what so, that means we're all alone?

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Yaz's POV

I wake up to the smell of her, but when I roll over her presence was missing. I sit up and scan the magnificent room, with the events of last night running through my head. If I wearnt in the doctors bed I wouldn't believe it.

I'm startled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, it swings open and I see the beautiful woman I had kissed last night standing there. "Come on we're waiting for you," she says smirking at my tardiness "it's time for our daily, well I mean daily is probably the wrong word since we are in a time machine. But you know it does have a time zone, hence the clocks. I do try to stick to them, knowing how human everyone is," as she rambles I pull myself out of her bed and make my way over to the door way.

"Time for our daily, according to TARDIS time, adventure?" I say with a chuckle. We're stood facing eachother for just a moment, but it felt like hours. looking at her tired eyes, i realise they told a thousand stories. you could tell they'd seen everything from disappointment to happiness. I could tell she'd been through everything imaginable and more by just a look in her beautiful eyes. Lost in thought, I don't realise she's getting closer to me until our lips almost touch. I close the gap once again and we kiss for about 30 seconds until we hear Graham shout

"Doc? Are you okay down there? Where's Yaz?" The doctor pulls her room shut and pecks me once more before strutting down the hallway towards the console room.

"I'm brilliant Graham, and Yaz is right behind me." She skips to the middle of the room and continues talking "right. the TARDIS took us somewhere last night, but there was nothing suggesting it was urgent so I let you all sleep. Adventure time gang?" She says on the way to the door. Ryan and Graham follow her towards the exit and I trail behind.

"Where are we?" Ryan asks.

"Uhm good question. TARDIS told me it's somewhere I haven't seen before. Place called Zetreonia, home to the Zets. It also told me done other stuff but I usually just skim over it" She looks back at us and shrugs. I giggle under my breath. She's so cute. I keep up with the rest of the gang, watching as the doctors blonde hair move as she walkes. The little wave it had about it showed she hadn't gotten up early enough to sort it out like she usually does. I smile to myself at the thought of her not getting up because I was there.

---A few Zetreonian Days later (about 5 hours)----

The doctor turns her TARDIS key and rushes inside the blue box. We all follow as quick as we can before she slams the door and runs to the console. A few buttons are pressed before she pulls the main leaver and we're all jolted to one side. Everyone had already grabbed a railing as we're used to it by now. The ship steadies out and we all un-grip the railings. There's a second of silence before we're all in fits of laughter. "Okay so apparently it's offensive to ask the zet queen that question. Also didn't realise that was the queen but-" we all continue to laugh at the fact the doctor somehow got a whole race to turn against her from the simple question of "where are the toilets?" We all calm down and Graham says:

"Right doc I feel as if we need some home time. Grab some new clothes. I mean I swear you wore that yesterday Yaz?" I blush a little before replying

"Uh yeah I think I did."

"Right! Okay. Earth. 2019 wasn't it? What day did we come back last? What day would be best. Because I can get about there give or take a week." She smiles at us before Ryan says

"The 9th, Doctor."

"The ninth it is!" She pulls the lever and we wobble around a bit before a crash and then everything is still. "Meet back here tomorrow morning?" She asks. We all nod in acknowledgement and start for the door. Just before I step out I look back at the doctor looking at her console.

"You don't want to come say hi to my mum do you?"

"Could I?" She replies perking up immediately. She fast walks and passes me through the door, grabbing my hand on the way. "I love your mum I do" she says pulling me towards my own flat.

I open the door but there's no sound. "Hello?" I call out, but no one answers. "They must all be out." I say walking in, placing my jacket onto the table.

"What so, that means we're here alone? Like no one around...?" She asks with a smirk on her face. A smile creeps up my cheek as I take a step towards the timelord. She puts her hand on my waist and pulls me towards her, I don't have to close the gap this time as she starts to kiss me. This time was different. We wearn't slowly kissing, the passion was there, but there was a lot more tongue. Without thinking, I push the doctors coat off her shoulders and she doesn't fight it. She pulls it down her arms and throws it onto the table next to mine. Her hands return to my waist and she starts walking towards me, causing me to go backwards. We stop as we reach the table and I pull myself up so I am sat on it. The doctor takes a step closer to me and continues to kiss me, now taller than her on the table. This is heaven I think, focusing on the way our lips moved perfectly with eachother. I was so content until I hear a lock turn in the door. I immediately turn my head and jump off the table into the Doctors arms. I smile at her, putting my finger to my mouth to signal her to be quiet. I walk around the table, hand in hand with the her, pulling us towards the hallway where the rooms where. I push my door open and go in, followed by the women I'm slowly falling for. I push my door closed and hear

"Hello?" It was Sonya. She'd never let me live this down so I just turned towards the doctor and put my finger to my mouth again. "Yaz? mum? are you home?" The doctor furrows her brow but goes along with the silence. We hear footsteps along the corridor and then a door close to her bedroom.  The doctor then immediately takes a step towards me and kisses me again, pinning me to my bedroom door. She trails her mouth to my neck, and I do my best not to let a moan out, so I don't alert my sister we're here. But it was getting increasingly harder. She puts her hand on my waist again and pulls me towards my bed, all without taking her mouth away from mine. She lays down, pulling me on top of her. I place my knees either side of her hips and lean down to continue kissing. Her hands make their way to my back, and I go to push a strand of hair out of her face.  I tried to place my hand back down next to her head but I misjudged where we were and accidentally knock my alarm clock off of my bedside cabinet, making a loud bang. We pull away for a moment and I wince hoping Sonya didn't hear. We wait a moment, but then the doctor pushes a bit of hair behind my ear and sits up so she's facing me, me still on her lap. She kisses me again and after just a second turns us, so that I'm now on my back, I giggle forgetting we are supposed to be quiet and we continue kissing. Everything around me just melts away. That is until there's a knock on my bedroom door. Without hesitation it's flung open and Sonya goes "Yaz, are you ho..."
End of part 3

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