Lance - Little One, You Are Stronger Than You Know

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Word Count: 4,636

Just a side note here before anybody gets confused, this is taking place after the real Shiro gets reunited with the team and all, the only difference is that the castle is still there, and not crushed to infinity and beyond, make sense I hope?




Lance's mind couldn't quite grasp the word.

There was no way he could be paralyzed.


There wasn't any big deal that the building that they had been in suddenly collapsed, and Lance had been stuck under the rubble, a massive beam crushing his bottom half, and his helmet had been destroyed in the collapse so he couldn't call for help.

Just hoped he could scream loud enough for someone, anyone, help please, can anyone hear me?

It wasn't a big deal when Shiro and the others that had been digging for hours to find him, finally rushed him back to the castle, only to find that when he finally emerged from the cryo pod nine days later, that he couldn't move his legs.

All of his bones had been mended and healed up with no problem, his skin was clear and healthy without a scratch to be seen, it was just-


He would never walk again.

But there had to be some way to fix it.


He was a paladin of Voltron, for crying out loud, he couldn't be-

He swallowed.

He couldn't be-

He couldn't be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Blue eyes fell down to still legs, and he again tried to move them, for Christ's sake just move. He didn't want to be paralyzed from the waist down, he couldn't be, he was the right-hand man of Voltron, the red paladin.

Best friend to Keith.

Older brother to Pidge.

He choked on a sob.

Hermano to Hunk.

Like a son to Coran.

A tear fell down a mocha cheek.

And Shiro. He couldn't let Shiro see him like this. His hero, his idol, looking down at him because Lance could no longer stand on his own two feet. He felt so weak at that moment, so helpless that he couldn't even pilot his own lion, he'd be too much of a risk to his team because they couldn't make sure that Lance would fall out of his chair in the middle of battle and be unable to get back off the floor.

He could move his legs, right? It was just an over exaggeration, he was fine.

Lance closed his eyes, trying to feel his big toe move.

It was okay.

It had to be okay.

He was moving his toes, he had to be he had to-

He opened one eye and looked down.

Nothing happened.

His toes remained still.

And it took all of his willpower in that moment not to cry.

"Lance? Hermano? You awake?"

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