Chapter One~No memory

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A bright light shined through my closed eye lids as I shift against the soft moist ground.

Ugh...what happened?

My eyes fluttered opened greeted with weird square shaped clouds. I slowly sit up to see multiple trees but in block form, "Okay this is so not normal." I mumbled pushing myself to my feet.

I scanned the new land around me spotting multiple block green trees and a body not too far from me.

I'm not the only one here?

The sound of my feet crunching down on the now yellow sand filled my ears as I got closer to the body.

Wait it's-

"Jeff!" My heart leaped as I jogged toward him watching his head peak up from the sand.

He jumped to his feet, "Austin? Your here too?"

I pulled him into a quick hug, "Yeah, do you remember anything? Like how we got here?"

Jeff shifted his gaze to the sand, shaking his head, "No, I was really hoping you would remember. Even if we could remember, would it really matter? This is obviously a dream. This isn't real, there's no where in the world that looks like this. I mean it's like we're in a video game. That's how crazy it looks."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah that's my guess as well. It just real."

He placed his hands on his hip turning to the vast desert. I walked beside him scanning the areas as well until my eyes spotted something bounce off the sunlight, "Wait, do you see that?"

Jeff squinted, "Is that a chest?"

My feet sunk in the sand as I jogged over to the object. A small oak wooden chest rested against a hill of sand, "It is a chest," gripping the handle, I pulled the chest away from the hill unlatching the unlocked lock.

Jeff put his arm around my shoulder looking down at the now opened chest, "Just a piece of paper? That's it?"

I picked up the paper, "It's information about what to do." My eyes brows knitted together as I scanned the paper, "Basic just of it is that in order to get anything we gotta punch it. It says to make tools, we gotta punch a tree until it breaks to get logs," I paused, shuffling the multiple pieces of paper, "There's a lot here."

My eyes shifted to Jeff who was pacing back and forth, "Dude, I don't know how but the moment you read that, all the knowledge of this world just came to me."

I laughed, "What really? Dude this is just like a-"

A loud growl ringed in my ears but before I even turned around, sharp pair of teeth bite down on my neck, digging deeper and deeper into it. Tears run down my cheek as I scream, "Jeff! Do something! Help me!" I cried out dropping to my knees.

My vision slowly faded in and out as I saw a blur object run toward me with something in it's hand. Pain penetrated every ounce of my body not even able to hear myself scream. Darkness glossed over my vision slumping into the hot sand.

MC Jones POV:

With my index fingers, I rub my temples, "Dean, can you please stop screaming at every little thing?" I glared at him, "Your worst than Austin," I mumbled picking up my past slightly.

A snort filled my ears, "I'm sorry that I'm scared for my life! You don't even have a clue as to where we are, no one does! So, I feel like my screams are quite appropriate thank you very much."

I turned, tossing Dean a stone sword, "Your going to need this, we have a long way to travel to get to the rest of the group."

He caught it squinting his eyes slightly, "How is it that you know where to go and how do you know how to make anything?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

This is going to be a long painful journey.

Grinding my teeth, my eyes locked with Dean's who still wasn't fully paying attention, "I already told you, I woke up with some basic knowledge and a map in my pocket. How many more times do I need to tell you for you to remember?" I huffed turning my gaze back to the map, "Now, the map says there in the desert which isn't much farther. Then the next group is in a jungle that's right next to the desert actually."

Dean grumbled to himself and folded his arms against his chest, "I resent that you know."

"Oh my, did you not just hear what I said?! I don't talk out loud because I like the way my voice sounds!"

He snarled at me, "I know what you said! We're wasting too much time," Dean brushed passed me walking up the grassy hill.

"Don't go too far from me Dean, the sun is setting and monsters come out during that time," He waved me off continuing to walk up the hill.

I rolled my eyes.

Typical Dean.

Jeff's POV:

My eyes widen as I watched a zombie bite into my best friend, "Austin!" I cried scanning the ground for any weapon.

"Jeff! Help me!" Austin's pained filled voice pinged guilt in me.

Forget it! I gotta help him!

I ran at the zombie tackling it to the ground, "Leave him alone!"

One of my hands gripped it's throat while the other continuously punched it in the face. The monster let out a low growl before it disappeared into pieces of flesh. I yelped, jumping to my feet.

What is that?!

A loud groan came from behind me snapping me out of my petrified state.

Oh right.

Turning around, my heart dropped to my stomach watching Austin squirm on the ground in clear agonizing pain. Thick red liquid poured out of his pale neck as he let out wheezes. My knees crushed into the sand, applying pressure against the nasty wound. Tears formed in my eyes.

What am I going to do? I can't do anything for him until we get an antidote, but if I don't stop the bleeding, he'll be-

I bit down on my lip.

No I won't let that happen. I have to get him out of the desert.

"Hold on Austin."

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