6 - "You know how hard it is to hide a boner in skinny jeans?"

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"You know how hard it is to hide a boner in skinny jeans?”

Rey’s POV

“Um, what?”, fragte ich und zog meine Vans aus, bevor ich sie neben die Tür legte.

“You had sex last night. You’re glowing and smiling and-wait. Did you just lose your virginity?”

“Pssh no?”

“You’re lying!”, rief sie und grinste breit. “Oh my god! Wait! No! NIALL took your virginity? That’s why he was so distracted last night!”


“Last night after he dropped you off he returned quite late and was really distracted. Then he got really drunk and started making out with Soph, which she then took home and probably fucked. But WHAT?! You lost your fucking V card? Holy shit? How was it?!”

“It was amazing. I mean, it wasn’t anything romantic…”

“But it was with Niall, so it was perfect.”, äffte sie mich nach und ich verdrehte meine Augen, da ich wusste, dass sie sowieso recht hatte.

“So how did it happen?”

“Well, we were listening to the college radio station and they started playing songs written by students, and Hey There Delilah started playing.”

Sie bekam große Augen.

“He wrote that about you! Oh my god! Oh my god! I remember a year ago when we were in music class, and Zayn and Niall fought because I said that they did nothing romantic for a girl, and then Niall said that the most romantic thing was that he wrote a song about a girl!!!”


Sie nickte aufgeregt und ich lächelte.

“So did you love him?”


“Did you love him? When you were together that summer.”

“I did.”


“Um… reasons.”

“What reasons? Or is it actually hard to find something to love about him?”

“No… I just… I don’t want to tell you what I love about him because I don’t want you to… hm.”

“You don’t want me to start liking him! Oh my god! And love, as in present tense? Oh my god! You still like him!”

“I really don’t I just-“

“I study psychology. You’re the easiest person to read, ever. Niall, however, he’s one of the few people I can’t figure out. He’s like, I don’t know. He probably has high walls built up and stuff.”

“Is there anyone else you can’t figure out?”

“Zayn. He’s really mysterious and seems like he has some problems he needs to sort out. Like an inner battle or something.”

“Yeah…”, meinte ich nur und dann begann sie, mir zu erzählen, was sie und Ryan gestern Nacht alles getan hatten, bevor er ihr über die Schuhe gekotzt hatte.


Es war nun der 30. Oktober, was hieß, dass ich heute eigentlich meine Strafarbeit abgeben müsste. Aber ich hatte sie nicht mal angefangen. Für den Song, den wir für Musik machen mussten, bekamen Niall und ich aber eine super Note, da wir ein Lied verwendeten, dass er geschrieben hatte.

Teenage Dirtbag + The One That Got AwayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt