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"Bradley Blueford, Braaa-dley BLUEford."

"I told you not to call me that, its just Blue." He rolled his black-coffee coloured eyes.

Everyone had gotten a little drunk, but none more than Adam. This was the first time he'd ever drunk. He was spread out on the floor, giggling to himself. Blue glanced at his rosy pink cheeks, and glazed caramel eyes with hardly contained annoyance in his own. He was currently hiccuping, then immediately laughing because it felt weird. God, Blue thought he was a complete idiot. He doesn't know anyone here and he just went and got completely wasted. Everyone seemed to be in their own little world, and Blue couldn't leave Adam with strangers. Could he?

"Hey 'Blue'ford that's why they call you Blue, I guess." He giggled.

"Yes, obviously." He scowled.

"You know, you're rather terrifying..." He pouted, "Blue Bear." He added with a laugh.

"Okay, what cabin are you in? I think I should take you back."

"E-everyone in my form class says you broke head-boy C-charlie's nose because he laughed at you, it's not really hard to articulate Blue Bear, with your rather scary tattoos and..." He sighed dreamily, thinking about Blue's muscular form.

"So, are you going to tell me what cabin you're in?" He chose to completely ignore Adam's drunken rambling.

"They also s-said you sell drugs behind the tennis court, I've not done drugs before... I've never done anything like that." He frowned.

"You shouldn't, drugs are extremely bad." Blue sighed, lifting Adam up.

"Why don't I have any friends?" Adam sniffled, tears brimming his eyes.

"Oh, God. Do. Not. Cry."

"I don't understand, I've tried really hard... No one likes me. I never stayed out pass curfew, I've never done anything stupid, I've never had anyone to do it with. I've never even had a boyfriend, not even my first kiss..."

"You don't have friends because you embarrass yourself daily. And I mean daily. Do you remember when you fell over the janitor's bucket and slid all the way down the hallway in a wash of dirty bucket water until someone finally stopped you?

"Or when you tried hanging the banner above the foyer and you slipped and dangled like a monkey in front of the entire student body whilst they laughed? You even tripped in the canteen and spilled Shepard's pie all over yourself and the headmaster... actually that one was pretty funny.

"Anyway, that's part of it, but it's mostly because it's obvious you don't even like yourself, so why would anyone else like you?" He finished.

"Oh" Adam replied.

Blue seeing the tears in his eyes instantly felt guilty, he had quite a bit to drink and he was aware he could be a little too blunt at times. He sighed he never normally felt bad about it. He lifted Adam's arm over his shoulder, holding his waist firmly. He pinched the bridge of his nose briefly before deciding to take it back.

"I'm sorry, I mean I'm not sure why, you seem lovely."

"Really?" Adam beamed.

Blue lost a breath when he turned toward him, he was so close he could feel his breath against his lips. It smelt like alcohol, but tasted sweet. He had the biggest smile Blue had ever seen, all his pearly white teeth on show. He never realised his eyes, hair and freckles were all such a beautiful shade of caramel. He could pick up the faint scent of roses, and wondered if he was wearing perfume. For a second, he wondered what it would be like to kiss those light rosy lips, but Blue wasn't gay. He shook that off that thought. There was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, it's just Blue had never found anyone attractive before. Girls or boys.

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