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  "You're joking, right?" An indignant voice rang across the meeting hall. "No Zeus, I'm not, and stop that shouting. you're going to get yourself more worked up than necessary." Two gods, one male and one female stood facing each other at the head of a large table. Around it sat more gods, becoming disgruntled with the shouting.
  A second god stood and spoke up over the first. "Alright alright. No more yelling Zeus. Hera, please tell us why is this SO important?" The slender goddess turned to face the second man, her flats clicking slightly on the marble floor, her brown hair falling to her slim shoulders in silky waves. Her brown knee length sundress flowed around her. "Ares you already know we have to do this, why do you insist on continuing to act so stubborn?" As she spoke, she rested her hands on her hips, and fixed both gods with an annoyed frown. Ares pressed his lips together, and glared at the two agitated gods. "Okay, so if we must leave, why does it have to be now?"
  A second goddess stood from her seat, her combat boots adding to her 5'7'' height. Her blonde hair fell just past her shoulders in straight locks, and her tan button up led to a pair of blue jeans. "Do you not understand that you have no choice? By staying in Olympus, you are not only putting yourselves in danger, you are putting the rest of us at risk as well." The rest of the gods fell silent at the goddess words, and were trying to react appropriately.
  "Athena is right," a curvy goddess in a form fitting black dress with black heels stood up, "you would be safer in a different realm." Several nodded in agreement, and a third god stood from his seat. His blue trunks reflected the light in the hall slightly, his bare olive skin and black hair glistened under the fluorescence. "If we go through with this, how soon should we do it?"
  Aphrodite the curvy goddess spoke again, "I would recommend now. Do you have someone whom you can choose to take your place while you are away?"
  Zeus moved forward slightly, green eyes flashing, his tan suit and tie catching the light. "Fine. Aphrodite you can take my place for now." Ares stepped forward next, his bomber jacket and military style pants crinkling. "I choose Athena, if that's fine with you."
  Athena nodded and smirked slightly. The gods turn to the man in the swim trunks. "Poseidon? What about you?" He shook his head. "No. But I can just make sure the Naiads keep an eye on things for me."
  Hera smiled and clapped twice. "Good, good. Now, all that's left is to make sure that Hades knows when he's supposed to leave." Suddenly, it was quiet enough to hear a god breathe clear across the hall. "Wait wait, hold on just a second," Zeus seemed disturbingly calm for having just received such news, "you want me... to work with HADES?"
  Hera's lips were forced into a smile but her face was drained of color. "Umm... Yes? I mean, it's not going to be just you. All three of you will have to deal with Hades." Athena frowned. "Would you stop arguing for everything and just summon him already?"
  "Fine" Zeus held out his hand, and in a flash of bright light, a man appeared. He wore a black robe over a set of armor, his spiked combat boots thudded harshly as he landed on the floor. "Hades! How many times have I told you NOT to wear that in my home?" Aphrodite shrieked from across the room. "Oh fuck off woman," came his retort, "I do what the hell I want. Haven't you figured that out yet?" Aphrodite scoffed in response, and turned away from him.
  Athena changed the subject, "so I assume you know why your here?" Hades nodded. "Is it because you've finally figured out how to kill me, and tested it on your precious nymphs? Since you've had success, you want to try it on me now?" Athena and Hera stared at him, their expressions simultaneously full of shock and disgust. "No..." Hera eventually spoke up, "it's about you leaving to the realm of Earth."
  "Oh okay. And you expect me to believe that right?" Hades scowl was full of contempt. "We're serious," Athena spoke again, "about you going to Earth we mean." "Fine," Hades agreed begrudgingly, "but just know, if you cross me, I'll feed you to the dogs." He held up his palm and in a flash of light, a hologram of a hellhound appeared. It was just over four feet tall and just as many feet long, with three inch razor sharp teeth and claws, and glaring red eyes. The two goddesses couldn't help but cringe away from it, despite knowing what it was. "Aw come on, don't be afraid of little Luther" Hades tone was mocking and full of amusement. "He's still a little puppy."
  "Come on," Hera spoke up, "we still have to conceal your powers and strip your weapons." Hades smirked as he closed his fingers over the hound: making it disappear. He was still laughing at their reactions as he followed the two goddesses, Zeus, Poseidon; and Ares, down a long hallway, into another room. This room was smaller, with a large window, a reclining chair in the center, and a place for their weapons off to the side.
  "Alright. Who's first?" Asked Hera. "I'll go," said Zeus. As he walked over he slid his thunderbolt in to the correct slot, which resulted in it shrinking to the size of a pen and losing all but a small spark at the tip. As he sat down, Hades snickered. Once he was seated, the chair was reclined, and restraints were fastened around his wrists, ankles, and across his chest.
  Athena and Hera rested one hand on his chest on either side of the restraint, and started to chant. As the chant continued, light swirled up from Zeus chest, and down from their hands. The longer it went on, the more intense the light grew. As their combined power build up, it started to form a portal in the window.
  Within the last seconds, Zeus desperately tried to ask them final questions. "How are the mortals going to find me? How will they know I'm coming?" Athena barely had time to answer. "They'll know, you will be hard to miss. Well you are there, each of you will have to rely on the mortals to provide you with your living essentials." With that, she released the restraints and a flash of white light surrounded Zeus. Then he was sent hurtling out the window, his signature wind and rain accompanied him. Hera returned her gaze to the three remaining gods, a thin shaky smile on her lips. "So. Who wants to go next? "You're joking, right?"

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