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The car ride was tense and uncomfortable at first. All Jimin wanted to do was headed back to his bed, but he knew that the conversation needed to happen. He glanced to his left at Jungkook, who was looking anywhere but at him.

"Jungkook." Jimin called the younger quietly, trying to gain his attention. Jungkook obliged, though it felt as if he was looking through the other. Jimin shuddered, not liking the feeling Jungkook's look gave him.

"I'm sorry." Jimin looked him dead in the eyes, speaking truth. Jungkook nodded and looked away.

"I'm sorry too." There was still no eye contact, but Jimin was elated to have made progress and have been forgiven "But that doesn't mean i'm going to sit by and watch and watch. I'm never going to stop. But, I respect the decision you made and I promise that I'll be here for you and give you the most amazing months you can ever imagine." He was trying to take his own advice from the first talk.

Jungkook finally turned and looked Jimin in the eyes, face stoney and serious. Jimin couldn't help but let out a toothy grin, eyes disappearing. Jungkook followed rather quickly, squeezing Jimin's thigh lightly in lough of a hug.

Though he was happy, Jimin was worried of the future conversation. Jungkook seemed to notice, keeping a fidgety but reassuring hand on his shoulder. Jimin was grateful for his efforts but still wasn't quite comforted.

By the time they arrived at the company headquarters, his heart was in his throat and his heart was racing a million miles a minute. As they stepped out of the car Jimin glanced up at the building hoping that it wouldn't be his last time seeing it as an idol.

Namjoon and Taehyung were waiting for them on the ground level in one of the sitting rooms when they stepped inside. Both carried worried looks and both dropping ever so slightly once Jimin was spotted. Namjoon stood from the couch he had been seated on and placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"It's nice to see you looking so good, you gave us all quite a scare last night." Namjoon smiled down at him. Jimin did the same, giving a slight nod of apology because it still hurts to talk and he didn't want to unless needed.

"Well, we should head upstairs." Jungkook stepped forward. Namjoon pulled his hand from Jimin's shoulder. The two headed to the elevator. Jimin glanced at Taehyung to find the younger staring at him. They kept eye contact for a few moments before Jungkook stopped and turned to face them.

"Are you two coming?"
Taehyung answered for them, not breaking eye contact with Jimin "Yeah, just give us a second, we need to talk."

Jungkook seemed hesitant at first but eventually turned back and left with Namjoon. Jimin finally looked away first. Taehyung's face fell and he looked down at his feet. Taehyung took a hesitant step forward.

Jimin looked up confused as to why Taehyung was acting so weird. If he was being completely honest he didn't remember much about the night before. He remembered bits and pieces but not much. He opened his arms hesitantly in offering.

Taehyung almost knocked Jimin over hugging him with full force "I'm so sorry Jimin. Why do I only hurt you? All I do is make things worse. I should've stayed by your side all night."

Jimin chuckled and pulled away to face his best friend "Taehyung, i'm not mad. You literally planned out an entire day for me, took me places and bought me food. I could never be mad, you didn't do anything wrong. The end of the day might've sucked, but yesterday was the happiest I've been in a long while."

Taehyung was glad for Jimin's words, but he felt horrible with the way Jimin sounded, it sounded like just speaking hurt him. Jimin seemed to sense Tahyung's uneasiness. He sighed and grabbed the younger mans hands.

"Tae, look at me. Me being sick isn't your fault. It's no ones fault. Sometimes bad things happen, and we want to blame ourselves. But some things are just beyond our control. You did nothing wrong, ok?"

"Ok" Taehyung cursed his voice for coming out as only a choked whisper. Jimin smiled and released his hands, turning to look at the door of the room. Now it was Taehyung's turn to comfort, but he didn't know how. So he just left it unsaid and instead grabbed his Unrequited loves- friend's hand and started the walk to the conference room. He hadn't been there for Jimin the way that he should have been in the past, but he sure as hell would now. He was going to stay by Jimin's side no matter what no matter what Band PD said, or even the hyungs and Jungkook.

Taehyung was going to be there for Jimin, the way he always should've been, the way Jimin always was for him.

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