Crybaby (Yoonmin)

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Jimin sat uncomfortably on the couch clutching onto his sweater tightly with Yoongi while the host asked more questions.

You see, they were known as 'Korea's power couple' as Jimin was an adorable mochi while Yoongi on the other hand was that heartless jerk. No one knows how their world collide but all they know is they love each other very much. Yoongi's whipped for the adorable ball of fluff.

Right now, they were on some TV show with a terrible host questioning about their relationship. "Okay, next question is for Yoongi. What is Jimin good at?" The host asked.

"My little Minmin is great in everything, from dancing to sleeping adorably, you name it" He said without hesitation pulling Jimin closer by his waist when he saw him blushing. Yoongi gave Jimin this adorable nickname Minmin. The audience cooed at their adorable little.

"Really? Cause all i think he is good at doing is crying. Have you seen him? I mean, he cries over the littlest things. Drop his ice cream. Cry. Fell down the stairs. Cry. Is crying all you do?" the host said, laughing mockingly. It's not that he hates Jimin. Wait, he does. He hates how that little brat can become famous for just being little and he was also jealous of him.

Everyone looked at the host in shock and fury. Yoongi snapped his head over to him while Jimin whimpered. Does Minmin cry a lot? What if daddy finds me annoying? Does daddy think Minmin cry a lot?

His eyes watered at the thought. "See. He's crying right now just by a little joke I said about him. How pathetic" he said pointing at Jimin with his index finger.

Something in Yoongi snapped. He got up from his seat but not before pecking the crying little and walked over to the host. He was grabbed his collar and pulled him up. "Fucking badmouth my Minmin one more time, watch what's gonna happen" he said as he threw a punch right at the host's jaw.

The host grabbed his jaw protectively as Yoongi threw him on the ground. " Watch me spit on your grave" he mocked before carrying his little bridal style out his building.

Poor Jimin was trying very hard not to cry because he didn't want to be that crybaby. On the other hand, the audience was booing the host loudly as he recovered from the punch.

Jimin could only nuzzle into the older's neck while he carried him to a nearby park. Yoongi sat himself on the bench while he whispered sweet nothings into the sad mochi's ear.

"D-daddy" he whimpered. " it's okay,Minmin. Everything's alright. Daddy's here to protect you. That host was just a fucking bitch. Even if you cry, I will always love you" he whispered. Jimin was now sobbing into Yoongi's neck as the older rubbed his back in comfort. "There's my adorable mochi" He cooed and he continued to kiss the little's forehead.

"Daddy said a bad word" he giggled after he cried for what seemed like twenty minutes. His voice was hoarse from all the crying. Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled with him. " I guess I did"

" I love you daddy"

" I love you more Minmin"

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