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Caleb hasn't been able to think about anything other than what Eli told him. Abuse? He wasn't entirely sure whether it was the smaller boy's anxiety or whether he had a point. Either way he was going to investigate.

He followed the group of zombies back to their cabin, after dinner. He looked up at the cabin that was at least three times bigger than theirs, it had guards walking around the proximity. It was almost like a prison, with bars on the wooden windows. He understood that some people's mental health needed to be monitored 24/7, but this seemed a little extreme for a rehabilitation centre. He ducked behind a bush as a pair of guards approached him, he waited for them to leave before he crawled out towards the  open but gated cabin window. When he looked inside, he could make out a living room or a community room of some sorts, there was a few boys with their heads down, sitting on the sofa.

He watched for a while before he decided to leave, there wasn't much happening, and the guards would be back any minute now. As he turned to leave, he heard a shout from inside the cabin. He crawled back to the window and saw there was a guard with something spilt all down his body, and a rather large and muscly, but rather drugged looking boy standing unblinkingly in front of him.


When the boy didn't reply but rather began to drool slightly, unaware that someone had even spoken to him the guard sighed. He then angrily shoved the boy, who toppled onto the floor with a rather large thud. The other zombies didn't even blink. The guard walked out muttering something about lowering his drug dosage, "because it isn't fun when they don't fight".

Eli was right. He was beyond right. He was about to leave to tell Eli what he'd found when he saw movement. A smaller boy with dyed purple hair, had gotten up from the couch. He walked over to the muscly boy and stroked his light blonde hair and helped him sit up, he even wiped his drool. The boy then looked around as if making sure no one was watching, when he caught Caleb's shocked eyes at the window. A form of silent communication was passed between them, Caleb didn't know how but this zombie wasn't as drugged up as the others. The boy pressed his index finger to his lips, as if telling Caleb to stay quiet. He then pointed downwards. Caleb being rather confused looked down, he spotted several pieces of folded paper on the floor and picked one up. He must of been dropping notes for at least a week, as if hopeful someone would pick one up. He began opening it when he heard the guards approaching from around the corner, he didn't waste anytime in running towards his own cabin. Towards Eli.

When he got back into their room, he searched for Eli, but he wasn't in the room. He barged into the bathroom to see Eli, naked, with one foot in the shower facing the opposite way. Eli immediately squeaked and grabbed a towel to cover his exposed bottom. Caleb mentally burned the image of his beautiful body to memory, chuckling at the blush that tainted his entire form, even his little plump bum cheeks.

"C-caleb p-please tell me this is all in my imagination?" He whispered.

"Fuuuuck, I'm sorry. I didn't think that through, why didn't you lock the door?" He whined, praying his impulses don't wonder too far.

"You said you were going to the common room!" Eli exclaimed.

"Well, I didn't think you'd really be in here when I barged in!"

"Well I am!" He shouted.

Caleb was in shocked, Eli hadn't gotten angry with him before, not like this anyway. Eli's voice is constantly small and soft, sometimes riddled with concern or fear but never had he raised it. Eli always just understood Caleb's impulses without him even needing to explain, he honestly didn't think he'd be in there. Caleb had almost forgotten why he was in such a hurry to find him in the first place. Eli wasn't truly angry just shocked, irritated and trying not to panic as he stared at a now smirking Caleb.

"Well... are you going to get out?" Eli whispered, slightly embarrassed now.

"No, there something I need to tell you." He said.

"W-well hurry up then, t-this is so embarrassing."

"Would it help if I'm naked too?" Caleb smirked.

"Seriously, if you don't spit it out I might... might punch you!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure you will." Caleb teased.

"Caleb come on, please?" Eli begged.

"Alright, I followed the zombies back to their cabin."

"And?" Eli pressed, adjusting the towel around his waist, curiosity peaked.

"I saw someone, he was different. I think I figured out what zombie we need to talk too."

"Thank you for helping with this Caleb, but can we talk more about this when my nipples aren't on show?" Eli whispered timidly.

"Oh, but they're so cute!" He cooed.

Caleb laughed loudly as Eli shoved him out of the bathroom. Eli somehow found himself smiling as he entered the shower, as soon as he realised it was there, he scolded himself for liking such a lunatic. He couldn't believe he'd let himself reciprocate Caleb's feelings, or that he didn't particularly mind he'd just seen him naked. He was going insane, well more so than he already was. Caleb wore a smirk as he collapsed on top of Eli's bed, waiting for him to return. He dropped his leather jacket, forgetting all about the little piece of paper that he'd picked up earlier.

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