Earthland Is Closer Than You Think

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Disclaimer: I don't own FairyTail nor its characters.

     Lucy and Erza finished gathering necessities for their assumably long journey, with the help of Virgo, fo course. The King called upon the twelve personified constellations and created a portal to Earthland. Brown, green, and blue light began to fill the throne room they were in. When the light died down enough for the spirits to see, Lucy gasped at the beauty of Earthland. Breezes caressed the petals of different types of flowers and enchanted oak trees groaned in the light wind. Leaves fluttered to the fluffy grass, where deer and swans took a drink from the crystal blue water. Since the sun was high in the deep blue, cloudless sky, everything had a golden aura. Both women stepped out into the golden fantasy and marveled at the stunning sight before them. Of course the Celestial Spirit Realm was breathtaking, but after a while of living there, the magic dimmed.

"How troublesome," Lucy thought. She pushed her thoughts away and carefully studied the map of Earthland her father had given her. He claimed that the bright spot on the map was the meeting place that the demon prince himself had picked out, but Lucy was suspicious nevertheless. Demons had a bad reputation and were known to trick and cause trouble. The demon prince was no exception. Despite Erza's reassurances, Lucy felt as though they were falling into a trap. The red haired knight and blonde haired princess sank to the ground. Erza decided to stay on watch while Lucy slept. Lucy closed her eyes with a newfound drowsiness and laid on her side, the pillow-like grass comforting her head. She soon found herself in a deep, yet peaceful, sleep.

 Soon the sound of bickering and the rise and drop of temperatures was enough to both wake up and inform Lucy that the prince and his plus-one had arrived. Erza stood as straight as possible, dusted off her navy blue skirt, which had a sword in its hilt on her hip, and the top of her heart-crux armor. Lucy cleaned off what she called a stardress. She decided that wearing her father's stardress would signify her status. The dress consisted of a silver skirt that flowed into a sword like tip. The top only had a stunning ash gray breastplate and a white collar. She also had armor-like gloves on both hands. Her mid-thigh heeled boots also took on armor-like substance. On her left hip, there laid a whip called Fleuve d'etoiles. This whip could extend as long as the owner wanted and was unbreakable. On her right hip, Lucy wielded a sword that very much resembled the Celestial Spirit King's sword. She also had a brown pouch right next to the sword's hilt. The pouch had a requip type spell that allowed it to hold an infinite amount of items.

"What did you say Ice prick?! Don't think I heard you," yelled a demon with a flaming fist. He looked to be stuck as the same age Lucy was. Yes, Lucy and the other celestial spirits were "stuck" at the same age they died. She just wasn't sure if that was true for the Etherious demons. Seeing the demons she had heard about for ages the same age as her just confirmed her theory.  The demon on the right had vibrant pink hair and onyx eyes, which had a green tint to it. He was tan, tall (about 5'9), and looked like reincarnation of summer. His complete focus was on his "companion" and heating up any space within a 10-mile radius. Lucy could only think of one word to describe him. "Hot," Lucy thought with a slight blush dusting her cheeks. Knowing the blood was rushing to her cheeks, Lucy quickly looked down at her dress, quickly dusting it off once more.

"I said yer an idiot, Flamebrain," a raven haired boy spit out. This boy also looked to be stuck as the same age as Lucy and summer's reincarnation. With the same muscular build and height as his obvious rival, this person looked like the reincarnation of winter. Lucy also had to admit that this "Ice prick" was also good looking. Lucy wondered if the rest of the population in the Etherious Realm was this good looking or, for some cases, beautiful. Then again the seven demon classifications probably made them that way after death.

"SILENCE! Or I will personally deal with the both of you with no mercy," Erza roared after continuous moments of insults. Lucy smiled at her friend. "Erza will always be Erza," Lucy thought fondly. Lucy looked at the two demons and introduced herself.

"Hello. My name is Lucy Heartfilia and I'm the princess of the Celestial Spirit Realm. I was told by my father that there was a demon group called FairyTail run by the demon prince,"  Lucy greeted the two demons.

After Lucy finished her greeting, Erza quickly bowed and said," I apologize for my behavior but I'm  very intolerant of nuisances. I am the knight that the Celestial Spirit King decided to send. My name is Erza Scarlet. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Yo! My name's Nastu Dragneel. I'm a fire demon and the demon prince. My old man said that we were suppose to meet a princess and someone else here," Nastu said. If Lucy looked hard enough at his face, she would've seen a twinge of light pink dusting the tip of Nastu's ears.

"Yer an idiot, you arson. We're suppose to meet the Spirit princess and her knight. Maybe if you stop making eyes at the princess you would remember something that small," the frosty man said with a smirk. Lucy looked down and blushed. It was only when she felt eyes burning holes into her that she looked up. She found Nastu staring at her intently with a blush evident on his face.

The man jerked a thumb towards Nastu and said," Sorry about this idiot. He seems to found his m-...uh something that is very important to demon culture. Anyway my name is Gray and I'm an ice demon. Both of us belong to the FairyTail guild and soon you will be too."

"Well then lead the way, Gray," Erza demanded," and Nastu please stop staring at Lucy like that."

"Yes Ma'am!"

And that was the day Lucy met Nastu Dragneel, the demon prince, and Gray Fullbuster, the ice demon.


Hey everyone! I tried to get this chapter in as fast as possible. I had so many tests for school. Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to do my own stardress for the Celestial Spirit King and I'm kind of bad at details. I tried not to go into much detail for Erza because what she wears in the anime is what she wears in this story. The song is called Goo Goo Dolls by Iris. Stay sassy, classy, and a little bit smart assy!

Peace out!

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