Chapter Five~Whose There?

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McJones POV:

"Stewart..." Dean's sad tone filled my ears. I wasn't about to stop. We were too close to just stop. "Stewart!"

I gritted my teeth, "I'm not stopping, we're almost at the place."

A growl escaped his lips, "Just because the place is in our view doesn't make it close. We have a couple of hours at the very least."

My eyes were fixed on the tall structure shaking my head. There was no way I was about to stop. Austin's life is on the line, I can't afford to loose him, "You can stop if you wish but I'm not going to."

A hand gripped my shoulder, "I didn't want to tell you this but somethings up with Jeff," Dean's stern voice caused me to turn my head.

My eyebrows knitted together, "What's wrong with him?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I just have this feeling-"

I rolled my eyes.

I don't have time for this crap.

"Keep your theories to yourself Dean. I'm really not in the mood."

Dean snorted, "Fine you keep going but don't come crying to me when things turn south."  He stomped behind me.

Austin's face scrunched up as small whimpers escape from his lips. He squirmed in my arms arching his back. My brother never handled pain well but seeing him like this just hurts me.

The back of my hand rubbed against his burning cheek, sweat glimmered off his forehead in the fading sunlight. Austin's eyes flickered open, "S-Stewart..." He mumbled shakily.

My heart skipped a beat, "Austin! How are you feeling? How much pain-"

Austin chuckled weakly but was cut off with a deep cough, "C'mon brother, your suppose to be the level headed one. This isn't you."

A small smile formed on my lips, "I haven't been myself since you got yourself in this mess," I shuttered trying to bottle my emotions. Someone has to be the strong one here and considering I'm the oldest it should be my job.

My brother coughed deeply again but this time struggled to stop.

"Austin?" My voice was laced with concern feeling my heart pound against my chest, "Austin!"

His body met with the soft moist grass as I put my shaky hands on his cheeks, "Breathe Austin, breathe!" I begged tears splashing on his face. The cough finally subsided seeing him gasp for air. His eyes fluttered open again, wide eyed. A heavy relief sigh escaped my lips, "Oh thank God, oh thank God," I breathed with a big smile on my face.

His face was laced with pain as he squirmed more on the ground groaning deeply, "" He choked out arching his back as a soft cry echoed through the air.

Times running out and I can't keep pretending like everything is going to be okay. Most importantly, I can't do this on my own.

I turned behind me to see Jeff and Dean running toward me.

Oh thank God!

"We saw you stop, what's wrong?" Jeff knelt next to me his eyes glued on Austin.

Dean stood behind him, his arms crossed against his chest, "He's getting worse, isn't he? Looks like your method of rushing back fired huh?"

My eyes glanced at Jeff, "I need help, carrying Austin is getting us no where."

He nodded once straightening, "Alright Dean and I will head to the location. Hopefully it's closer than we think. Just focus on keeping Austin alive," Jeff grabbed Dean's arm and walked briskly passed us.

A deep voice echoed through the air, "They won't make it time, Stewart."

I shot straight up scanning the area but not able to spot anything.

Am I hearing things now?

A groan escaped my lips.

God I hope not.

Austin's whimpering and soft cries filled the air. I wanted more than anything to make him feel better, for the pain to go away. It's pure torture.

"I'm the only one who has the antidote." The voice whispered.

My heart raced, "Whose there?" I jumped to my feet scanning the area again, "Show yourself!"

The voice chuckled loudly, "Austin will never make it. You have failed."

My breathing increased feeling guilt ping  in my chest, "W-What do you mean? Who are you?!"

The chuckling faded into nothing just leaving me with a million questions. My hand grips my hair as I pace back and forth.

I can't be going crazy right now...I can't be loosing my sanity...That was a real voice...


Jeff's POV:

Who was that?

I mused focusing on the bright yellow light in the distance.

That voice sounded so familiar but for some reason I can't put my finger on it.

"Jeff," Dean's hand rested on my shoulder, "Are you alright?"

Dean's face was written with concern. I smiled slightly, "I'm alright, just thinking is all."

Don't lie to him. Your going crazy.

Shifting my jaw, I swallowed down my emotions feeling my body tremble slightly. Not my voice.

"If you say so," Dean patted my back skipping as he walked, "You should loosen up! Have some fun!"

My lips twitched into a smile, "Yeah, why not?" I skipped next to him as we crossed into another terrain, the desert.

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