Untitled Part 22

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Jimin was tired, he was agitated. He felt bad, guilty, hurt. People were talking around him, but they sounded underwater. He couldn't focus. It was almost like he couldn't breathe. He was so in his head he didn't notice that he was being asked questions, his state worrying the people he loved most.

He was brought out of his trance-like state by someone shaking his shoulder lightly. He looked to his left to be face to face with an extremely distressed Hoseok.

"Sorry. What was the question?" Jimin even sounded dazed to himself, and lord knows he felt it. He looked around seeing the pitying looks and he felt angry. Why did they pity him. He didn't need their pity. All he wanted was to get the talk over with and return to practice. Return to his life that he loved so much. That he had felt was perfect.

"That's not really important right now. Are you ok Jimin?" Namjoon went into Leader mode, kneeling beside him looking him square in the eyes, making Jimin look away uncomfortably. That's when he knew something was wrong, he had never felt so uncomfortable around any of his members.

"I'm fine, just tired." Jimin have a slight nod. Attempting reassuring smile and failing, but he wasn't going to admit that.

"It was a long evening. Why don't you go relax. We can talk about this later when we've all cooled down enough to talk civilly." Namjoon eyed Taehyung and Jin "We all had a long night and I'm sure most of us didn't get enough sleep. So let's just take this off day to relax."

Everyone seemed to agree, either nodding or staying silent. Everyone eventually got up to find their way to their own rooms, or in Yoongi's case the front door. Jin and Jimin were left in the room alone.

"Look, Jimin, I just want to say that I'm sorry. In sure Yoongi told you that-"

"That you told everyone something that you had no right to tell? Yes he did happen too." Jimin couldn't stop the bitterness from seeing into his tone.

"Look, I know that you're mad at me and you probably don't want to talk. But I don't regret it. It was something that we needed to know. How long were you going to keep it from us?" Jin felt defensive hearing Jimin's tone. He hadn't meant to sound so self righteous.

"I was actually going to tell you today, Jin. I wasn't ready for everyone to know. I wanted to avoid this. To tell everyone when I was ready and you took that opportunity from me. I was going to tell you first because I trusted you, Jin. I trusted you to not tell anyone. But I now see that I was wrong in doing so." Jimin stared Jin straight in the face, watching as it morphed with guilt.

Jin felt the tears he'd been holding in his eyes start to slide down his face, but he didn't care, all he cared about right now was Jimin hurting right in front of him "Jimin. You didn't deserve this and I know it hurts. But you are not a quitter. Don't quit on us. On me."

Jimin shook his head, standing up "look, Jin, I really don't want to talk to you right now. I can't with you. So if you'll excuse me I'll be going to my room."

"And for the record, I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. But you've lost my trust. And trust is the most important thing to me."

"Jimin. I just wanted what's best for you. Your my broth-" Jin was interrupted again.

"You lost the right to call me that as soon as you told the world, the people who are my world something I should've had the basic right to myself."

Jimin waited until his door was shut behind him to let his tears fall. Hoseok was already snoring in the bed. He laid down choking out a soft sob, trying his hardest not to wake up Hoseok on the next bed.

How had his day gone so wrong? He had had a plan and everything he felt he needed was obliterated in the blink of an eye.

Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok looked at him with pity, he was letting down Jungkook, fighting with Jin, and worst of all? He had made Taehyung mad at him. The last thing he had wanted was to hurt any of them.

He let himself cry for awhile. Soon there were none left and he was left with scratchy red eyes that hurt to stay open and hurt to shut. He just wished that the others could learn to accept his decision. That it could all be over, no talk needed, That everything would go back to the way it was before he had gotten Hanahaki.But things don't work that way.

Soon he heard his door Creek open slowly. He turned around and a soft and low voice that he loved dearly whispered.


"Yes?" Jimin answered slowly, afraid of making Taehyung angry again.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung sounded genuinely sorry and reflective.

"I know Tae."

"Can I sleep with you?" Taehyung sounded like a child asking for something that the parent was sure to say no to and Jimin's heart melted. He opens up the covers.

"You don't have to ask you know." He said as The taller crawled under the covers with him.

"I said some nasty things. I didn't think you'd really want to see me."

"Even if I was mad you know I can't stay that way for long." Jimin smiled as Taehyung wrapped him up in a hug, holding Jimin's head to his chest. They stayed that way for awhile, eyes closed, holding each other. Jimin was almost killed to sleep by Taehyung's heartbeat and rhythmic breathing.

"I can't lose you Jimin. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're my other half, my soulmate. Your my everything."

"I thought Tannie was your other half." Jimin tried lightening the mood.

"You are my sun Jimin. I refuse to lose you. But I'm willing to let it go for now to keep you happy. But we will talk about it again, ok?" Jimin smiled against his chest.

"Yes sir." They laid together in silence for a long time and this time Jimin let himself fall asleep against his best friend and live if his life. He felt content. No regrets.

Bluebells ringing.-Vmin HanahakiWhere stories live. Discover now