losing a bit of my fam

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13's POV

"right doc, I just wanted to let you know I think I'm gonna take a bit of time off, you know time travelling and that- I've been called into the hospital about some rescans and I feel like my timeline might screw up a bit if im, you know travelling through time and space." I nod my head as Graham speaks. He was talking sense, if he were to become ill again on this ship I don't know what I'd do. I love my fam too much to let anything like that happen.

"I understand Graham, I'll come and see you in about a week, see how everything is," I smile and turn my head to Ryan. He has a sad smile on his face

"I'm staying too doctor, just for a little bit. I lost me nan, I can't be away from granddad if there might be something wrong," he offers an apologetic smile my way but I just nod my head in agreement

"Do what you have to." I say as they walk out the TARDIS, closing the door behind them. I sulk at the loss of two thirds of my fam, as Yaz consoles me with a stroke on the arm. I pull a few levers to take us to space to float around a bit, and take myself to the sofa I'd recently placed into the TARDIS. I slump into the cushions and Yaz walks over, placing herself next to me. She takes my hand and kisses the back of it, and then strokes it with her free hand. I lean my head on her shoulder and let out a sigh. "I know they're just down there on earth, but I still hate it whenever I lose people" Yaz reaches her arm around me but I just slide down so my head is on her lap, pulling my legs over the side of the sofa. I look up at her brown eyes as she strokes my hair. We stay like this for a while. A lot of things run through my head, including the thought of also losing Yaz. A tear slowly runs down the side of my face, and Yaz wipes it away, just like the night before, and leans down to plant a quaint kiss on my lips. She pulls away and continues to stroke my hair.  Slowly, I start to drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes after a dreamless sleep, for once, and feel Yaz behind me in my bed. She must of picked me up after id fallen asleep. A feel her arm reaching over me, pulling me into her in a protective way. I love the way she does that, I want to protect her all the time, but at the same time she makes me feel safe. She makes me feel not alone, especially in my bed. I slowly turn myself to face her and she stirs a bit but doesn't awake. Her arm stays around me, but I place my hand on her cheek and smile. "What am I gonna do?" I say in a whisper. "How could I have fallen for another human? it only ends in heartbreak." I kiss her lightly on the nose before stroking her cheek. I let a tear roll as I think about the others, and how complicated it got because of my love, even Donna makes my heartbreak. I pull Yaz into a hug and hold her tightly.

"Are you okay?" She asks me in a sleepy tone. I don't answer, but keep ahold of her. She squeezes me back and I start to feel a bit better. Safe in her arms. I don't want to let go but she pulls away to look at me. "You have all of me doctor. I love you." I smile at her beauty and kiss her passionately, placing my hand on her cheek. She pushes my hair behind my ear and places her hand on my waist. We pull away for a second, but rest our heads against eachother.

"I love you too Yazmin Khan," I reply, kissing her again. I let another tear leave my eye.

"Hey, hey. I know this isn't just about Ryan and Graham, I know it's so much more but they'll be back, trust me. Then team TARDIS will be back up and running and we can go on all our adventures again!" She says beaming at me. I let out a little giggle and sniff a bit. Her wide smile relaxes itself, so she isn't showing and teeth, and looks into my eyes. I know she can read me when she does that, I can see it on her face. She hasn't seen what I have but I know she can see that its not good. I glance over her shoulder and look at the time. It was still early. I moved my eyes back to Yaz and she'd closed her eyes again. I pull her into a light hug and listen to her breathing stay in time with mine, her singular heart, beats slowly. I don't ever want to let her go.
End of part 5
'poligies for the filler chapter, needed a way of explaining why Graham/Ryan weren't around. I'll pick em up again at some point.

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