Fish and Chips

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13's POV

The bedroom door swung open and yaz's sister stops mid sentence, unsure how to react to the sight before her. Neither me nor Yaz know what to do either so we just stay where we are looking at door. "Shit. Sorry," she exclaims turning on her heals. She goes to walk away, but takes a step back in to pull the door closed. Just as it slams shut Sonya shouts "I'm going to meet Jo, I'll see you later!" I look down at Yaz as we hear the front door shut and a smile is forming on her beautiful face. We both start giggling at what had just happened and I roll onto my back beside Yaz. The gorgeous girl beside me turns to face me, placing her hand under her head to prop it up. I keep mine on the pillow and look over to her. I hadn't noticed how amazingly brown her eyes were, even when we were looking at eachother in the TARDIS because I couldn't keep my eyes off of her lips. We just lay here looking at eachother for a good 5 minutes before we are both startled by Yaz's alarm clock going off. Yaz reaches over me and grabs the clock off of the floor, turning the bell off. She puts it back on her nightstand and pulls herself back. She had gotten a lot closer to me  by doing this. I look at her for a second but I couldn't help myself and leaned forward to kiss her again. I sit up as Yaz brings her leg over me and I scoot back so I'm leaning against her backboard. She grabs my face as I bring my arms around her back in a hug. I'm so infatuated in this moment I don't even notice the sound of the front door opening and closing. But Yaz does and lets out a groan, placing her forehead on my shoulder.

"Yaz? Is that the doctor's coat I see? Is she here?" Yaz reluctantly peels herself from me and pushes herself onto her feet, fixing her hair as she passes the mirror.

"Uh yeah, she's come round for tea, if that's okay." I hear her say as I get up from the bed and walk out behind her.

"Of course!" Nadjia says with enthusiasm, "Hi doctor, I don't think I've seen you in a while." I see her smirk a little apon inspection of my loose suspenders. I look down and realise, before picking them back up over my shoulders, tightening them in the process. I try to smile like I hadn't just done that suspiciously and I coughed to break the silence. "Right!
I think we're just having fish and chips tonight. Do you want to go down to collect it?" Nadjia asks us.

"Yes. Omg -" i scrunch (a/n SCRONCH) my nose up "note to self don't say omg again - but I love fish and chips! Let's go!" I say enthusiastically, grabbing yaz's hand and dragging her towards the door.

"What about our coats?" Yaz reminds me and I stop in my tracks, half jogging back to where our costs were. I notice a an eyebrow lift on Nadjia's face before scooping both our jackets up and heading out the open front door. I push my coat on while Yaz does the same and we walk in a comfortable silence down the hallway. I look over to her and I notice her looking at my hand. I can't hold back a smile as it creeps up my cheeks and I slip my hand into hers. The beautiful girl looks at me and we stop walking. She plants a small kiss on my lips before letting out a chuckle and we continue walking on.

Yaz strikes up a conversation and we talk all the way to the chip shop, and then continue to all the way back. We only break our hand holding because of the food in our arms. I open the door and see Yaz's family sitting at a set table, with an extra place for me. I smile and walk in putting the food down in front of everyone. The family welcomes me and we eat, only now and then talking and a few awkward looks from Sonya. I feel yaz's hand on my leg, looking for my hand and I willingly take it. She goes to tuck her chair in but moves it closer towards me in the process, trying to make it look unsuspicious. She takes my hand again and we interlock fingers, her rubbing her thumb against the back of my hand.

"So, are you sleeping over doctor?" Yaz's dad asks me.

"No it's okay I have somewhere to sleep," I reply with a warm smile

"Don't be silly!" Nadjia says, taking my plate from in front of me, "You can always stay here. Don't go out of your way to go home when there's a perfectly good space for you here." I hear a chuckle from Yaz and I can only imagine it's because she knows my TARDIS is parked just outside the block of flats. Sonya rolls her eyes and leaves for her room. Yaz drops my hand and stands from the table, insinuating I should follow her. I stand up and thank them for the meal and ask if I can wash any dishes. I got a firm "no you're our guest!" And I turn to follow Yaz to her room. She shuts the door behind me and she sits on the far side of her bed looking tired and so I walk over and lay down next to her. She slides down and snuggles in next to me, pushing herself under the covers. I do the same and put my arm around her, her head on my shoulder like the night before. I love it when we do this. It was so comfortable, no matter what bed we were in. I don't sleep a lot, because I don't have to, and if I do it usually ends in nightmares; but there's something about lying next Yaz, her breathing in rhythm with mine that just makes me drift off to sleep...

I open my eyes to Yaz being dragged away by the creatures I'd somehow insulted the day before, her kicking and screaming. I go to jump out of her bed but something is keeping me pinned there. "YAAAZ" I shout trying to pull myself loose, but there was no hope.

"DOCTOR HELP ME!" Yaz shouts with a scream. I start to sweat profusely, trying to rack my brain for ways to get loose, but I couldn't think of anything. I start to thrash around in hope it'll loosen what felt like was trapping me but Yaz's screams just got further and further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. A tear runs down my cheek as I feel someone shaking me.

"Doctor!" The shaking continues.

"Doctor!" I open my eyes for real to see Yaz's worried face looking down at me, "I think you were having a nightmare," she says to me. I don't reply to her, but she wipes the tear away from the side of my face and I sit up to face her. I grab her head in my hands and passionately kiss her. I don't know what I would ever have done if she'd gotten hurt. Ever.

"Sorry," I say to the beautiful girl, "I get bad dreams sometimes." She smiles at me and we lay back, this time with her arm around me, as if to comfort me. I oblige and place my arm over her and she squeezes me to let me know things will be okay.

I don't fall asleep again, but just watch Yaz as her chest rises and falls and listen to her single heart beat as she soundly sleeps.
End of part 4

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