Sick Baby (Jimin✖️Bangtan)

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Requested by SaetbyeolPark

Jiminie ran down the stairs with that familiar shine in his eyes. He was wearing his new sweater that Big Jimin bought and he was eager to show his hyungies.

He went downstairs and went in the living room

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He went downstairs and went in the living room. He walked in on a sight of Taehyung in little space and his hyungs surrounding and cooing at the tiniest actions. Jiminie pouted, it was a usual sight.

He walked over to the closest hyung, which happened to be Namjoon hyung and he tugged on his dress shirt gently with a wide smile on his face. Namjoon turned to him with an annoyed expression and asked, "What?"

Jimin pouted. He didn't feel like asking for praises from him anymore but there was no turning back.

"Ummm, Mwinnie got new sweater. What chu think, J-Jwoonie?"

"Gosh, I don't know, Min. Maybe go ask someone else" Namjoon replied. He wasn't trying to sound rude, he was just busy. Busy with Taetae. Jimin let out a small noise of disapproval and Jungkook turned to the little with a disapproving face.

"Geez, Jimin. Don't need to be a whiny brat about it. We're busy, can you not see that?!You know what, go into timeout. You've been nothing but trouble today" Jungkook said.

Jimin pouted deeper and stared at Jungkook with watery eyes but he then, realised it wasn't going to work, so he just did as he was told. It's been like this for a few weeks now.

The members punishing poor Jiminie for being 'annoying' when all he wanted was love and attention. They all got so caught up with little Taehyungie that they don't even realise that they're neglecting their Jiminie. They didn't mean to, of course. It was just Taetae was a new little and they wanted to get to know him. But it was absolutely unacceptable to just throw Jiminie aside just like that.

Poor little Jiminie ended up skipping dinner after time out and crying himself to sleep, heartbroken. No one even came to check on him, they were too busy with Taetae. The next day, poor baby laid in bed, with a huge headache.

He whimpered out for his dada, which was Hoseok and started to cry because of the pain. Namjoon, who was walking upstairs to get Taetae's pacifier heard he younger's soft yet painful cries and immediately went to check on him.

His heart broke when he saw tiny little Jiminie  on the bed, curled up, hugging his plushie, Bao tightly.

(*cough cough* dumpling incident)

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(*cough cough* dumpling incident)

He immediately went to his side and and placed the sobbing into his lap. The sick baby clung onto him so tightly while crying into his chest as the older whispered soft nothings into his ears. He called Hoseok from downstairs and the caregiver immediately ran to his baby's aid.

He pulled him off Namjoon's lap and proceeded to cuddle him on the bed as the younger spilled everything out to the caregivers. He just couldn't take it anymore.

"W-Why chu all ign-ignor-ignwore me da-dada? C-Chu l-lu-lub Tae-Taetae m-mwore right? Di-Dimin-Diminie n-nwot pwe-pwetty anymwore? Mwe so sowwy" the youngest of the three wailed.

Hoseok and Namjoon both reassured the little that they were so sorry and that they were huge dicks for doing that to the little. Putting him through so much anguish and pain in the past few days. Namjoon then, went downstairs to give the couple some privacy and also fill the others in on the situation.

When Hoseok finally managed to calm the little down, Jiminie had slipped into baby space. Jiminie in baby space was adorable, the way he sucks on his little chubby thumb instead of the pacifier and how he was giggly 99% of the time.

Hoseok cooed as the baby cuddled onto his chest, still whining a bit because of the headache. Hoseok placed his hand on the little's forehead and realised that he had a high fever. He yelled for Joon to come up again, but this time with a tub with cold water and a cloth.

Hoseok laid the baby down on the bed and Joon dipped the cloth into the icy cold water. He laid the said cloth on his head and the younger whimpered softly because of the cold. The caregivers cooed and Hoseok was praising his baby for being so strong.

Although Jimin didn't know what Hoseok was saying, he still let out soft giggles as Hoseok blew a raspberry on his soft tummy. The others were standing by the doorway, looking guilty as ever. They didn't intentionally want to starve Jimin and cause him to be sick. They were just so caught up with Tae. (A/N: don't you think you used this line enough, author-nim?)

As everyone came to his bed to apologise, Hoseok quickly pushed all of them out as they were being too loud and baby Jiminie was sensitive to loud noises. For the next few days, Hoseok was by Jimin's side 24/7.

He was there to take care of his baby that he neglected for days and was praising him for the littlest stuff, like eating his porridge and taking his medicine like a good boy. Jiminie still hasn't slipped out of baby space yet. He just tends to stay in baby space when he's sick.

Finally, after 4 days of sick baby Jiminie, he finally got better and was big enough (still in little space tho) to sit in the living room and listened to the other's apology, with Hoseok caressing his hair, of course.

The other caregivers were so guilty that they cried and begged for forgiveness from the younger. The younger happily forgave them and warned them not to do it again, with a cute pout on his face. The others promised, mainly because Hoseok was sitting there with a threatening glare on his face.

Yes, all was well in the Bangtan household once again.

BAM! UPDATE YALL. I'm so sorry for being inactive in the past month or two or three, to that matter. School is just so stressful. As always, thank you for requesting~ and hopefully this isn't crappy?

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