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i mindlessly pop a piece of mint gum that was inside my wallet into my mouth before entering the cafeteria. i really don't know how long it was in there for, but i think i'm better off not caring.

as i approach the vending machine, i see that today's note isn't on a post-it. rather, it's on a lined sheet of paper cut in half. well, not cut per-say, more extremely neatly ripped directly down the middle. from afar, it looked as though that were how the sheet were cut at the paper company it originated, it was that clean.

oddly enough, his handwriting is messier on lined paper than on blank. you would expect the opposite with the guidelines helping decide how big and small you should make your letters. yet his handwriting would tumble under and over the lines, not quite big enough to ever fit just right between the rows of blue.

it's strange how despite the guidelines showing how he should do it, how (by standards we hold) his perfect handwriting should be, he performs so much better when there are none at all. when he can write how he wants.

fuck. stupid random note getting me thinking as deeply as the writer of it.

"some people say having a 'god complex' is absurd. i personally have to disagree.

there was this man named pythagoras, who you probably know for his theorem, but otherwise his life was completely obscure. he ran this cult that forced people to completely alter their way of living, such as becoming vegetarian. with such strict standards, you would expect no one to join, yet he had hundreds of followers.

many people referred to him as a greek god, and can you really blame them? he lived in a time where thinking for yourself with explanations outside of a godly force was unheard of, and here he was with logical explanations for things that happened and somehow had hundreds of people kneeling before him.

it wouldn't be crazy to say that maybe he did start to believe he had some sort of divine power. it would make sense, that he, some random nobody, could completely out of the blue jump to these conclusions with evidence and support and make complete sense.

anyways, what i'm trying to say is sometimes we forget that the human brain can influence us in irrational ways we dont bother questioning. we really are primitive in the sense that our emotions remain as raw as they were back in the B.C. we can so easily fall into blind hatred, blind love, blind mob mentality, so on and so forth.

(you're really odd, you know that?)

-my JK"

i remove the piece of tape from the piece of paper, slightly tearing the paper from underneath. so much for being perfect.

i flip it and write on the back. i go out of my way to make my pink letters fit perfectly in the lines.

"maybe, the human race is all just psycho. and maybe only psychopaths are doing the whole brain thing right.

sanity is a social construct, anyways. acting on impulse is natural since it's our animalistic instincts. it was the human race that decided that we need to fill certain mental requirements to be considered 'normal.'

genetically, it's normal to be swayed by emotions. humanely? not so much.

you know, if you keep spewing out all this deep shit, eventually i'll run out of equally bizarre comebacks to keep these conversations interesting. talk about something simple, just one time, so i can let my brain rest a minute.

your playlist was great, by the way. if i were to put it in words, your music taste reminds me of the kind of music you hear on the radio at 6am when it's only you driving through the streets. the obscure really good music that nobody is ever awake to hear.

i feel indebted, so i will return you a playlist of my own someday. look forward to it.

(well your fuckin odd too, and two odds cancel to make an even so it doesnt even matter.)

-MY G"

i take the gum out of my mouth and place it on the vending machine, then stick the note on the gum.

i promptly buy my peach ice tea and leave.

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