The Plane of Life and Death

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Disclaimer: I don't own FairyTail nor it's characters.

  "Maybe this'll teach you to not count on that pink-haired son of a bitch."     




     Lucy's head started to throb when she opened her chocolate-colored eyes. The light before her was blinding and the voice that echoed inside her head from before was fading. Where had she come from? Where was she? What happened to her? These questions were like a blizzard in her mind; they just kept whirling until she remembered her name.

     "Lucy.....Luna....Heartfilia," Lucy whispered. These three words opened up her grand but grievous childhood. Her father was a rich man but Jude Heartfilia had been so in love with Lucy's mom, Layla Laska, that he became a shell when Layla died. Lucy had experienced her first heartbreak at age five, which was when Layla died. Her father, who had been so warm and full of life, grew cold and mean. Those unhappy memories were the only ones Lucy was able to remember.

A woman's soothing voice came from above and said,"Lucy Heartfilia, you may not remember your entire life but I assure you that you lived one full of kindness and warmth. You showed so much kindness that the Celestial Spirit Realm has decided to stop your cycle of rebirth and give you a home for the centuries to come. It is up to you if you would like to return to Earthland or stay with the spirits."

A wide-eyed Lucy stood in one place, contemplating her next move and thinking of the times when her mom would take her stargazing. Her long blonde hair had been curling around her curvaceous figure, following a gentle breeze, when she said,"I would like to stay with the spirits."

"Are you sure?" replied the woman.


"Positive?" came a man's voice that made Lucy jump.


"So be it," both voices said in unison,"but remember to go through the door with the key image."

As Lucy opened the door that projected a key image, the door with flame decorations flew open and a hand reached out and scratched the place right above her heart. She scrambled to get out of the hand's grasp but fell into the entrance. A shadow with glowing red eyes stood at the door frame and stared down at her falling frame. Even though Lucy could not fully remember her past life, she started to cry more and more as she looked longer into the shadow's eyes. She was mere inches from impact when a spirit in a tuxedo caught her.

The mysterious tuxedo clad man smiled down at her and said, "Hi Lucy, nice to meet you. My name's Loke. I am a Celestial Spirit and the leader of the twelve zodiacs. You might know me as Leo the Lion. Welcome to the Celestial Spirit Realm."


Hey everyone! I'm so glad you decided to check out my story. Its the first one I've ever made so I sincerely hoped you enjoyed it. I would love to hear feedback so I can get better at my writing. Thanks! Btw the song is called Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis. I love old music. Anyway, remember to stay sassy, classy, and a little bit smart assy!

Peace out!

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