Chapter 26

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Rye's POV

Last chapter ending:

All of the sudden I heard the door to the bathroom open.

"Andy babe are you in here?"


There was no answer but there was a stall locked. I knocked on the stall.

"Hello Andy are you in here?" I said in a nice calm voice.

"Uhm yeah sorry"

"Are you okay baby?" I asked worried.

"Yeah just taking a shit" he giggled "Just go back to the table i'll be there in a min"

"Okay glad your okay Fovvs" I said as I walked out of the bathroom. 

I got back to the table and sat there. I was thinking of how stupid I was thinking that something was wrong with Andy. He's been doing so good these past 2 maybe 3 days so why would there being anything wrong with him now.

"Heyy I'm back" Andy smiled.

"Yayy I missed you" I giggled.

"Come on I was gone 5 minutes" he giggled.

"I felt like 5 hours"

"I bet it did" he giggled again.

"Here's your food" the waiter said while putting our plates down in front of me and Andy.

"Thank you" Andy said.

"Yes thank you"

"Its okay is there anything else I can get you?" She said nicely.  

"Um don't think so thank you" Andy smiled. 

"Okay then enjoy your food if you need anything just ask a waiter" she smiled walking away.

"They look amazing!" Andy said basically drooling.

"Your hungry ain't you?" I giggled.

"Yep so hungry" he smiled.

"Good well eat" I said while taking a bite out of my burger.

We sat there in silence not talking because we where both so hungry and where just munching away at our burgers. Then all of the sudden someone stopped in front of our table.

I looked up and I didn't know maybe Andy knows him. 

"Is that you Andrew?" he asked in a very dominant sort of loud voice.

"Uhm yeah hi Jake" Andy said but he seemed a little scared.

"uhmm how have you been?" Jake asked Andy.

"SERIOUSLY! HOW I HAVE BEEN GO AWAY!" Andy shouted. Now I know somethings wrong.

"Why should I?" he asked. 

"Because Andy said so so go away and leave him alone!" I raised my voice at Jake.

"Oh who's this 'Andy'?" he mimicked me with the name Andy. Andy looks really scared now so I spoke again.


"Fine but just know Andy that I can find out anything!" Jake said while walking back to his table.

"Andy are you okay?!" I asked really worried.

"Um no not really but don't worry I don't want to ruin our first date so we can talk about it later okay" he said while rubbing his wrists with his thumb. God I hope he didn't while he was in the bathroom. He did take ages and that could be the reason. He would have tole me.

"Okay only if your sure baby we can go home if you want?"

"No! I want to have a nice time with you" he smiled at me.

"Okay but where definitely talking about this later"

"Okay Rye" he smiled.

"Good and as where nearly finished what do you want for dessert?"

"Come on Rye you don't need to"

"I do come on what do you want and I'll have the same"

"Uhmm okay I'll have Frozen vanilla yogurt" he smiled.

"How did I know you where gonna say that" I giggled.

"well you do know I love frozen yogurt and vanilla is my favorite flavor of it" he smiled.


~Time skip to when they get their desserts~

"Thank you" I say when the waiter walks away after bringing us our desserts.

"Yayyy" Andy says as he grabs his spoon and digs in straight away.

"Haha new you wanted dessert" I giggled while watching Andy scoff his mouth full. 

"Yeahh" he giggled with still a little if it in his mouth which made me giggle "What?" he giggled.

"You still got yogurt it your mouth and you got some on your cheek" we both giggled.

"Oh right i'll get it off now umm where is it?"

"By here" I said while showing him using my face. 

"Uhh did I get it?"

"No its just let me" I said while picking up a tissue and wiping it of his face. 

We sat there for about 30 seconds just staring into each others eyes until my phone went of which brought us both back to earth. 

I checked my phone it was a text from Mikey.

Yoda dude😂: Hey we'll be leaving in about 25-30 minutes x

Rye Pie🐝: Oh really okay we'll leave now thanks buddy x

Yoda dude😂: Its alright hope you had a good time x

Rye Pie🐝: We did thanks x

Read at 9:40pm

"That was Mikey they are leaving in about 25 to 30 minutes so we better going" I sighed.

"Oh okay I will ask for the bill as you got the food and the table" he said "Uhm hello waiter?" he said shyly.

"Yes what would you like sir?" the waiter asked nicely.

"Can we have the bill please?"

"Sure I will get it now"


"I have had such a good time I don't want it to end" I groaned.

"Me too babe me too" he smiled.

"Here is your check I will collect it in a minute"

"Okay" I say while getting my wallet out. I put the money down and as I did he came back to pick it up. 

"You ready?" Andy asked.

"Yeah come on then"

As we was walking out Andy glanced back at Jake at quickly turned back.


2 chapters out tonight !

-Shakira x

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