Why? (Jikook) Pt.2

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The next day, Jimin went to Jungkook's house. He knocked on the door, when nobody answered, he turned the doorknob.

What if something happens? What if he throws a chair at me? Will he even forgive me even after what I did ? 
All kinds of thoughts ran across his mind. But he was the one who messed up, so he's taking his chances.

Instead, he was surprised. The door wasn't even locked. Jungkook was so hurt last night that he didn't even get up to lock the door.

Jimin walked into the house quietly, afraid to scare Jungkook. There he laid, on the cold hard floor, his cheeks, eyes and nose in the cutest shade of red. Jimin thought he looked adorable. But he knew that the fragile boy was broken inside.

Jungkook laid in the middle of his own destruction that had occurred the night before. Jimin kneeled onto his knees in front of the sleeping boy and kissed his forehead gently.

" I promised I'll fix this and I'm gonna do it" he whispered before getting up to go to the kitchen. He was gonna make breakfast.

Since he was in the cool gang, he was afraid to tell them that he knew how to make the best strawberry waffles. He was afraid that he would laugh at his ability to cook.

After about half an hour, Jungkook woke up to a painful headache. He looked around before remembering last night's events. He was near to destroying his house and he kicked Jimin out.

Then, he remembered. He was only worth a leather jacket. Jimin didn't love him. He was played. Again. He actually thought Jimin loved him, he wanted to grow old with him. But how wrong he was. Or was he?

Tears blurred his vision as he weeped painfully. " Jungkookie~" he heard a voice.

It couldn't be. He was dreaming right? He thought he heard Jimin's sweet voice. Just then, Jimin came into the living room, holding a tray that consisted of a plate of strawberry waffles drenched with a little too much syrup ( Jimin knows Jungkook has a sweet tooth) and a glass of cold orange juice.

He walked over to Jungkook and kneeled down before putting down the tray. He cupped Jungkook's cheeks softly and smiled.
" Don't cry, little one. Dada's here" Jungkook looked at him confused before going with it and nuzzling his face into his dada's shirt.

" Dada's so so sorry, baby. Dada really does love you. You have to know that. It was a bet, yes, but for only 2 months. You see, dada stayed with you for 8 months. Why? Because he loves you. He really does. He loves your cute bunny teeth, your tiny nose, your squishy cheeks, your soft baby hair and your adorable little whine. He loves everything about you and he wouldn't change that for the world. Dada doesn't really expect Kookie to love him back after what he did but can you at least forgive this stupid asshole? Please?"

He looked down at Jungkook, tears rolling down. Jungkook let out a soft giggle and said " Kookie forgiwes asshowle. Lub asshowle"

Jimin chuckled and pecked the little on the lips before wiping his tears from his eyes.He really didn't deserve such a precious angel.

"Now, let's eat breakfast and have to take a bath. Sounds good ?" Jimin asked. Jungkook nodded and made grabby hands at Jimin.

" My adorable baby"

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