Keith - (Please)Don't Let Go

389 7 7

Word Count: 2,774

THAT MANY WORDS?!?!??? My gosh, I swear it only felt like a tiny blurb ^-^'


His hands were shaking.

Fingers twitching.

It was hard to grasp anything at this point but he somehow managed to hold fast to the controls, the only things seeming to ground him to the present.

But they were still trembling.

He- he couldn't get them to stop.

He couldn't exactly remember when they hadn't been.

At least not today.

Not since-



He couldn't think about that. The shock of seeing his teammates not looking to have aged a day during his two-year absence should be the least of his worries right now.

But Shiro-

No. He couldn't think about that either.


His right cheek stung.

He ignored it.

Gloved fingers tightened over the controls of the black lion to the point of wondering if he'd break them before he'd finished. It was only by the familiarity of doing it nearly a hundred times before that he was able to bring the mechanical beast down at all, touching ground in a burst of dust into the planet's atmosphere, thick clouds coming up to wipe out his visual of the planet's surface the moment the thrusters went silent.

His hands were shaking.

He clenched his fingers, clenched his eyes shut, leaned forward over the controls, praying everything would just- stop.

Why couldn't he stop?

Heck, they just defeated Lotor, he- he shouldn't be like this.

He should be happy to be back.

Happy to be with his team.

Happy to be with his mom.

But Shiro-

Shiro's dead.

That- that time in the astreal plane when he was unconscious, he- he saw Shiro, the- the real one.

The dead one.

He'd even said it himself.

It was by some freak miracle Keith was able to see him at all. He knew of the other paladin's experiences connecting with the generation of defenders before them, feeding thoughts and ideas, sometimes even memories. He'd been able to do it himself a few times with Alfor before he'd become leader.

Before the mental link went silent.

And Shiro-

A sharp gasp of breath, eyes stinging-

Shiro just managed to connect, his form far too fuzzy and transparent for him to hold on for long, just hanging on long enough to explain.

He was trapped.

Trapped on the astreal plane.

Worse than dead.

And- and he was dead, he-

Violet eyes widened at the thought finally came crashing down, throat constricting, the lump in his throat threatening to choke him as he brought a hand to his mouth, the other going to shut off the comm system before he finally broke.

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