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Jin had found him during his coughing fit. Jimin had barely had time to stuff the petal into his pocket before Jin went into mom mode, coddling his younger band member.

"You look like shit, Jiminie. You didn't look your best at dinner, and you sounded like you coughed up a lung just now."

It sure had felt like it to Jimin.

"I'm gonna make a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow," Jin continued. "We can't have our resident fairy getting sick."

"Jin-hyung," For the second time that night, Jimin tried to give a reassuring look. "I'm fine. Just... I'm just not feeling like myself. But I'm fine, I promise."

Jin snorted. "Nice try, Jimin. I know how much you hate the doctor's office. Now get back to your room, I'll bring you some soup."

Jimin pouted. How was he supposed to convince Jin he was fine?

"Really, Jin, I'm fine. I just choked on my own spit."

Just as Jin started to give in, the universe decided to betray him and an absolutely adorable kitten sneeze erupted from Jimin.

"That's it! Back to your bed! I'm making you soup! Scoot!" Jin shoved him lightly in the direction of the door.

Back in his room, Taehyung had fallen asleep on the bed in a nest of multi-colored blankets. Jimin smiled at the adorable sight before him. He shot Jin a text, telling him that he was going to be in Taehyung and Namjoon's room instead of his own. There was no way he would be able to wake the heavy sleeper that was Taehyung, and Jin would lose his mind if a sick member slept with a well one.

Jimin fell into Taehyung's bed, his gaze meeting Namjoon's quizzical one.

Jimin shrugged. "Apparently, I'm sick, and Tae fell asleep in my bed. I just didn't feel like facing Jin's wrath."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "His soup is good," he said, standing at the foot of Taehyung's bed. "Listen Jimin, you need to tell us when you don't feel well. I know you want to practice, but your health is way more important than a few practices."

Namjoon reached over and ruffled his hair, earning a glare from Jimin.
"But i'm really fine. I don't feel bad, I honestly feel absolutely fine. Jin just overreacted."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "Well, you don't give us much of a choice. If it were up to you, you'd still be practicing on your deathbed."

Jimin shuddered; he wasn't wrong.

"Well I have to go. Yoongi, Hobi, and I got called into the studio for something. I shouldn't be gone for too long. I'll tell Jin to go easy on you before I leave." Namjoon ruffled Jimin's hair once more before leaving Jimin alone in the room.

Jimin rolled around a multitude of times. He had slept in that bed many times with Taehyung, so why was it so uncomfortable this time?

Jimin was so cold; Taehyung rarely slept with more than a sheet, and his bed showed that. On top of that, all the unused blankets in the house were currently on his own bed. He contemplated just ignoring Jin and going to back to his warm bed and friend, but decided he valued his life. Instead, he texted Jungkook, asking him to bring him a blanket.

When Jungkook arrived with a fluffy orange blanket perfectly folded over his arm, Jimin had almost frozen completely, he had wrapped the thin sheet around his shoulders. Jimin was so focused on a story on his phone that he hadn't heard Jungkook come in. He almost had a heart attack when the blanket was wrapped around his shoulders.

"God, Jiminie! You're burning up." Jungkook sat next to his hyung.

"Kookie, you scared the shit out of me!" Jimin whined.

Jungkook didn't acknowledge Jimin's comment, pressing his wrist to Jimin's forehead.
"I'm cold, Kookie." Jimin pouted, secretly wishing for cuddles.

"Were you feeling this bad earlier? You should have told someone, hyung! You feel really hot. Does Jin-hyung know?"

Jimin nodded and tried to snuggle further into the blanket.

"Hyung..." The younger opened up his arms in silent offering which Jimin gladly accepted.

"Oh my god, you're like a muscled furnace!" Jimin squished himself against the source of warmth.

Jin decided that was the perfect moment to enter the room and immediately let out a screech that was sure to wake up the entire building.

"Off! Jungkook he's sick, save yourself!" He flailed his arms around like noodles. "We can't have two sick children."
Jin pulled Jungkook's arm, but Jimin was not about to lose this fight. He held onto his personal furnace as tight as he could.


The three other members of the hyung line walked into the dorms in a good mood, albeit tired. That was, until they heard ungodly screeching coming from Namjoon and Taehyung's room. It sounded like Jin, but at this point, who could be sure?

Yoongi got to the room first and could only stand in shock at the sight before him. He suppressed the urge to laugh.

Jin was trying to pull a distressed Jungkook off of Taehyung's bed while Jimin had wrapped his arms around the poor boy and held on tight, looking like a baby octopus.

"He needs a shower!" Jin yelled at the top of his lungs.

"My furnace!" Jimin yelled just as loud, squeezing the youngest even tighter.

Hoseok came in behind him and tapped Jin's shoulder lightly. Jin moved immediately. Hoseok turned to Jimin.

"Jimin, Jungkook has to take a shower, is that okay?"

Jimin nodded hesitantly but made no move to let go.

Namjoon had made it to the room and opened his mouth to no doubt make some sort of speech, but before he could get the words out a deep sleep stricken voice sounded from the doorway.

"What's going on?" Taehyung said, standing in the doorway.

"Jimin is sick again, and Jungkook here decided to snuggle up to the germs!" Jin crossed his arms.

Jungkook came up to his defense "Hey! In my defense, he was shivering and I couldn't find any blankets."

Taehyung sighed "Come on Jimin, let's get you back to your bed. Remember how warm it is there?"

Jimin nodded enthusiastically, letting go of Jungkook and trying to roll off the bed.

Taehyung led Jimin out of the room, calling back to his hyungs that he had the situation under control.

"If you weren't feeling well, why didn't you just come back to bed? Why go to Jungkook?" Taehyung almost sounded hurt.

Hurting Taehyung's feelings was the last thing Jimin wanted was to do. Why couldn't he bring Taehyung as much happiness as he brought him?

"Jin found me having a coughing fit in the bathroom," Jimin said. "He told me to go back to bed, but you had fallen asleep. I didn't want to get you sick."

Taehyung didn't respond.

Bluebells ringing.-Vmin HanahakiWhere stories live. Discover now