The Start of a Fairytale

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 Disclaimer: I don't own FairyTail nor its characters

 Nastu lead Lucy and Erza to a city called Magnolia. Since the meeting place was in a country called Fiore, they didn't have to cross any oceans or rival countries. Lucy couldn't comprehend as to why humans couldn't just share the land they were given. In the Celestial Spirit Realm, there were no territories. Everyone shared what they had and that made everyone happy. Lucy could barely call the castle her own when random people would walk in and out, without a care in the world. Humans on the other hand, would get so mad if an unexpected guest would show up in their own home, let alone their own country.

"-ce. -uce? Lucy!"

Lucy snapped her eyes up, startled at the voice that cut through her thoughts like a knife so unexpectedly.

"Were you even paying attention? We're almost there," Nastu exclaimed. Lucy smiled at his reaction. Nastu was like a child receiving his Christmas and birthday present at the same time.

"Yes Nastu. You've reminded us about a thousand times in the past three minutes alone. Don't even get me started on the miles before. You couldn't stop jumping around when you told us about FairyTail," Lucy said with a small laugh. From what Lucy heard from Nastu about FairyTail, it was rowdy. What Lucy found surprising about the lively guild was that different creatures were there. There were demons, myths, monsters, human magicians, and there were even a couple of celestial spirits that were said to be admitted in FairyTail. Lucy couldn't believe how open they were to other creatures. Celestial Spirits usually kept to themselves since human magicians continuously called upon them to fight. Lucy was lucky that her key had not been found and was considered extremely rare, even more rare than the golden gate keys.

All of a sudden they stopped, making Lucy bump her nose on Nastu's shoulder.

"Hey, that hurt! Why'd we stop," Lucy cried while holding her nose.

"Sorry Luce," Nastu casted a glance over his shoulder, "but we're here."

Lucy's eyes widened in surprise and excitedly shoved Nastu aside to take in FairyTail.

It was a huge building that stood proud with an orange banner, and at a certain angle the banner was underneath a bell. The symbol was very weird and Nastu said that their first master tried to draw a basic fairy but it came out wrong. Even so everyone loved it and thought it represented the guild perfectly. Lucy couldn't help but agree that it gave off a home-ish feeling. Lucy also realized that both Gray and Nastu had the insignia but on a different part of their body. Nastu had his on his right shoulder and Gray had his on his right chest. Lucy thought that they saw Gray's mark more than Nastu's mark, since Gray was a huge pervert who was always stripping. Before the group walked in, Lucy had to admire the pride yet familial feeling the building gave off. It almost seemed familiar.....

Lucy gasped and sank to her knees

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Lucy gasped and sank to her knees. The scar right above her heart that had been concealed under her celestial magic had begun to show, and with it came a new wave of pain. Erza knew immediately what was wrong and tried to transfer some her her magic to Lucy; hoping that Lucy would be able to stand up and perform the spell that would make her feel better. Gray and Nastu stood frozen for a moment, "Like the idiots they are," Lucy thought. Then, in an instant, both tried to help Lucy up and they two gave her some energy. 

"Ne tenebrae et lux stellarum o specimina refulgeant. Sit casted potest ex obumbratio. Ego vis pacem in lucem, in tenebris non patiens," Lucy whispered as a bright light once again slowly surrounded her body.

Like before, once the light had faded a star formed and sunk into her body. The relieved Lucy looked at her companions with a grateful smile. Gray and Nastu looked like they almost had a heart attack and Erza gave her a huge bear huge. Lucy laughed but her focus was soon elsewhere.

The master of the guild, whom Lucy had expected to be King Igneel, was short and kind of old. He quickly walked up to Nastu and Gray, taking both into his arms as if they were his own children. He then turned to Lucy, who, in response, stood straighter.

"My child," the master said while blinking back a couple of tears, "what took you so long to return?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, totally confused.

"What do you mean, Master.....," Lucy inquired, hinting that she didn't know his name. The guild master quickly understood that Lucy, despite being the adopted daughter of the Celestial King, was very much like every other Celestial spirit or Etherious demon. Only a select few were able to remember their past. The master was human magician who survived.....that.

"I'm sorry my dear. I must've thought you were someone else. My deepest apologies," the master said with a heavy heart,"By the way my name is Master Makarov, but most people called me either Master, Gramps, or Makarov. Whichever you choose is fine with me." Master Makarov went on to talk to Erza, but kept looking back at Lucy. Lucy couldn't help but feel as if she had known this weirdly dressed, old man. "Maybe in my past life," Lucy thought.

When introductions were over, Makarov lead the team inside the guild. Taking occasional glances towards Lucy and Erza, Makarov opened the doors with flourish.

Lucy's eyes widened and her head throbbed until a vision, or memory, came.

Lucy suddenly found herself laughing. Her stomach hurt and her smile started to ache. The man next to her was also laughing, only his laugh sent happiness rolling through her. A cat was flying just above their heads, teasing them but Lucy couldn't make out the words. The man himself was blurred but Lucy didn't care. She felt content around this mysterious man. They laughed until they reached the doors of a guild Lucy could only say was FairyTail. Then the moment turned a tad serious. Both Lucy and the man fell silent and looked at each other. Even though Lucy couldn't control her body, she didn't really want to take control. She could feel the emotions that radiated from the girl she had possessed and the guy she was staring at. The look was filled with love, trust, and a promise to each other. Then they entwined their hands and strode inside.

Lucy shook herself from the happy vision just in time to hear the guild master say,

"Welcome to FairyTail!"


Hey guys, sorry I took so long to update! I really tried to come up with something for this chapter but I had a major case of writer's block. I honestly don't even know what to write in the author's note! Anyway the song is called Journey To The Past. It's a song in the movie Anastasia. It's beautiful and I thought it fit this chapter since Lucy had a vision. I hope you guys like this chapter, even though it's total crap. Remember to stay classy, sassy, and a little bit smart assy!

Peace out!

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