Chapter 48

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3rd POV

After they all finished breakfast, Andy and Rye went back to Rye's room which they should really just turn into the Randy room as they are always sharing the room together. They just entered the room and they heard a knock on their front door.  They were both confused because they barely get any visitors. 

Andy went to go answer the door with Rye behind him. They opened the door. 

"Hey, boys" the boy smirked and the couple standing there.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND US?" Rye shouted at the boy stood there.

"I have my ways" he smirked at the couple again. Rye and Andy heard footsteps behind them and realised that everyone was stood around the door with the angriest faces on their face.

"What do you want?" Andy asked. 

"You know exactly what I want" Jake replied. 

"No I do not now tell me" Andy said and by now Rye's arm was around Andy's waist protectively.

"You" Jake simply replied and as he said that Ethan appeared around the corner.

"Ughh why'd you bring him?" Rye said.

"Just in case you all decide to jump at me. It wouldn't be fair now would it with all of you on one" Jake said with a cold face. 

"You know what wasn't fair. When you and your physco of a friend Ethan just randomly decided to beat up my fiance. Two against one so, I don't really think anyone would care if we all started to beat the shit out of you" Rye replied. Everyone knew he was getting ready to jump on him and to stop any trouble Andy grabbed his hand and you can instantly see him loosen up.

"Well, I wouldn't if I was you" Jake said as he pulled out a knife.

"Wait" Libby said as she rummaged to the front.

"Libby he's got a knife what are you doing?" Mikey asked her. 

"I know these people" She said sounding scared. 

"How do you know these sickos" Mikey asked her once again. 

"They are both my brothers" She said and everyone looked at her in shock "When I came here saying I was getting robbed I wasn't really" She paused "I was running away because I was scared of them both and thought that they may kill me"

As she said that Mikey got through the crowd and pulled her to the back.

"Babe, you could've told me" Mikey looked at her in concern.

"I know, but I really like you and didn't want to scare you away" She looked at him apologetically and with fear because she thought he might break up with her and was scared of Jake and Ethan.

"So, this is where you've been" Ethan said as he looked over the crowd at his sister.

"Yes. And don't you dare ask me why because these people are the nicest people I've met in my life. Everyone else has judged me because I am the sister of you both. Everyone hated me and avoided me, but these people. Mikey was the first one I met he let me in after running away. Now he's my boyfriend. Jack and Brooklyn are the cutest couple who are always nice to me. Rye and Andy are also the cutest couple and they are nice and sweet. I love these people" Libby said while staring both of her brothers in the face. 

"How dare you betray your OWN FAMILY. We cared for you when no one else did" Jake was saying as he got interrupted by Libby.

"Care for me!" Libby shouted while moving through the crowd "You did everything else, but care for me. Jake you used to beat me and use me all the time. You would black mail me and would leave me locked out of the house for days with no food or water. Ethan, you would beat me as well. Everyday you would try it on with me. YOUR OWN SISTER. When I would say no and push you of me you would hit me. You hated not getting your own way. Dad hated me. He wouldn't do anything for me. He didn't care about me. None of you did. Only Mum did. She loved me. That was until she got killed by you two and dad. You said it was an accident, but I don't believe yo. I bet you beat her to death, but the police didn't follow it up. I hate you and will never call you my Brother ever again or call Dad that name anymore" Libby said that as she stormed away crying with Mikey following her.

"I SEE YOU DESTROY EVERYONES LIFE YOU TOUCH" Mikey said storming back through all the boys to get to the front not caring that Jake has got a  knife. "YOU DARE TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN OHHH I SWEAR" Mikey shouted.

"What are you gonna do aye?" Jake asked.

"I will" He didn't get to finish as Jake drove the knife into Mikey's stomach and Rye caught him as Jake and Ethan ran away.



The top pic is Jake


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