Our Precious Baby (Jungkook✖️Bangtan) Pt.1

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Requested by PrincessKookie3000

" Daddyyyyyy!!!" Taehyung, the newly found little ran into the living room to find the members. Jungkook, Bangtan's little of two years ran behind Taehyung, wearing matching onesies with the older. Everyone looked as the little stood in front of them, a wide smile on his face as a shy Kookie stood behind him.

" Oh my god! Look at you, Taetae. You look absolutely adorable!" Jin cooed as the others surround Taehyung, pinching his cheeks and covering his face with kisses.

" Daddy, Daddy! How Kookie look?"

" Yeah,yeah. You look fine too. But Taetae just looks absolutely adorable!" Hoseok squealed as he whipped out his phone to take,probably a million photos of Taehyung giggling.

What all of them didn't notice was how Jungkook's bunny smile disappeared as he looked at his hyungies in sadness.

What do they mean? Weren't they the same? On the same level of adorable? Well, that was what his hyungies told him anyways.

But they were too focused on adorable little Taehyung that they didn't notice how Jungkook returned to his room, with tears in his eyes.

He immediately stripped from his dinosaur onesie and changed into something more plain. He threw the onesie across the room, then just staring at it for awhile as tears rolled down his cheeks. He proceeded to lay in his bed, sobbing quietly into his pillow.

It went on like this for weeks. Jungkook got compared to Taehyung, who was so prim and perfect. He got told how Taehyung was so much more obedient, so much more of a big boy and so much more sweeter than him.

Jungkook didn't like it. Not at all. He was really sensitive, they know that. But instead, they decided to ignore and compare him to perfect Taehyungie.

Jungkook was a vulnerable little. He believed anything his hyungies say to him. Including the comparisons of him and Taehyung. All those "why can't you be a good boy like Taehyung?" or "Taehyung isn't as difficult and needy like you" really made a permanent scar in Jungkook's heart.

He would cry himself to sleep as he was punished almost everyday. Everything he did was wrong. Spilled juice onto the floor by accident. Punished. Accidentally pushed Taehyung lightly because he was hugging him for too long. Punished.

He was told he was bad. So, that basically meant he was a bad little. He was guilty. But he obviously shouldn't be.

But no one told him that. Why? Because they were always with Taehyung, praising him for everything he did. It was to the point even if Taehyung did something really bad, they wouldn't punish him. The most is that they gave him a light scolding.

You think that's worse? No. What's worse is that after Jungkook get punished, he never got any aftercare from any of them. They were going way too far. But they never noticed.

It was one day when Jungkook was 'misbehaving' again. He was playing with his stuffie when Taehyung decided to play too. He grabbed Jungkook's favourite stuffie, Mimi and started to play with him quite roughly.

Jungkook saw and tried to grab the stuffie away from Taehyung gently. Taehyung pried his hands off and stuck his tongue at Jungkook.

Jungkook started to pull harder and soon, he were basically doing tug of war using the stuffie. Taehyung hit Jungkook hard several times to try to make him let go. But Jungkook didn't care. It was his stuffie. His and his only.

Suddenly, Taehyung started wailing. It was then Jungkook realised he accidentally elbowed Taehyung in the ribs. All the caregivers rushed into the living room to find a wailing Taehyung holding onto his ribs.

" Jungkook" Yoongi said darkly as the others went to comfort the sobbing little. " You're getting punished. Why are you always like this?! Taehyung didn't do anything to you!"

Jungkook started at his Appa with glossy eyes before shaking his head and getting up, grabbing Mimi forcefully from Taehyung's grasp and started to walk back to his room. Of course, this made Taehyung sob louder and the others were both equally angry and shocked.

" Jeon Jungkook, come here right now!" Yoongi yelled but Jungkook continued walking. He caught up with the little and grabbed his wrist forcefully. Jungkook let out a whimper at the force but continue to stay strong.

" Lwet me gwo!" Jungkook yelled as he snatch his hand away from the shocked older's grip. " It's his fault anyways" he glared at the older before slamming the door, shocking everyone. Jungkook was never like this.

"Jungkook, come out this door this instance." Yoongi tried to stay calm as he said. "Nwo" Jungkook's voice cracked. All the anger and stress bottled up in Yoongi quickly turned into worry when he heard Jungkook's broken voice.

" Baby, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked. Yoongi expected an answer but he heard something way worse. Sobs. Soft heartbreaking ones coming from Jungkook's room.

Baby. Jungkook hasn't heard that nickname for weeks which made him cry harder. He managed to get off his bed and walk over to the door, unlocking it and throwing himself onto Yoongi.

Yoongi was shocked but still managed to catch Jungkook before he fell and hugged him close to his chest. " K-Kookie so-sow-sowwy Ap-p-ppa. Kookie sowwy f-for not bein-being perfewt l-li-like T-Tae-Ta-Tae." Jungkook bawled into Yoongi's shirt.

Yoongi was beyond shocked now. He never thought those hurtful words would get to him. Even so, they never meant any of it. They were either stressed or tired. But that didn't give them the rights to tell Jungkook that Taehyung was a better little.

No little should have to suffer that kind of pain. Being compared to another little.

" Baby, we're so sorry. We didn't mean to make you feel that way. Your hyungies were wrong to treat you like that. You didn't deserve that. Such a brave boy, right? Kookie's a brave boy. We shouldn't have treat you like that. You don't deserve horrible caregivers like us. You deserve the world. We're so sorry, baby. I don't know how to make it up to you"

Yoongi was basically sobbing onto Jungkook now. He didn't know why they treated him like that. Jungkook was great in so many ways. " Appa no crwy now. It's okay, Kookie forgibe chu" Jungkook smiled genuinely the first time in weeks.

" What did we do to deserve you?" Yoongi squishes the sniffling Jungkook's cheeks, which resulted to Jungkook giggling and hugging Yoongi tightly. Yoongi smiled as he carried the giggling Jungkook to the living room to confront some specific people.

I promise we'll make it up to you.

Thanks for requesting. Man, longest one shot yet. 1115 words.

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