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It was oddly pleasant the way Jungkook woke up. There was sunlight streaming in through the large window on Hoseok's side of the room, warming his face. But the feeling didn't last long when he realized that a certain boy wasn't in his arms. He jumped up from the bed, feet getting tangled in the blankets causing him to crash to the floor.

He popped up from the floor and all but ran to the bedroom door, ripping it open. It was unnaturally quiet in the dorm. Once he reached the kitchen he finally relaxed. Jimin was sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of soup, scrolling on his phone. Jimin glanced up when Jungkook let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you're awake!" Jimin's voice was raspy, but it was better than Jungkook had thought it would be "The hyungs and Tae got called out to something for the company. They thought it would be better to let you sleep, I had to stay by default."

Jungkook nodded and sat at the table next to Jimin. Jungkook wanted to try and talk with Jimin and tell him his own thoughts before he had to speak in front of the others. But Jimin was standing up, washing his bowl and heading out of the kitchen before he could even think of what to say. A few minutes passed and the shower could be heard running from the bathroom. He stared down at the wood tabletop, studying the breaks in color.

It wasn't long before Jimin wandered back into the kitchen and spotted Jungkook sitting in the same spot, hair still wet. Jimin sat down awkwardly next to Jungkook and pat him on the shoulder a few times. It was like the dam broke as Jungkook let out a soft sob and clung to his hyung.

Jimin shushed him lightly "Lets move to the living room, yeah? We really should have a talk..." Jimin let himself trail off as he helped Jungkook make his way to one of the living room couches. Jimin opted to the smaller one, plopping Jungkook down then sitting next to him.

"Let it all out Kookie. It's ok." Jimin smiled, petting Jungkook's hair lightly.

"It's not fair Jimin. It's not. You don't deserve any of this. I know I shouldn't be, But i'm just so angry. Angry at you for not telling me, angry at him for not loving you, I'm angry at the goddamn universe for choosing you, I'm angry at myself for not figuring it out sooner. I can't lose you Jimin. You mean too much to me."

Jimin smiled sadly at his words "Jungkook, I really don't know what to say. I love you Kookie and I always want to be here for you, but sometimes life just doesn't work that way. Sometimes reality is a little harsh and it hurts. We just gotta feel the pain and then get over it. It's not easy, but it has to be done."

Jungkook was seething "Stop talking like you're going to die. We're going to figure something out Jimin. I don't care what we have to, who we have to talk to, where we have to take you. I will make sure you get better Jimin."

The determination in his voice scared older male. Jimin knew he wasn't gonna get better, he knew he was gonna die and it was gonna hurt his boys, he hated himself for it, but it's not like he was willing to change his mind, especially when it puts all seven careers in danger and has the possibility of ruining the bands image.

"Jungkook, it makes me happy to know that you care about me so much and I would never ever wish you any sadness or hurt you, but I can't promise you I'll be ok Jungkook. I can't promise you that we're all gonna grow old together and be happy forever because life isn't like that. It's just not, I know that doesnt make it suck any less, but we have to deal with it like adults. We can't just think everything will work out, we'll all be disappointed. I can't shield you from that Jungkook."

The youngers face grew red with anger, "I don't need you to shield me from everything! I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm not afraid of everything. You don't need to put everyone before yourself. It's ok to want to live! It's ok to be selfish just this once. You deserve more than giving up your life for us . It baffles me that you'd do that over someone else's career."

"It's not that simple! It's not like I want to die, but it's what's best for everyone"

"It's not what's best for you."

Jimin stood up and started walking away "I'm done with this conversation."

"Last night was the worst night of my life." Jimin stopped dead in his tracks "I thought you were going to die. I felt like I was powerless and it was all my fault. Like I could've done something more, gotten there faster, called the authorities or something. I don't ever want to see you like that again, I will stop at nothing to save you Jimin."

Tears left silvery tracks down his cheeks as Jimin left the living room and beelined to his room. He locked the door behind him and curled up on his bed clutching Taehyung's nightshirt that had been left haphazardly the previous morning.

He let Taehyung's scent flood his senses, calming him. Why did he have to fall for Taehyung? His large eyes, perfect nose, his amazing smile? Why did Jimin have to love his best friend and his beautiful personality? Why Jimin, why not some poor other soul? Jimin let it all out, everything he'd been holding in. He let out every sorrow he'd ever had onto Taehyung's poor nightshirt.

It felt like a lifetime and passed since Jimin coughed up his first petal, but in fact it'd only been a few days. Jimin knew he was going to die, that he was going to suffer. Jimin was afraid, but he knew one thing; No matter what happened he was always going to love his best friend and he never wanted to lose that love.

It wasn't very long before Jungkook was knocking at his door lightly, speaking through it with a small almost scared voice "Hyung? Namjoon Hyung just called, our meeting with Bang PD is today, the car is headed over now to pick us up."

Bluebells ringing.-Vmin HanahakiWhere stories live. Discover now