Chapter Four~Insanity

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Austin's POV:

My body slumped against the dark block oak tree as a soft warm breeze ruffled my ratted hair. In the corner of my eye I could see my brother pacing back and forth in front of Jeff and Dean, "It's already going on day two and he's constantly groaning from every single movement," Stewart yelled pointing with his index finger at me.

Jeff and Dean seemed to be chatting to him as they used multiple different gestures. I closed my eyes as my head pounded. It's been two days and I'm already wishing I was dead. The pain in my body is unbearable. So much so that I can't even manage to stay conscious half the time. My insides burned constantly almost like some parasite was eating me alive. I hissed crippling as another explosion of what felt like knifes stabbing all over my body took over every thought. A small cry escaped my lips as my fingers dig into the ground, squeezing my eyes shut.

Oh God! Make it stop! Make it stop! Please! I just want it to stop!

Internally screaming for relief, I barely processed my brother's frantic voice, "Austin, what's wrong?! Just take slow deep breathes, try to think of something..."

His voice faded into nothing as my body slid off the trunk of the tree.

Jeff's POV:

It was painful to see Austin in so much pain. I couldn't even watch as Stewart did everything in his power to help him. The only thing that was booming through my mind was Austin's desperate pleads.

I slid my hands on the top of my head staring at the grass, "What are we going to do? The place we're trying to go to is so far away and at the rate we're going Austin is not going to make it."

"Not to mention that we don't even know for sure if that's where the antidote is," Dean added with a heavy sigh.

Austin's pleads finally died down to see Stewart holding his brother's limp body, "He was in so much pain..." His voice cracked, "I've never heard him plead like that..." A tear ran down his cheek as he pulled Austin's body closer to his chest.

I rested my hand on his shoulder, "I know, it's not easy for any of us, but we have to keep going. The sooner we find this antidote the sooner we can get Austin better."

Stewart glanced up at me with more tears rolling down his cheek but he quickly wiped them off, "Your right Jeff, we can't loose hope," He held his brother in his arms as he raised to his feet, "let's find that antidote."

Well we all wish it was that easy. A couple of hours after that speech, I started to hear things like you don't have a chance to save him, your wasting your time. I tried my best to ignore it but this feeling that something bad was going to happen wouldn't go away.

"Hey Dean,"

He slowed down his pace, "What's up?"

"Well..." My eyes shifted to Stewart, "do you think that the antidote is going to be there?"

Dean gave me a funny look, "No dude that's why we're going there," He smirked, "Of course I do, why?"

I sighed, "I don't know I just have this awful gut feeling that something is going to go wrong," The palm of my hand ran over my face.

He nudged me chuckling, "You worry too much. You gotta see the bright side of things!" His arm rested across my shoulders, "Just imagine that the antidote is there and Austin will make it!"

Dean slapped my back and jogged to Stewart who was much farther ahead of us. I wished that his encouragement filled me with hope but in all honesty the feeling of doom just was too strong.

"No one will believe you." A soft deep voice echoed through the open plains.

I froze looking around the flat open field feeling my heart pound against my chest.

"Don't worry, Jeff, I'll take good care of your friend."

I rested my linked hands on the top of my head, "Whose there?! Show yourself!" My voice didn't carry through the field like it did. My eyes landed on a black figure a good distance away from me with golden brown eyes staring at me.

"You'll never be able to escape me." The voice whispered slowly approaching me closer.

"Jeff? Jeff!"

The figure turned into Dean who had wide eyes running toward me, "Are you okay? Why did you yell?"

What? Did I imagine that?

Burring my face in my hands, I take a slow deep breath.

Please don't tell me I'm going crazy already.

"Jeff?" Dean's voice was laced with concern.

I removed my hands to see a small smile on his face. Forcing a fake smile I grip his shoulders, "Of course I'm fine! C'mon let's go!" 

So many thoughts ran through my head but I tried my best to shut them out.

I doubt that it was anything. I obviously imagined it.

Dean mumbled something as he caught up to me, "Your face was ghost white. Can you at least tell me what happened?"

Yeah, tell him what happened so he can see how crazy you are.

My eyes widen feeling my heart beat faster.

That wasn't my voice...

Sweat trickled down my neck, "It was nothing Dean!" I snapped glaring at him, "I just saw something, there's no deeper meaning to it." My voice was slightly laced with annoyance. 

Dean snorted, "Look don't get all mad at me, I was just concerned." He brushed passed me stomping on the grass.

Guilt pinged in my chest.

What is wrong with me? Why did I snap at him?

A high pitch laughter echoed through the field again jabbing my ear drums.

My shaky hands covered my ears as I dropped to my knees squeezing my eyes shut.

The sound soon drowned out as darkness over took me.

"This is only the beginning, my friend."

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