Reaper Headcanons

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Some headcanons for the edgelord himself.

____Reaper's Headcanons____

Will push anyone that gets close to him out of fear they'll leave.

Loves any kind of poetry and but mostly goes toward the sensitive type

You can find him out in the rain without an umbrella.

Doesn't show it but he's sensitive.

Sombra hella annoys him but doesn't mind because she could do worse.

He can knit hella good, and what he knits is comfy as hell.

He has a neutral feeling about Christmas.

He probably draws, maybe even paints, honestly he's a mystery and can't decide which one he'd rather do.

If he could run a blog it'd be a blog on poetry or possibly ranting.

Don't call him and edgelord in front of his face or he will hurt you.

If you say edgelord three times I heard he appears behind you.

He is absolutely terrified of Moira in ways you couldn't understand.

Probably writes poetry.

His top favorite would have to be "milk and honey".(I actually have read the book and he probably would like that one, or maybe "I Love My Love".)

Probably has a ranting blog.

If he sings he sounds like a dying siren playing the trumpet poorly.

Probably watches Kitchen Nightmare and Hotel Hell just because he likes seeing people suffering and how they actually can change, it's kinda amazing.

He might wear a Santa hat during Christmas, depends on his mood.

The only reason he had worn a pumpkin on his head was that he couldn't get it off after Sombra put it on his head.

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