Fleur Delcaour

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2. Fleur Delacour

The first time Fleur saw Bill Weasley was when he came with Mrs Weasley to watch Harry in the Third Task. 

She was amazed by what she saw. She'd never seen a man quite like him. Fleur had always been brought up to be elegant and proper. Bill was none of those things, and that was perhaps why she felt so attracted to him.

His long hair was definately not proper, and his clothes were certainly different. Especially the earring. She saw her mother give him a look that suggested that she disapproved, but Fleur couldn't care less. He looked perfect to her.

When her mother suggested that she return to England to improve her English, Fleur was overjoyed. After all, there was always the possibility that she could see the interesting man with the earring. But, for the first few months, there was no luck. She bought a flat with the money her parents had given her, and soon there was none left. So, one day, she decided to go to Gringotts, to get some more. After all, there was no possibility of her getting a job over there when her English was so bad. 

So she went. And there she saw him again. The man with the cool earring. He was just leaving when he saw her.

"Hey, aren't you the girl from the Tournament?" he asked. 

Fleur nodded, uunable to speak.

"Oh," he said. Then, "So, what are you doing in England?"

"I am here to eemprove my Eenglish," she tried to say.

"How's it going?" he asked, and Fleur had to wonder why he was still talking to her, and taking an interest. 

"Not very well," she admitted. "I can find no one to help."

Bill frowned. "Really? I would have thought... never mind."

There was a silence. 

"I have to go," Fleur said, to get out of the awkwardness, and began to move away.

"Wait!" he yelled.

Fleur turned.

"Why don't I help you with your English?" he blurted out.

Fleur's face brightened. "That would be great! Thank you!"

He grinned. "OK, great! How about I meet you at the Leaky Couldron tomorrow at noon, for dinner and a lesson?"

Fleur nodded. "Thank you. I shall be there."

"Oh, I'm Bill, by the way," he said before she left. "Bill Weasley."

"I'm Fleur," she said. "Fleur Delacour."

And she left feeling a hundred times better than she had that morning. 

As the months progressed, Fleur's English got steadily better. It was never perfect, and her accent was always there, but she learnt new phrases and words and was able to get a job in a little clothes boutique in Hogsmeade by the second month. 

 The lessons turned more to conversations, outings, and, finally, dates. From the first few weeks, they had been amazing great friends, but, by the fifth month, Fleur was utterly convinced she was in love. Bill, however, never seemed to feel the same. He even seemed to distance himself from her whenever they got too close. One day, she just asked him straight.

 "Why don't you like me, Bill?" she asked.

 He obviously wasn't expecting it, as he spat out his Butterbeer. They were at the Leaky Cauldron, for one of their lessons, and he had been even more distant that day.

 "I do like you!" he exclaimed, whilst magically mopping the table up. "Why do you think I'm dating you?"

 "Well,,," it was like most things. She knew that, as soon as she said it, it would sound stupid and insignificant. "You seem to... not like me... and... oh, I don't really know... you go all... distant sometimes."

 Bill looked guilty. "Look, it's not because I don't like you! It's just... well... I know you're part-Veela-"

 There it was again. That horrible word. 'Veela'. She hated it with all her might, because of what everyone thought it meant. They thought she enjoyed making random men fall head-over-heels in love with her without speaking a single word. They thought that she thought it was fun. Most people hated her for it.

 "-and I... I don't know, urm... I don't want to be like all the others and you think I just love you because of your ancestry. And I do. Really. Love you, that is, and I realised it ages ago and- why are you crying?" he looked quite desperate. 

 Fleur felt herself sobbing, and she wasn't sure why, because this was amazing to hear. "Parce que Je t'aime! Je t'aime! I love you!" And she'd switched to French, too, like she did in all emotional situations.

 But Bill didn't seem to care. He pulled her into his arms and, to her strange delight, she found he was sobbing too. Then he got down on one knee and pulled out a small box.

 "Fleur, I know we've only known each other for a few months, and I know you may think that I was really enchanted by the Veela inside, but, really, I do love you. You came to be my best friend and it would be my great honour to call you my wife. So, please, wou-"

 "Yes!" Fleur yelled, cutting him off. "But of course I will!"

 Tears of delight streamed down both their faces as he stood and kissed her. They were aware of the commotion they were making in the  pub, but they didn't care. They were truly in love.

I know, soppy, right? But it was sooo good to write :D It felt good to write something happy and nice and I really do love this pairing. It's like Beauty and the Beast and I think that they must have loved each other so much It just makes my heart go 'aaaaaaahhhhhhh' :D

I'm so weird.

Anyway, that's that. So, on to the next... whenever I get inspiration...

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