Chapter 57

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Rye's POV

I wake up as I hear the front door close. I find that weird so I get up and reach for my phone and check the time. Oh, I wonder what that was. I get up and walk around the house; Everyone is here except Andy. I go to check the bathroom and the one in my bedroom and he's not there.  

I guess he was the one that left, but where would he go.  He has nowhere to go at this time of night. I walk back to my room and wait for him there. I start reading to pass the time. 

As I finish another chapter the front door starts unlocking and it is opened. I close my book and pick up my phone to pretend that I was on it the whole time. He walks through the door with one of my hoodies on and looks startled as he sees me awake.

"Oh, hey babe," Andy says as he puts his phone down and takes off my hoodie.

"Hey, you alright?, Where were you?" I asked him.

"Oh, I was just in the bathroom. Sorry if I woke you up" He looked at me with sympathy. I knew he was lying because I checked the whole house.

"Aw okay and no you didn't don't worry babe" I smile at him.

"Okay" He replies as he gets back into bed with me. 

"You know I was thinking, why don't we make this room our room and get a double bed. Then Mike and Libby can have yours and Mike's room and well Jack and Brook can in their stay room"

"Aw yeah, that's a good idea. We can run across the others in the morning. For now, I am tired let's go back to sleep" 

"Okay, goodnight love. I love you" I smile at him. 

"I love you too" And that's all I hear when I drift off into a deep sleep. 

~Time skip~

I wake up to a massive bang. I sit up and Andy didn't wake up to it. I get up and open my bedroom door. I look both ways and see Libby and Mikey stood outside of Brooklyn and Jack's room laughing with no control. I want to find out more so I walk over towards them and look into the room.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I say as I see Brooklyn on the floor laughing and kind of screaming in pain and Jack on the floor historically laughing. 

"Well, Brook fell off the top bunk and Jack won't help him instead he is pissing himself," Libby says still laughing.

"Oh, great couple goals you are," Andy says as he starts giggling and I join him.

"If that happened to Andy I would've helped him by now," I say as I look at Andy who started laughing even more now. 

"No, you would not. You would be doing exactly what Jack is doing right now" Andy barley gets out because he is laughing too much.

"Yes," I say laughing, then I try to regain myself by saying "But I would help you and make sure you're okay, after about a minute"

"I know you would don't worry," he says as he kisses me.

"Alright, I am going in the kitchen," I say as I walk away laughing.

"I am so tired," Andy says as he walks in.

"I am aswell" I smile at him "What some coffee?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure" He smiles at me.

All of a sudden I hear everyone behind me scream they want coffee as well except Mikey he wants tea like me. With that, I get more cups out to make everyone some. As I am making the drinks I start thinking about last night. Could Andy be cheating on me? He wouldn't he loves me. Or he lost his love for me and doesn't care about me anymore. Or he has done this before and felt like he wanted to in this relationship. I start spiralling and wasn't noticing the world around me. I

I go to leave the room in a rush but bump into something on the way out. I look up and see Andy there.

"Are you alright? You don't look too good" Andy asked me.

"I'm fine," I say as I run off to the bathroom and lock myself in.

"Are you sure babe?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, just bathroom emergency. Mind finishing the drinks?" I ask him while trying to catch my breath.

"Um.. okay sure" He replied as I heard footsteps, a sign that he has walked away. 

I start hyperventilating and I hear someone outside. 

"Hello?" Someone says from the outside.  

"Hello" I reply quietly.

"Are you okay I could hear you breathing?" The person says. 

"Yeah, thanks" I say and the next minute I know Brook is walking through the door. 

"I knew you weren't okay. What's wrong?" He asks sincerely. Well, there is no point in hiding it. 

"Fine. I think Andy is cheating on me. He went out last night. I woke up to the front door closing. Then about an hour or so later he comes back. I asked him where he went and he said he went a toilet. I knew he was the one that left because I checked on every one" I reply as I start to calm down. I guess I just needed to get it out. 

"Oh, well mate do you really think that he would do that. It's Andy, he is the loyalist person I know he would not do that" Brook says as he pulls me in for a hug.

"I guess your right" 

I stand up and Brook copies me. We walk back into the kitchen and I see everyone with there drinks and laughing around the table. Andy spots us, he smiles at me and pats next to him on the sofa. I walk over to him, sit down and passes me my drink.

"So what are we guys talking about?" Brook asks them as he takes a seat on Jacks lap. 

"Not much really" Jack replies to him.

"Actually, I was thinking we should start preparing stuff for our wedding, starting with a venue" Libby says as we all look at her agreeing. 

We are looking around for a venue for 2 hours. Finally Mikey finds one.

"Guys, oh my god this one will be perfect. Western roof pavilion at Southbank Centre"

 He turns his laptop around and we all love it so much.

"Amazing" we all say in sink as we laugh.

"Alright I'll book it" 

10 minutes have gone by.

"It is booked for January the 10th 2020"

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