A Month Long Fairytale

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"Hey Luce! Check this out," Nastu shouted from across the guild. He was waving a paper that had the words "Need Help: Mysterious Dark Mage" printed in bold as a title. Lucy ran over, inspected the paper, went over to the bar, and had the job approved by the barmaid.

"Thanks Mira! We'll be back soon. Now I just got to get the rest of the group," Lucy said to both the barmaid and herself.

"No problem Lucy! Just come back safe. Hopefully you'll be able to find Wendy and Levy," Mira said with hope clearly in her voice. Lucy had been at FairyTail for a month now and she had come to know almost everyone. She found the mix of creatures very refreshing. There were humans, like Cana and her oblivious father Gildarts, Celestial Spirits, like Loke (to her surprise), and there were Etherious Demons, like MiraJane and her two younger siblings, Lisanna and Elfman. There were even mythical monster descendants, namely Evergreen (a gorgan), and descendants of holy priest and priestesses, like Juvia (a water priestess).

Lucy had never felt a sense of adventure each and everyday before. Even though Lucy could admit that she was having the time of her life, she and her group, which consisted of Nastu, Gray, and Erza, were rigorous in finding their loved ones. They even had help from a team called Shadow Gear, which had one human (Jet), one priest (Droy), one Celestial Spirit, and one Etherious Demon (Gajeel). Or they would have one Celestial Spirit....if Levy were there. Lucy scolded herself for thinking such hopeless thoughts. She then went to the table that had Erza, Gray, and Nastu all sitting and talking loudly.

"Hey Lucy, shouldn't you pack some clothes before we go to the train?" Gray questioned. Gray had become an older brother figure to Lucy and she was grateful to have him looking over her shoulder. He was always reminding her about stuff, like for instance, her clothes.

Lucy facepalmed herself. "Yes. I completely forgot. Thanks Gray," Lucy said. She then proceeded to run out of the guild and into her apartment. She quickly gathered her belongings and made her way to the train that was a few miles away from her new home. Erza came hauling a wagon of just her clothes.

"Lucy is that all you're bringing?!" Erza cried. Lucy giggled at her sister's antics. Though Erza isn't related by blood, Lucy could barely remember a time without her friend by her side.

"Erza you didn't need to bring your whole closet," Lucy teased. Erza blushed a light pink and started to refute but quickly closed her mouth. Lucy smirked when she saw this, knowing she had won their short argument.

Nastu interjected,"Luuuuuce I'm hungry. And I really really don't wanna get on the train. Can't we just, y'know, walk?" Lucy visibly cringed. The amount of magic in the Celestial World always made sure Lucy was, at all times, at full health and never tired. Earthland may have a significant amount of magic, but it wasn't as much as the Celestial World.

"Sorry Nastu. We're going on the train," Lucy said apologetically. She looked at him with so much pleading in her eyes, all Nastu could do was sign.

"Like I could ever say no to that face...." Nastu's sentence trailed off into jumbled words that Lucy couldn't hear. "I wonder what that was about", Lucy obviously thought. Lucy couldn't help but feel a pull towards Nastu. It was like he was magnet and everything she did always came back to him. Over the course of the month Lucy had been with FairyTail, Nastu had become her best friend. They did almost everything together and Lucy couldn't have been any happier. Being with Nastu just felt.....natural and.....safe? Lucy couldn't describe what felt but hoped to figure it out soon.

"So who's getting the tickets?" Gray asked with a smirk. The group froze. "Oh crap! The tickets!" Lucy mentally screamed. As if on cue, everyone, including Gray, facepalmed.

"HURRY UP BEFORE WE SHOW UP ANY LATER THAN WE ALREADY ARE!" Erza boomed. Lucy sweat dropped. Erza can go from a sweet sister to Satan himself. It was almost comical how bipolar Erza could be.

"Right away, Ma'am!" Both Gray and Nastu saluted Erza and took off towards the ticket station. Lucy burst out laughing the moment they did this. Erza couldn't even cover up a chuckle. When they came back, Happy was floating right above Nastu's head, holding two tickets that Nastu was trying to get.

"Is Happy joining us for the trip? I thought he was spending the week with Wendy and Carla," Lucy asked. The blue fur ball could get on her nerves like no other, but he was her family. She even considered him her child, but that would mean.....Nastu was the dad. Lucy tried not to think about that since it did dangerous things to her heart.

"Yeah he wanted to tag along. I don't know why though," Nastu said with disappointment laced in his indifferent tone. Unfortunately that made her heart flutter.

"Now Boarding: Mongolia, Fiore to Clover Town, Fiore!"

"Well it looks like it's time to board. Let's go," Gray said casually while he tossed his shirt to the side. Erza cleared her throat and pointed to his chest where is FairyTail mark stood proudly.

"Ah crap," Gray cursed silently. He picked up his shirt, threw it over his shoulder, and strolled to the train booth they were going to board. Erza followed after making sure all her "necessities" were securely fastened to the train. Lucy and Nastu, a force to be reckoned with, were barely enough hands to help her. When Erza sat down, Happy flying right above her, she brought out a strawberry cake, from thin air Lucy noted, and started to eat. With the amount of cake she ate on a daily basis, Lucy was surprised how fit Erza was.

"Ready Luce?"

Nastu's voice broke through Lucy's train of though, pun intended. When she looked up and their eyes met, Lucy saw worry, content, and an unknown emotion swimming in his eyes. He was holding out his hand for her to take, and take it she did. They glided up the stairs to their booth and electricity ran up Lucy's arm, giving her goosebumps. For a moment, or an eternity, they were in their own world, their own bubble, filled with happiness and safety.


The train's noise broke the moment and the real world came crashing through. Lucy's eyes widened and she looked down in embarrassment. Her already pink cheeks turned red when she felt Nastu's stare burning holes into her. A couple of minutes passed when Nastu finally stopped staring at her. When Lucy looked up, Nastu's limbs were splayed across the furniture, Gray leaned on the window, Happy was laying on Nastu's stomach, and Erza was still eating her cake. The first three were already asleep (their snores were loud enough to keep most people awake) so Lucy decided to get some rest too. She laid her head on the seat cushions and let the rumbling of the running train lull her to sleep.


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the late update but I was working on a couple of other works. I created a new book called Tell Me A Story so you should check it out. I've only done the first chapter though and I'm not sure if I should continue to write it. Let me know if I should by commenting or voting! Anyway the song is called "I'm Like A Bird" by Nelly Furtado and remember to stay sassy, classy, and a little bit smart assy!

Peace out!

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