Cancelled Meeting

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Good news folks! Good news!

11 Countries have opposed A13 and due to this, the originally scheduled meeting for January 21st has been cancelled and will take place, I believe in March, correct me if I'm wrong.

Either way, this is good news because the more opposition is shown to this directive, the less likely it is to get passed.

It feels so surreal that what A13 would do could actually happen, I grew up with a Free Internet, but A13 could turn it into a prison, despite how hard it is to believe that.

I've been brainstorming of ways we could get around A13 if it pasess and if they really enforce it and a couple of ideas I thought of are:

-Create private community groups on social media and share our fics and fanart and memes there, because technically, those are private chats and not online posts so in theory, the filters shouldn't be able to strike us down there.

-Have a group where we exchange emails and use the email service to make a network and stay connected, but this is very inconvenient for everyone, especially very busy people who need their emails sorted and tidy for their jobs, but its still an idea none the less.

-Become vigilantes who oppose the opressing law and fight for our freedom.

(That last one was a joke, please don't take me siriously)

Back to serious business though, these ideas I presented are not likely to catch on, because I'm not sure if people would be willing to put in so much effort into it, but I wanted to present them either way, as a loophole of sorts, if the worst happens.

This is the article with the info I bring to you tonight:

Someone in the comments dropped me this link but I lost their username so I'm really sorry, if they see this I encourage them to take full credit for offering new info.

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