TWENTYFOUR| save me.

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Nori Samuels

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Nori Samuels

Gasping, I jumped up to the feeling of cold water being splashed on my body. I think my eyes are permanently bulged at this point. Looking over at Erin who basically had the same face as me, then I looked at the guy who did it.

He reached down and helped me stand up. I was so hungry it made me feel sick, my head was spinning. The chains on my wrist just pierced my skin, the stab wound I had felt infected, and I'm sure I'll be developing hypothermia from the water he just threw on me.

They opened the steel door that led us outside and walked us over to a truck. We were both pushed into the backseat. Erin looked at me, her eyes were so red and swollen. We intertwined our pinky's and she laid her head on my shoulder.

I don't know how long we've been in this room but it feels like forever.

This isn't going to fly this time. I have to get us out of this. Last time I was too afraid but that's out the window. It's either be scared and lose or do what I have to do for us to survive. I need Erin on board with whatever I plan or we can come up with something together. Hopefully she's not afraid.

As the truck drove, I looked at our surroundings, to try and remember what we went past. It's like we were in a wooded area, far from home. I looked ahead, there were a bunch of signs to let you know about rest stops, gas stations and restaurants. I made a mental note of those.

We got off the expressway after a sign that had McDonald's, Wendy's, A speedway gas station and a Taco Bell.

He makes a right drives for another minute then makes a left. We're on a dirt road, you can't really see the end but it's coming. Once we get there, a huge house is off in the distance. When we get to the front door I scanned for an address but there was nothing.

The two guys jumped out the car causing me and Erin to cling on to each other tighter, but once they opened the doors, they wasted no time pulling us apart.

We were pushed inside the house then taken into the living room and pushed down on the couch. They pulled the wrapping from around our mouths, then walked out.

"I'm going to get us out of here." I whispered to Erin, that's one thing I'm great at. I can make sure nobody heard me but the person the message was intended for.

"I'm with whatever you do." She said, not taking her gaze off of what's in front of her.

"Well hello ladies."

The voice I despised so much, filled my ears. Kandi walked in front of us with that same stupid grin on her face that her brother had.

"Don't you two look terrible." She laughed. "I can't believe you thought you could actually get away from us. Your precious Corey and Christopher are pretty dumb to be FBI agents. I thought in training you are taught to always watch your surroundings. You fell right into our trap as soon as you landed back in New York from Cuba."

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