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Droplets no bigger than a speck of dust fell from the heavens, but he was unable to enjoy the beautiful grey skies and pleasant cool air as he stared down his greatest fear. The tall bricked doctor's office.

Okay, maybe he was overreacting, but he hated going for checkups. He never knew when they wanted blood, or needed to give him a shot. Jimin hated needles. If a nurse came at him with one, he was fully prepared to fight. Taehyung usually took him to his doctor's visits, ready to hold his small hand if Jimin ever felt uncomfortable. But a few hours before the visit, Taehyung got called into the studio, so Yoongi offered to take him.

As much as he hated the thought of going in, he was glad he was there. He needed to ask about the coughing fits. He needed to ask if he was going crazy, if the petals that he'd coughed up were just his imagination. They felt real, as real as the rings on his fingers or Yoongi's hand in his.

"No need to be afraid kid, I'm here. Plus, it's just a checkup." Yoongi nodded in the direction of the building.

Jimin responded with a nod, getting out of the car with the older. As they made their way to the building, Jimin tried looking at anything but it. He watched as the drizzle matted Yoongi's unstyled hair down to his head.

The waiting area was cold and bright. The receptionist at the desk smiled prettily at the two when she handed the form the needed filling out to Jimin. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Park."

Yoongi and Jimin sat by a window overlooking the city, and Jimin filled out the paperwork while Yoongi did something or other on his phone. Jimin's mind decidedly found its way to Taehyung. His boxy smile, his dark emotional eyes, his hands. GOD, Jimin loved Taehyung's large hands, how his own small ones seemed to fit perfectly.

"-min. Jimin!"

Yoongi's voice snaps Jimin out of his trancelike state. His eyes fell over an annoyed nurse and a worried Yoongi.

The older nurse led them to room 27. "Doctor Kim will be with you shortly," She said, nodding and shutting the door behind her as she left.

It was quiet as they waited for Dr. Kim. Jimin didn't want it to feel awkward with Yoongi, he felt bad enough that the elder had to take him to the office in the first place, and he really did feel fine.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but a knock on the door startled him before he could get more than half his friend's name out. The only doctor Jimin has ever trusted walked through the door, her long hair in a tight bun. Her face was kind, bringing up a smile when she spotted Jimin.

"Jimin! How have you been, honey? Where's Taehyung?" She looked around the room her eyes finding Yoongi "Oh, hello. I'm Dr. Kim, You must be Yoongi."

Yoongi gave her a polite nod, though his face stayed quite cold. "Hello." He greeted. "We're here because Jimin hasn't been feeling well the past few days. We're here to make sure he's all good."

Dr. Kim nodded again. "I'm glad you decided to come before it got bad. We wouldn't want a repeat of last time."
Jimin rolled his eyes. When would they stop bringing up 'last time'? It really wasn't that bad, but it ensured that he couldn't so much as cough before every member of the band wanted him to rest for a few days.

Dr. Kim wasted no time checking him, and was done quite quickly. Yoongi had seen that Jimin wanted to speak to her more and saw this as his chance to give the younger just that

"Jimin, I need to make a call. Meet you at the car?"

Jimin nodded, fiddling with his A.R.M.Y necklace, staring into the white wall's corner.

"Well Jimin, I think you're all good to go. Unless you have any other concerns?" Dr. Kim smiled warmly at him.

Jimin stuck his hand into his pocket stroking the dying petals wondering whether or not he should ask
"Um, actually.." He let himself trail off thinking of the right way to phrase his question "Is it- uh, is it normal to cough up flower petals?"

The doctor's face morphed into one of horror "Don't tell me you've..?" Jimin nodded, pulling the two beautiful petals out of his pocket and laying them on the table next to him. She looked at them for a few minutes, then turned to her computer, rapidly typing.

Jimin was starting to get worried. What if she thought he was pulling a prank on her?

"Jimin, I need you to do something for me, this is very important. I've made you an appointment for tomorrow at this address." She handed him a neat paper with an address on it, and the appointment details, as well as his appointment summary for that day "I need you to go and do some tests tomorrow. Can you do that for me?" Jimin nodded, the anxiety of what could happen causing his vocal cords to fail.

"I fear you have an extremely rare disease, called "Hanahaki", It can be deadly. The best thing for you to do is go to that office tomorrow to check." She opened a drawer and rummaged through it for a minute, ending her quest by pulling out a pamphlet "This will tell you everything you need to know about the disease." Jimin nodded, just wanting to leave.

"Yes mam, I-uh, I'm going to go now." He felt numb, giving an awkward wave before basically fleeing from the room.

As he approached the car, he heard Yoongi's faint voice, He sounded stressed. Jimin ducked behind the car not wanting to disturb the call.
"But sir, I had to take a friend to the doctor, can I please just have an extension on the song? Just another hour or two?" Jimin covered his mouth. Had he really just lost Yoongi a job by being a baby about going to the doctor.

Jimin watched as Yoongi nearly dropped his phone, as a voice so loud Jimin heard it several feet away sounded through it.

"You're fired, if I would've known you would be this incompetent, I wouldn't've even bothered!" Jimin's heart sunk, as he stared at the pamphlet in his hand. Never again would he hurt one of his members by being selfish.

Jimin folded the Hanahaki pamphlet and stuffed it in his pocket. He stood up and made his way over to Yoongi, who looked to ok for what just happened.

"Ready to go Minnie?"


"Anything interesting happen?"

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine."

Bluebells ringing.-Vmin HanahakiWhere stories live. Discover now