Run Away (Jinmin)

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Requested by v_loves_jk

Jimin laid on Namjoon's couch, a baby blue blanket draped over his fragile body as he sobbed and hugged his stuffed dinosaur, Hugo.

He sobbed ever so painfully as Jungkook hugged him tighter while Namjoon was getting the wax

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He sobbed ever so painfully as Jungkook hugged him tighter while Namjoon was getting the wax. Yes, Jimin has braces. Jungkook does too. Technically why Namjoon's getting the wax.

"D-Daddy no lo-love me an-any-anymore Koo-Kookie" he sobbed out. Jungkook just shook his head and said " Uncle Jinnie does lub chu Jiminie" Jungkook hugged Jimin tighter.

You might wonder, how did this ever happen? Well, it started with Yoongi being dropped off at Jin's house by Hoseok. Jin, at first was quite confused but he did recall something about Hoseok having to go visit his sick grandfather.

Jimin was more than happy to play with Yoongi. But the problem was, they didn't play, at all. Jin was just there comforting the crying little who missed his dada dearly. Of course, Jimin didn't mind. He knew how it felt like to be separated from his daddy.

But Jin didn't even acknowledge the presence of his little even since Yoongi showed up. Jimin was just there playing with his blocks silently in the corner of the living room while Jin entertained Yoongi by playing peek-a-boo with him.

Suddenly, his teeth started to hurt real bad. Jimin knew he needed his wax. Tears started to form in his eyes as the pain got worse. He quickly got up from his sad corner and ran to his daddy's side.

" Daddy" Jimin whimpered out as he pulled on the older's sleeve who was now making a bottle for Yoongi. " Not now, Jimin. Yoongi needs his bottle"

" But, d-daddy, my teeth huwrts weal bad" Jimin explained. " Not now, Jimin" Jin said through gritted teeth, he was starting to get irritated by the younger.

"Daddy, pwease. Where da wax? Jiminie teeth huwrts " " NOT NOW, PARK JIMIN. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU"


" NO! CAN YOU JUST STOP BEING SUCH AN ATTENTION SEEKER! You have to know, the world doesn't revolve around you! Can't you just get that through your thick skull?!"

Jimin backed away, shocked. Before Jin could even process what he just said, Jimin sprinted out of the kitchen. He grabbed Hugo from the couch and ran off. He was about to run upstairs when he took a glance at the front door. He thought it was for the best.

He opened the front door and ran.

He ran like there was no tomorrow. As he ran, soft sobs started to come out of little Jimin's mouth. But he didn't care. He just kept running. His tiny fists rubbing at his eyes furiously.

Everything his daddy said was permanently in his heart forever.

As he finally stopped, he rang the doorbell softly. He didn't know where he was. But everything seemed quite familiar. Then, the door opened.

There stood a confused Namjoon and a shy Kookie peeking from behind. " Jimin! Why are you here?" Namjoon asked curiously as he examined Jimin's tears and flushed cheeks worriedly.

That was when Jimin broke down. Loud and heartbreaking cries was let out by the even heartbroken Jiminie as he fell onto the floor, his legs not bearing any longer.

" Ji-Jiminie ish sowwy. J-Jiminie c-can ch-cha-change. Pw-Pwease. Me ish g-goo-good boy." Jimin cried out painfully, hugging onto Hugo tightly.

" Jiminie!" Jungkook quickly pushed Namjoon aside as he pulled Jimin inside and hugged his trembling frame. Namjoon quickly figured out Jin and Jimin probably had an argument.

Jungkook places Jimin onto the couch softly as Namjoon came into the living room with a soft blanket. He covered both of their tiny frames before sitting on the floor in front of them.

He stroked Jimin's hair softly before noticing Jimin crying even harder when his teeth came in contact with each other. He stood up once more to go get wax from their bedroom.

Well, now that you've caught on, let us continue. Namjoon came back to the sight of Jimin crying ever so heartbroken into little Jungkookie's chest, who was also starting to tear up at his best friend's devastated state.

" Jimin sweetie, open your mouth for uncle Joonie. He'll help you to put wax into your pretty little mouth, okay?" Namjoon asked softly.

Jimin, even though still crying, opened his mouth. Jimin pointed at the parts he wanted the wax to be as Namjoon pressed it onto his teeth softly.

Once Namjoon was done, Jimin finally reduced to hiccups and managed to stutter out what happened. As he was explaining through hiccups and tears, Namjoon was stroking his head and Jungkook engulfing him in a hug.

Once he was finished, he was about to burst into tears again but Namjoon and Jungkook were in time to kiss him on his forehead and cheek. After about 20 minutes, Jimin held asleep, sucking onto his thumb adorably.
Suddenly, they heard a knock.

It was Jin.

Jungkook held him protectively as Namjoon opened the door to see a sweaty and worried Jin.

" Is Jimin with you? He ran away. Please tell me he is. I was so fucking worried."

"You're a fucking asshole, Jin. I can't even call you hyung right now. Why could you do that to Jimin!"

" I know I know. But I can fix it. I will fix it."

Namjoon sighed but nonetheless let Jin pass. Jin ran to the living room to see a Jungkook spooning the sleeping little Jimin. Jungkook glared at the older as he muttered out an "asshwole"

" I know, Kookie" he said as he picked up Jimin's tiny frame and held him bridal style. Jungkook growled at him and stood up, but Namjoon was there to stop his little from actually killing Jin. Jin smiled at his sleeping little before nodding at the two in gratitude.

He then, opened the front door softly and walked out the house. Jin walked down the streets while holding his little close to his chest.

" You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You never noticed, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away~"

Once Jin was done singing, he was quite surprised to see a tearful Jimin staring at him. The little quickly engulfed his daddy in a hug.

"Baby, I'm so fu-,"

" It's otay, Daddy. I forgibe chu" Jimin giggled out.

Jin was basically smiling like an idiot after Jimin said that. Jin hugged the little back tightly muttering out,

"I love you more, pancake"

Thanks for requesting. I am dying inside but I have to admit, I had a lot of fun thinking of this plot.

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