Our Precious Baby (Jungkook✖️Bangtan) Pt.2

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(A/N: this will be the last time I would be doing a part 2 as a request as I am the author of this book so I should be the one making these kinds of decisions, don't ya think? Also please stop asking when I'll update something. It's genuinely very stressful and overwhelming.

I'm very sorry if I come off as rude, that is totally not my intention. Please respect my decision and enjoy~)



"FOR FUCKS SAKE, YOU KNOW WHAT? UNLESS Y'ALL START TREATING JUNGKOOK RIGHT AGAIN, HE ISN'T TO SEE OR TALK TO ANY OF YOU" and like that, Yoongi stormed off with Jungkook pouting and gripping onto his dress shirt tightly.

"made Appa and Jinnie mad?" the little whispered out as he watched Yoongi try to calm himself by taking deep breaths. The older just looked at him and gave him a smile.

"Awww no baby. Jinnie's just being a poopyhead right now. Besides, how could I be mad when you're being so cute, bun" Yoongi said as he opened his bedroom door and set the little down in the bed. The little let out tiny cute giggles when his caregiver blew raspberries on his tummy.

After a few hours of play time with his appa, Jungkookie finally fell asleep, sucking on his pacifier and holding on to his plushie, Waffle.

(A/N: yes! It has finally been revealed what plushie Jungkookie has fought so hard for in the last chapter)

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(A/N: yes! It has finally been revealed what plushie Jungkookie has fought so hard for in the last chapter)

The two oldest caregivers didn't talk to each other for the a few days. The others had already cried and begged for forgiveness from Jungkook, which he happily agreed to when he saw how guilty they felt for treating him wrongly.

Jin, on the other hand, well... the main reason he wasn't apologising was because of his stubbornness. He really did feel bad, it's just that he wasn't really ready to apologise to the little after how badly he treated him. He didn't know where to even begin!

Little Jungkook was happy that he got most of his caregivers back, and how he was best friends with Taetae again. That is, after the little went through a massive scolding and got his punishment, that includes thinking that Jungkookie didn't wanna play with him anymore. Anyways, the little was happy, but there was still a hole in his heart. That hole that yearned for the oldest.

He wanted Jinnie, he missed the oldest's hugs and kisses. He didn't know what he did wrong and that was the main reason why poor bun broke down one night. He cried and cried, the others just didn't know what to do. They tried everything, even bringing out his favourite snacks and giving him lots of cuddles.

But the little would not stop sobbing, he wanted Jinnie. He was beyond heartbroken and thought the oldest didn't love him anymore . Yoongi sighed softly and got to Jungkook's height to look him in the eye.

"Cmon baby, tell what's got you so upset, hmm?" He said softly, lifting the little's chin up. Jungkook wiped his tears but they just kept falling and whispered out a tiny "wa-want Jwinnie, a-appa"

Unfortunately for them, Jin was out buying groceries. Well, not really, that's what he said. But the truth was he was out buying stuff to make up to Jungkookie.

"Awww, sorry baby. Jinnie's not home right now" Yoongi gave the little a sad smile. The little bit his lip and started sobbing silently again. At that very moment, Jin walked into the living room with two bags full of stuff for Jungkookie.

"J-Jwinnie" the little sobbed out and stretched his arms out. The caregiver, although stunned that the little actually wanted him, acted fast by placing the bags down and bringing the sobbing Kookie into his arms in the matter of seconds .

The little sobbed and held onto the older's coat so hard, scared that if he lets go he'll disappear forever. "don't worry sweetie, I'm won't leave. I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry " Jin whispered, tears in his eyes.

Yoongi ushered everyone out of the living room to give the two some privacy, but not before giving the older a warning glare. After the little reduced to tiny hiccups and sniffles, Jin started blubbering his apology out, choking on his own tears.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I really am. I-I don't even know where to even begin, I'm such a horrible caregiver. What is wrong with me? Who am I to make you treat you like crap? I don't know what got into me. I know it sounds stupid, but I really am sorry. I don't even know how am I supposed to make up to you? I don't even think I deserve your forgiveness. I genuinely get it if you don't want me as your caregiver anymore"  the older wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks.

The little just let out a giggle and said " of course I forgibe Jwinnie. I lub Jinnie a wot. Jwinnie was bit mwean though"

"you're just an angel, baby. I swear, I will make it up to you. Here, I'll show you what I got for you" the caregiver hoisted the little up onto his lap and brought the two bags he dropped just now in front of them.

" go ahead, sweetcheeks. Open it" the little opened it and you could literally see the sparkles in his eyes. Inside the two bags were all his favourite snacks, a few colouring books and pacifiers, and even a new sweater!

"woah!" The little squealed as he pulled out the pink strawberry sweater from the bag.

"Don't be shy, Kookie

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"Don't be shy, Kookie. Put it on!" The caregiver chimed happily. The little excitedly put in on and asked Jin, "how I wook, Jinnie?" in the softest voice ever.

The caregiver couldn't resist it and tackled the little onto the ground, covering him in kisses and compliments. The little giggled out loud and even tried to put Jin away playfully. The others peeked from the dining room door to see the two on the laminated floor, literally having the time of their lives.

Yoongi smiled, even though he knew that it'll probably take awhile to get Jungkook back to his happy self again, he was happy that his family was finally complete again.

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