Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

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Disclaimer: I don't own FairyTail nor it's characters.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You almost had me, Lucy," a beautiful red haired woman said with pride.

"Oh I don't know about that, Erza. Your hits and blocks are as strong as ever," Lucy replied.

"Don't think so low of yourself! I have been training for centuries while you have trained for a decade," Erza Scarlet instantly replied while waving her sword around.

"Of course Sensi," the blonde said, occasionally ducking to avoid the swinging sword.

"Lucy-hime, your father wants you in the throne room immediately," an unemotional voice cut in.

"Of course. Thank you, Virgo," Lucy said to acknowledge the pink haired, maid-like spirit.

As Lucy walked to the throne room she thought of her dad. The Celestial Spirit King was very kind to his subjects and when he saw the great potential in Lucy, he decided to adopt her. Lucy's days were filled with fun and laughter after being granted access to the Celestial Realm and for that Lucy was eternally grateful. Lucy reached towards the handle, but the memory of the glowing eyes resurfaced. A pain hit her chest so hard she almost crumbled onto the ground.

"Ne tenebrae et lux stellarum o specimina refulgeant. Sit casted potest ex obumbratio. Ego vis pacem in lucem, in tenebris non patiens," Lucy whispered as a bright light slowly surrounded her body.

The magic soon faded and left behind a star right above her heart. The star sunk into her skin and a wave of relief flooded her body. Lucy collected herself and walked into the throne room.

"Lucy," boomed the gigantic armor clad king. The Celestial Spirit King loved wearing silver battled armor, Lucy recalled him saying that,"It is as shiny as your star, Lucy." Lucy was very proud to say that Regulus, the head of the Leo constellation, was her star. The King's mustache was very long and took the shape of stars at the very ends. Lucy use to call him Big Mustache Man. That comment caused so much laughter throughout the Realm that there were reports in Earthland of a great rumbling in the Heavens that sounded too much like laughter to be thunder.

"Good afternoon, Papa," Lucy greeted her adoptive father in a cheery voice.

"Lucy I have some bad news. Zeref has struck again, but this time in the Etherious Realm. I have asked King Igneel to send two of his best fighters. I will need you and Erza to help them track Zeref," the king boomed once more. Zeref was an Earthland mage who had gotten cursed to live as long as people remember him. He had upset King Igneel of the Etherious Realm, so in spite the king sent a demon, who goes by the name Black Steel, to cursed him. Zeref found that he could cheat death if people kept remembering him. At first Zeref tried to do good deeds but he found that causing trouble made more people remember him.

"What has Zeref done this time," Lucy questioned with a hardened tone. Lucy's thoughts immediately went to her best friend. The loveable bookworm was only 4'11 but Levy could read and memorized a book twice her size in under a day. Her blue haired friend had been kidnapped by Zeref in broad daylight, and Lucy would never fully forgive herself for not protecting her better.

"He has kidnapped the demon known as the Sky Maiden," the King said with a cold and frustrated tone.

Lucy gasped at the ridiculousness of it. 'Does this guy have a death wish? He's in serious trouble now,' Lucy thought. The Sky Maiden was currently the most powerful healer in all three Realms and the sister of Salamander. Salamander was very temperamental and very possessive of his friends and family. To have your sister taken from right under your nose was going to cause a lot of destruction. Lucy paled at the thought of what Salamander might do.

"I know what you're thinking Lucy. Salamander is going to lose himself in a great rage and burn the three Realms. Instead he found out that we too are having the Since he is in a magic group demons call guilds, he invited two of our best fighters to help with the search party. I trust that you and Erza will find Zeref and bring back our loved ones," the giant spirit said with a voice full of hope and loss.

Lucy was at a loss for words. First the Celestial Realm and then the Etherious Realm? What kind of mad man would do that? 'Apparently this mad man would,' Lucy thought grimly. Lucy snapped back from her thoughts, quickly bowed, and headed off to find Erza and Virgo. Lucy found Erza and filled her in on their mission. She then instructed Virgo to pack her and Erza's belongings for the journey ahead. Erza and Lucy headed back to the room they once shared with Levy and both laid on their beds in silence, staring at the empty bed. Lucy then proceeded to crawl to Erza's bed, in which Erza opened her cocoon of blankets and let Lucy in. Erza hugged Lucy with a neediness that screamed,"I can't lose another close friend!". As they both fell into a dreamland, their last thoughts were of a smiling blue haired girl and glowing red eyes behind her.


Hey everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of Etherious Spirits. I've had a lot of fun writing this so far and its not even close to the end. Don't expect a new chapter everyday. I will usually have a week of separation between chapters. Anyway, the song is called Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles. I thought it was a fitting title since I love old music (I know I've mentioned that before) and since Lucy is currently with all the constellations, which all look like diamonds in the sky (remember that rhyme from when we were all young?). Remember to stay sassy, classy, a a little bit smart assy!

Peace out!

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