even caring anymore. no one was around them, they could do whatever they wanted. everyone would be up until around 3 am anyway, hanging out and playing games. the two escaped having some private time. 

junhui lifted wonwoo's head up and cupped his cheeks.

"we'll be able to love each other someday, don't worry." he smiled and leaned in, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. if he couldn't transfer the love, he would have to do it this way. wonwoo kissed him back and felt every emotion being poured. he didn't want to break the moment apart any time soon.

junhui just didn't care. he knew they had chances of getting caught, but it was 1 am and they were alone in a field. no cars and no noise coming from anywhere but the wind and their feet running around. he pushed wonwoo down into the grass, unzipping his hoodie to reveal his chest from the tank top he had on under.

the urge to push him off is strong, but the euphoric feeling is even stronger.

he placed small kisses along his chest and collarbones, leaving a small love bite every now and then.

"for them to know that you're mine, just not yet." junhui whispered against wonwoo's lips before connecting them again.

they lifted up to sit in the grass and kept their kisses stable, not wanting to let go. a small firefly stopped right on top of wonwoo's head, the same one junhui caught in his hands just earlier.

even the firefly knew they were connected.



hey y'all, hope you enjoyed.

just wanted to let you know this will be the last one since i'm deciding to discontinue this book. i haven't really been focusing on it and i'd like to work on more longer books, not just small stories.

if i have more ideas for it, however, i will add them. for now, this is it.

thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed them!

toodles~! xoxo

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