EU-European Union

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So ever since the very beginning of this campaign, one of the most common comments I've been getting is:

'Is *insert country name here* in the EU?*

I've tried to respond to as many as I can but it has really gotten out of hand, so I figured I'd just explain it here quickly.

The EU stands for European Union.

The European Union consists of European countries.

Just European countries.

To make it easier for everyone, here is the list of countries that are part of the European Union:

-UK *although the UK is leaving in a few months and I believe doesn't have to abide by the EU laws anymore*

*Picture on the side of the EU on the map.*

Hopefully now it's clear which countries only will be affected by A13, if it comes to pass on January 21st

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Hopefully now it's clear which countries only will be affected by A13, if it comes to pass on January 21st.

In a week we'll know....

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