Memories: Part I

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Lucy had this weird habit of waking up right before needed. Some part of her body would shake her awake just before something big happened. In her previous life, or in what she could remember, she was a brilliant scholar but classes were boring. So right before the teacher would call on her, Lucy would magically wake up to answer the question. Sometimes her body wouldn't even let her fall asleep and start twitching until she gave up on sleep. This was one of those times.

"Oh! Lucy! You scared the living spirit of Mavis outta me!" Erza said while clutching her heart. Her eyes were closed and her.....erm.....very large chest heaved. Erza took deep breaths to collect herself.

"Lucy I need you to start collecting your stuff. The train has taken an unsuspected stop."

Lucy nodded and called out, "Open Gates of the Golden Bull, Maiden, and Sea Goat. Taurus! Virgo! Capricorn!" With a blinding light three shapes popped into existence, like they had opened an unseen door and jumped right through.

"What a rockin' booooody you have there miss Luuuucy!"

"Punishment time?"

"Always a pleasure to provide my services Miss Lucy."

"Guys!" Lucy yelled over their voices. She massaged her forehead, willing the headache to go away. Sometimes her spirits were just too much.

"Ok I need some help. I would like for Taurus and Virgo to help Erza store her stuff in the Spirit Realm. Capricorn you can help me store the rest of the stuff. Any questions?" Lucy really hoped they would help her. Even though people who found Celestial keys were suppose to take good care of the spirits that reside in them, most treated their keys like slaves. To stop this Lucy's special power was able to seek any and all keys. Who else understands a Celestial Spirit more than a fellow Celestial Spirit?

"Aye!" All three spirits saluted and, haven been given their orders, went to do what they were told. Since Erza was also a Celestial Spirit, Lucy had to continuously call open and shut her gate. Such exhausting work and the ever flowing of magic from Lucy made her sit to rest. That didn't keep her down though. Oh no. Lucy hated seeing her friends do all the work while their "owner" did nothing. Lucy wasn't about to become one of those people.

"It's ok Capricorn," Lucy said while refusing to rest," I'll be fine. I've already taken my rest."

"Please Miss. You need to rest. You're spending too much magical energy to keep going." Capricorn said worriedly. All of Lucy's spirit urged her to sit down (except Aquarius of course). Lucy refused of course until she felt a chill run down her spine. Lucy was no idiot. She knew someone was watching her and it wasn't just a quick gaze. The stare maliciously turned her body to ice but Lucy could do nothing to stop it. She felt paralyzed and tried to move something to warn the others. Fortunately Nastu decided to check up on Lucy and found her in a horrified state.

"Luce? You ok? Is there a something wrong? Are you in danger?! Are you hurt?! I swear to Mavis that I will pound anyone who made you feel that way." Nasty declared. He swung his arm protectively over Lucy's shoulders, pulled her towards his rock-hard chest, and his narrowed eyes swept over the crowd to find the invisible danger Lucy looked to be in.

"Nastu? Are you ok," Lucy asked nervously. She'd never seen him like this. Not even when Gray took his food! What had gotten into him? Another plausible question came to mind: Where had the person, who had been murderously glaring at her for ten minutes straight, go? It was as if he came out of thin air and then left the same way.

Nastu's eyes widened, having realized what he had just done. He couldn't tell her just yet. He needed more time for Mavis' sake!

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry...," Nastu trailed off awkwardly. He, very regretfully, moved away from Lucy. "Anyway, are you ok Luce? You looked horrified at moment ago."

"I felt a presence. A murderous presence directed towards me. I tried to warn you, Erza, Gray, and Happy but I couldn't move." Lucy shivered at the thought of such a malicious gaze directed towards her. What had she done to deserve such a gaze?

"If you feel it again, just tell me or signal me. I promise to protect you," Nastu said with an intensity that made Lucy squirm and heart thud. The threat of danger and the promise he had just made were familiar to Lucy but she couldn't pin down why...........

"We will get out of this mess, Lucy. I promise to protect you"

"I won't let you have her!"

"She'll never be yours in this lifetime or any other!"

"You're fine, Lucy. You'll be alright."

"Don't leave me.......please....."

So many dreams, or memories, clouded Lucy's mind that she didn't notice the blinding light that  started to surround her being. A magic seal formed below her and showed a crack in the ancient runes. The build up of her limited magic power wasn't enough to further damage the spell that kept her memories but it swelled to a point where everything exploded.

Soon Lucy found that darkness could crash onto her.


Hey everyone I'm back from the dead! Sorry for taking forever to do this chapter but I'm definitely going to try and update on time from now on. The song is called "Good Riddance" by Green Day. I hope you liked this chapter!

Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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